Online Puja
Our world is overflowing with the supreme Lord Krishna’s mercy and kindness. Throughout these tough times during our fight with Coronavirus, we need his blessings more than ever.
How you can offer online Puja?
Step 1. Select your thali and pay online. These thali’s will be only for 1 altar.
Step 2. Request for aarti video. After making payment you will be redirected to thank you page where you can submit your request.
Step 3. We will send you the aarti video.
Show compassion and love
for even the most fallen souls and remembering them in our prayers with the online Puja facility.
Remembering someone in our prayers while maintain distance is a way out during these uncertain times. His devotees are incredibly dear to Krishna.
Whoever serves Krishna with incredible faith undoubtedly gets a response in his way. The mantra “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare.. Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.., gives enormous harmony and inward ability to overcome the troublesome periods of life.

Archana Thali
₹ 251

Aarti Archana Thali
₹ 501

Maha Aarti Archana Thali
₹ 1100

Maha Bhog Aarti Archana Thali
₹ 2100

General Vigrah Sewa
Amount of your Choice
Invoke the Lord to bless you with his care. It draws you nearer to the Lord and will bring joy and flourishing.
SCAN & PAY with any UPI App

UPI: 8152687.6278.payuqr@indus
Account No.: 2223330044191637
Account Name: ISKCON DELHI
Appendages of Bhakti
One of the five significant appendages of bhakti, as referenced by Srila Rupa Goswami in Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu, is Preeti poorvak murti Sewa, or revering the divinity type of the Lord with incredible love and commitment.
Srila Prabhupada, in this way, introduced divinities in sanctuaries from one side of the planet to the other and urged the devotees to serve the Krishna.
In this undertaking of offering service to Lord Krishna, you get unceasing acclaim, and a little help offer to the Lord can shield one from the most hazardous sort of dread.
Online Puja
is a chance for you to get closer to the Lord and get into his lotus feet. Doing so would give mental resilience and fill you with the spirit to defeat fears. People throughout the world can now serve and worship Krishna together with all his devotees. .
There is also a facility to serve the cows, the residence of the farmer. It is your way to show how much you care how many you are in the portion with the Krishna—at the same time, offering Puja, even though digitally, you earn unlimited spiritual benefits while also supporting the temple to continue the high standard of worship.
You can offer Puja for occasions like birthdays, weddings in the memory of a departed; your one train to remove some obstacles to celebrate the Lord Krishna’s festival days will stop. Now stop waiting and Book your pooja slot Now!
Online Puja