The Glorious Life and Divine Leelas of Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj

The Glorious Life and Divine Leelas of Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj

The Miraculous Intervention of Srimati Radha Rani and the Devotee’s Journey

Once there was a terrible famine in Barsana. People did not even have grains to eat. At this time a pure devotee of Lord started thinking how to do Madhukari in this situation. So he decided to leave Barsana but it is better to give up one’s life than leaving Barsana. This devotee was still thinking this when suddenly a little girl came to his hut. That girl asked this devotee the reason for leaving Barsana.

So he put his problem in front of that girl. That girl laughingly said, “Oh Baba, that’s it. I am the daughter of Bankhandi Seth. You come to my house right now. There are some rotis kept for you in the kitchen shelf. Now go and take them.” Saying this, the girl went from there. This devotee was now a little confused but as soon as that girl said so, he went to her house. He went there and started begging.

When Bankhandi Seth came out, this devotee said, “Seth ji, your daughter has told me that there are some rotis kept in the kitchen shelf. Can you give me that alms?” After listening to this devotee, Bankhandi Seth could not understand anything. He went to the kitchen and saw that he was shocked. There were really many rotis kept in a shelf.

Seth brought those rotis and gave them to this devotee and also told him that his daughter was not a small girl but was married and did not even live in Barsana. Hearing this, the devotee understood that the small girl was none other than Shrimati Radha Rani herself. Then this incident spread like fire in the whole of Barsana. All the saints living there started coming to Seth Bankhandi’s house to beg for alms and even today the family of his descendants is the most prosperous and affluent family of Barsana.

So who was this devotee for whom Shrimati Radha Rani herself had arranged for Prasad? He was none other than the great Gaudiya Vaishnav Acharya Shiromani Shrila Jagannath Das Baba Ji Maharaj.

Appearance of Shrila Jagannath Das Baba Ji Maharaj

He appeared on this earth between 1750 and 1770 in Tangail village located in Bangladesh. Vrishbhanu Kund of Barsana used to be his residence. He loved the Dham so much that he used to stay in Braj Mandal for six months and in Navadwip Mandal for six months. Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur decorated him with the title of “Sarvabhauma”.

It is said that he was one of the most rasik Vaishnavas of his time. His interest in Harinam is revealed by the fact that he used to continuously chant Hari Naam for three days and three nights without eating or drinking anything and without sleeping. Apart from this, he also used to do 1108 Dandavat Pranams every day.

Shrila Jagannath Das Baba Ji Maharaj also followed the rules of Chaturmas with great vigor. In the first month, he used to eat only four bananas once a day. In the second month, he used to eat only a few guavas. In the third month, he used to take buttermilk only once and in the last month, he used to eat boiled banana flowers once a day and that too without salt.

The Miracle of Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj

Srila Jagannath Das Baba Ji Maharaj was known far and wide due to his devotion. Now what happened was that a big businessman named Srinath Roy came to his door and asked him about some supernatural thing. Baba Ji Maharaj started insisting to show a miracle. He said that there is no other miracle in this world except the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. But the businessman was still insisting.

Suddenly Baba Ji Maharaj picked up a stick lying nearby and started banging it on the ground. When Srinath Roy asked him the reason for doing so, he told that a goat was coming to the Samadhi of Shrila Loknath Goswami near Radha Kund in Vrindavan and was eating the Tulsi plants. He was using the stick to drive the goat away from there. Srinath Roy could not believe how Baba Ji Maharaj came to know about what was happening at the Samadhi of Shrila Loknath Goswami while living in Navadwip.

For assurance, he sent a telegram to one of his relatives who lived in Vrindavan and that person confirmed that a big wild goat had indeed come to the Samadhi of Shrila Loknath Goswami and was uprooting the Tulsi plants. But suddenly on hearing the sound of a stick, it ran away from there.

On hearing this, it was as if the ground slipped from under the feet of the businessman and he immediately ran away. Babaji went to Maharaj and surrendered to him. Due to the fame of Jagannath Das Baba Ji Maharaj, many people used to donate money to him. Once he asked his personal servant Bihari to buy rasgullas from the collected money.

What would a disinterested devotee like him do with rasgullas? When Bihari bought rasgullas and brought them, Baba Ji Maharaj asked him to feed all these rasgullas to the cows of the Dham and thus his affection for the residents of the Dham was amazing. In another such leela, when Baba Ji Maharaj was taking prasad, some dogs also started eating from his plate, then his servant Bihari chased them away from there.

Now seeing all this Baba Ji Maharaj got angry and asked Bihari to bring those dogs back otherwise he would not take the prasad. Then Bihari with great difficulty found all those dogs and brought them and Baba Ji Maharaj took the prasad along with them.

The Final Years and the Divine Revelation

When Baba Ji Maharaj’s age exceeded 100 years, then his body bent like a semicircle. He was not able to move even his body parts. Even his body got bent like a semicircle. Even to open his eyelids, he needed servants. His chief servant Bihari used to carry him from one place to another in a basket.

