A very famous saint Tukaram Maharaj of Maharashtra, said that- A person who obeys and fast on Ekadashi, he indeed attains the abode of God. The person who does not like the tithi of this Ekadashi is a person who lives in hell.

Tukaram Maharaja says that the one who has collected a good amount of virtue from the previous birth, only that person observes the Ekadashi fast.

Utthana Ekadashi is also known as devutthani Ekadashi, prabodhani, haribodhani Ekadashi.

This Ekadashi is considered more significant and more sacred than other Ekadashi. According to Vishnu Purana, Lord sleeps in Kshirsagar for four months on Ashada Shukla Ekadashi. 

According to Vishnu Purana, all their sorrows go away on this day, those who worship and remember Lord Hari. In the Skanda Purana, Brahma dev and Narada muni have been described as the glory of Utthan or prabodhini Ekadashi’s dialogues. Once Brahma dev started telling Devarshi Narada, let me recite the sage about the Ekadashi, which gives virtuous bliss and salvation to all.

The Glories of Utthana Ekadashi

This Ekadashi falls in the Shukla Paksha of Kartik month.The virtue obtained by observing this Ekadashi is many times more than the virtue obtained by performing a thousand Ashwamegh Yagya or a hundred Rajasuya Yagya. So after hearing this, Narada asked O Father, please tell me about the outcomes that can be achieved on this day by eating one time or doing complete fasting.

utthana ekadashi

Conversation between lord Brahma deva and Narada Muni

Brahma dev said- Eating fruits at one time on Ekadashi destroys the sins of a person of one birth. O son, by observing Utthana Ekadashi, a scarce virtue is attained in Tribhuvan. Like the mountain of Mandar, sins are also destroyed by the effect of this fast. The purity of this day can only be compared to Mount Sumeru.

Narada Muni has said, that Swami, please, how should this Ekadashi be done?” Tell us about this.

Lord Brahma said, O Dwijshrestha, after taking a bath in the morning, worship Lord Keshav, observe a fast so that O Lord Arvindaksha, I will not eat grains on Ekadashi. I will eat grains only on Dwadashi.

O Achyut, please protect me. Brahma Dev further said that one should observe fast for the whole day with love and devotion. One should awaken at night by chanting the name of Hari, listening to Kirtan and His sweet pastimes. One should give up the attitude of greed on Ekadashi. Whosoever virtuous observes such a fast, and he achieves his ultimate goal. Brahma Dev said whoever offers Kadamba flowers on this day to Lord Janardan. He never has to go to Yamaloka.

 O Narada Muni, one should do Hari Jagran on the night of Ekadashi and the day of Dwadashi, worship Lord Hari and complete the fast by feeding Brahmins. According to one’s ability, by worshipping the spiritual master, he should be given worthy Dakshina. This pleases Lord Hari. Thus Brahma explained the importance of Utthan Ekadashi to Devarshi Narada.

In Brahma Vaivarta Purana, it is said that whoever observes a fast on the day of Ekadashi. He becomes free from all sinful activities and progresses in spiritual life.

The Main Motive of Fasting

The basic principle is not to be hungry on that day, but to reduce the needs of our body and use our mind, intellect and senses to remember him more and invest more time in the service of the Lord and have to strengthen our loyalty and love for Supreme Lord Krishna even more.

Therefore, let us all also observe this most auspicious Ekadashi fast and most dear to Lord Krishna and listen to the divine pastimes of the Lord in the company of devotees.

Chant Hari Naam and do Naam Sankirtana to increase the Love of Krishna, the ultimate goal of life.

Hare Krishna!

Utthana Ekadashi Mahotsava ki Jai!

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