There are many practices and activities in the path of devotional service which assist and strengthen bhakti. Bhakti means the way to achieve Krishna’s Prema. Whatever helps one to develop the love for Krishna, one should accept. The basic principle is that whatever is favourable for bhakti, one should accept that and reject the unfavourable. The most profitable activity for bhakti is to observe fasts. Observing fast on special occasions like Ram Navami, Janmashthami, Gaur Purnima, and Ekadashi is of more importance.  

Glories of Varuthini Ekadashi

As per Vedic calculation, there are a couple of pakshas, Krishna Paksha and Shukla paksha, every month. So there would be an Ekadashi in every paksha, which means there are a couple of Ekadashi every month. So the Ekadashi, which occurs on the Krishna paksha of Vaishakha month, is known as Varuthini Ekadashi. Usually, Varuthini Ekadashi occurs in the month of Chaitra or Vaishakha. This is the most auspicious Ekadashi. One who observes fast on Varuthini Ekadashi is delivered from all sins, one who remains happy always and gets good fortunes. By giving charity to needy people on Varuthini Ekadashi, one gets the result equivalent to doing austerities for years.  

By observing fast on Varuthini Ekadashi, one gets relief from all distress. One gets the result equivalent to donating gold during the Solar eclipse. As per scriptures, by observing fast on Varuthini Ekadashi, one gets more fortune than donating land or an elephant. The donation of mustard seeds is said to be the best of all the offerings, but the donation of gold is even better than the donation of mustard seeds. Food donation is of more importance than the donation of gold, but the most promising of all donations is the Varuthini Ekadashi fast.

What Krishna says about Varuthini Ekadashi

Lord Shri Krishna also said, “Those who fix up their mind on the lotus feet of Shri Hari and faithfully observe fast on Varuthini Ekadashi will get the equivalent of performing austerities for 10,000 years. Chitragupta, who keeps an account of the deeds of human beings, is also unable to write down the merit of fasting on this Ekadashi. Even if the most sinful person observes fast on Varuthini Ekadashi, his sinful thoughts will gradually fade away, and he will attain a higher planetary system.” 

Liberation of King Mandhata and King Dhundhumara

varunthini ekadashi

Emperor Mandhata observed fast on Varuthini Ekadashi, and as a result, he was liberated. King Dhundhumara, who appeared in the lineage of Ikshvaku in treta yuga, was cursed by Lord Shiva. Dhundhumara observed fast on Varuthini Ekadashi and was liberated from the curse, thus attaining a higher planet.

It is not possible to write and tell the glories of Varuthini Ekadashi. Lord Shri Krishna said, “One who reads and hears the glories of Varuthini Ekadashi gets the result equivalent to donating 1000 cows. After leaving his body on the material world will certainly attain the Vaikuntha planet.”

Let’s take advantage of this great occasion and observe fast on Varuthini Ekadashi, which gives liberation from all distress, fears, and problems. Thus, in the end, he attains the love of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which is the goal of everyone’s life.

Hare Krishna!

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