When he was 142 years old, Shrila Bhakti Vinod Thakur went to him to know about the place where Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born. In fact, Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur had obtained many maps from the Bengal government and with their help he discovered a place where there were many Tulsi trees planted but to prove this place he needed the help of Shrila Jagannath das Babaji Maharaj.

When Bihari brought Babaji Maharaj to the place, suddenly 142-year-old Babaji Maharaj jumped up from his basket and started dancing Hari Naam with full power and seeing this Shrila Bhakti Vinod Thakur understood that this is the birthplace of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Disappearance of Shrila Jagannath Das Baba Ji Maharaj

To lead the people towards Krishna Bhakti, Babaji Maharaj transferred all his divine knowledge to the heart of Shrila Bhakti Vinod Thakur and finally at the age of 144, Srila Jagannath das Babaji Maharaj left this earth and returned to Golok Vrindavan Dham. Srila Jagannath das Babaji Maharaj is the Rasik Manjari in the eternal leela of Radha Krishna.

On the occasion of his disappearance day, we pray at his lotus feet that he should light the lamp of devotion in our hearts too, so that all the evils in our hearts get destroyed and pure love of Krishna gets awakened.

Conclusion: Prayers to Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj

gauravirbhava-bhumes tvam nirdeshta saj-jana-priyah
vaishnava-sarvabhaumah shri-jagannathaya te namah

 I offer my respectful obeisances to Jagannatha dasa Babaji, who is respected by the entire Vaishnava community and who discovered the place where Lord Caitanya appeared.

Shrila Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaj ki Jai!

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The Glorious Life and Legacy of Srila Isvara Puri

The Glorious Life and Legacy of Srila Isvara Puri

Birth and Early Life in Kumarhatta

The Holy Birthplace of Srila Isvara Puri

Srila Isvara Puri was born in the town of Kumarhatta on the full moon day of the month of Jyestha to a family of brahmins. The town holds great significance for Gaudiya Vaishnavas because Shrivas Pandit and his brothers moved here after Mahaprabhu took sannyas, unable to tolerate the painful reminders of Him in Navadvipa.

Kumarhatta’s Significance for Gaudiya Vaishnavism

Isvara Puri’s birthplace is popularly known by the name of “Chaitanya Doba,” meaning “a pool of water.” When Chaitanya Mahaprabhu passed through Kumarhatta on His way to Puri, He picked up some earth from the place of His spiritual master’s birth, wrapped it in His cloth, and took it with Him. This act was followed by thousands of pilgrims, creating a pit that later filled with water.

Initiation and Spiritual Mastery

Taking Shelter under Madhavendra Puri

Isvara Puri’s sannyasa name is widely known, though his name prior to taking sannyasa is not recorded. His father’s name was Shyamasundar Acharya. Ishwara Puri took initiation from Madhavendra Puri, the embodiment of nectarean devotional love. Madhavendra Puri was also the spiritual master of Nityananda Prabhu.

The Power of Guru-Disciple Relationship

Madhavendra Puri was very pleased with Isvara Puri’s sincere, affectionate service, showering him with blessings that immersed him in the ocean of love for Krishna. The relationship between Guru and disciple is key in spiritual progress. By pleasing the spiritual master, a disciple attains auspiciousness, but the reverse leads to inauspiciousness. The guru is eternal, and our relationship with him is also eternal. So, we must always try to please the spiritual master.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Connection with Isvara Puri

This is the famous connection between Isvara Puri and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu—Mahaprabhu took initiation from him. While Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and doesn’t need initiation, He set an example for the world by teaching the necessity of sheltering under a bonafide spiritual master.

The Divine Meeting of Mahaprabhu and Isvara Puri

Mahaprabhu traveled to Gaya for a specific purpose—His father had left this world, and He went there to perform the final oblations. It was there that He met Isvara Puri and took initiation from him. Afterward, He began displaying signs of love for God and engaged in divine pastimes upon returning to His homeland.

The Importance of Guru and the Initiation of Mahaprabhu

When Mahaprabhu and Isvara Puri met, they were overcome with ecstasy, drenched in tears of prema. Mahaprabhu expressed, “My pilgrimage to Gaya is successful today because I have seen your lotus feet.” He offered His body to the service of the Guru and requested to drink the nectar of Krishna’s lotus feet. This highlights the supreme importance of the guru in spiritual progress.

Isvara Puri’s Impact on Mahaprabhu’s Life

A Guru’s Blessings and Divine Love

Mahaprabhu’s pilgrimage was marked by His personal service to Isvara Puri. After performing oblations for His father, He returned to His room to cook, personally preparing food for His spiritual master. Mahaprabhu’s act of cooking and serving demonstrates the ideal way to serve the Guru.

Mahaprabhu’s Service to His Guru

Isvara Puri had met Mahaprabhu earlier in Navadvipa, even before giving Him the ten-syllable mantra in Gaya. He also met Advaita Acharya, who had similarly been a disciple of Madhavendra Puri.

Devotional Service and Guru’s Mercy

Mahaprabhu’s Demonstration of Guru Seva

Isvara Puri came to Navadvipa and stayed at Gopinatha Acharya’s house. At that time, Nimai Pandit was absorbed in His studies. He met Isvara Puri in disguise, and no one initially recognized him. However, the divine lustre of a Vaishnava cannot remain hidden from another, and Advaita Acharya eventually recognized Ishwara Puri as Madhavendra Puri’s dear disciple.

The Blessings of Isvara Puri in Navadvipa

The First Meeting with Nimai Pandit

One day, when Mahaprabhu was returning from school, He met Isvara Puri on the way. Isvara Puri was struck by His demeanor and felt a deep affection for Him. Upon learning that Mahaprabhu was Nimai Pandit, Isvara Puri was delighted and humbly accepted an invitation to lunch.

Ishwara Puri’s divine presence was soon recognized by the devotees, and a loud chant of “Hari! Hari!” echoed throughout. This moment marked the recognition of Isvara Puri’s true identity as a spiritual master.

Srila Isvara Puri’s Disappearance

Srila Isvara Puri’s disappearance is a day of deep reflection for devotees. His life was a testament to pure devotion and surrender to Lord Krishna, and his teachings left an indelible mark on the Bhakti movement. As the spiritual master of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, his legacy continues to inspire countless souls on the path of devotion. On this day, we honor his transcendental contributions and pray to follow in his footsteps, seeking the mercy of the guru and the divine grace of Lord Krishna.

The Importance of Serving the Guru for Spiritual Progress

The life of Srila Ishwara Puri teaches us that Guru-seva is essential to attain love of Godhead. As Mahaprabhu Himself showed, serving the guru leads to the fulfillment of all spiritual desires.

“Srila Isvara Puripada Ki Jai!”

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Srila Jayadev Goswami

Srila Jayadev Goswami appeared in Kendubilva gram in West Bengal’s Birbhum district in the 11th or 12th century. At that time King Laxman Sen’s kingdom was in Navadwip. The village Kendubilva is situated near the Ajay River. He received his deities of Shri Shri Radha Madhav from the river. Srila Jaydev Goswami used to worship it. These deities of Shri Shri Radha Madhav are now present in Kanak Vrindavan near Jaipur. Srila Jayadev Goswami’s father’s name was Bhoj Dev and His mother’s name was Vama Devi.

How did Srila Jayadev Goswami’s marriage take place?

There used to be a Brahmin in Jagannath Puri and that Brahmin was not having any child, so for a long time, many years, he was praying to Lord Jagannath for a child. Lord Jagannath blessed him a lot and then They had a daughter named was Padmavati, and as the daughter grew up, after some time when she became eligible for marriage, then the Brahmin brought his daughter to Lord Jagannath and the Brahmin said that Jagannathji, I have dedicated this daughter to your feet, I want to get her married. So Jagannath ji again came to him in his dream and told him to go to Navadwip, My devotee Jayadev Goswami is there and he always chants the names of Hari, he is a very detached Vaishnav.

And you get them married to him. Then that Brahmin came to Sri Jayadev Goswami with his daughter and Sri Jayadev Goswami understood why he had come. Jayadev Goswami clearly refused saying that he had no interest in marriage.Hearing this, the Brahmin became very sad. Then the Brahmin said, okay if I cannot marry her to you then I will not take my daughter back with me. So the Brahmin left his daughter there and after that his daughter said, Oh Vaishnav Thakur, if you do not accept me, then I will give up my life right here. You are my Lord, my master. I have accepted you from my heart. I cannot accept any other man.

So Jayadev Goswami got very worried. And Sri Jayadev Goswami was forced to marry Padmavati. This is how Sri Jayadev Goswami married Padmavati.

Sri Jayadeva Goswami started writing a book in Champahati at that time, whose name is Gita Govinda. He has written Dashavatara stotram in mangalacharan, in the beginning. We sing one of those hymns every day when we praise Lord Narasimha in the morning.

tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-śṛńgaḿ
keśava dhṛta-narahari-rūpa jaya jagadīśa hare

Govardhan Acharya was a minister in the kingdom of King Laxman Sen. When Govardhan Acharya read this Dashavatara stotra, he was very impressed. He said that I should show this Dashavatara stotra to the king. The king will be very happy after reading it. So Govardhan Acharya took this stotram to him and showed it to him. The king was very happy. He was impressed and asked who had written this.
I want to meet that Vaishnav. Then Govardhan Acharya said that this is Jayadev Goswami who has written this Dashavatara stotra. He does not meet any one, any king, any person with special status. Then the king said, okay, I will go in disguise but I will definitely meet him. He came once in disguise and was very impressed after seeing Sri Jayadeva Goswami. He prostrated himself before him like a humble Vaishnav and bowed his head before him. Jayadev Goswami welcomed him with great respect and honoured him.

From his words it became clear that this is King Lakshman Sen. The King invited him and said that you come and become the poet of our kingdom, become the court poet.Then Jayadeva Goswami said that it is okay if you are forcing me to become your court poet, if I become a poet then I will not stay here in Navadwip. I will go from here to Jagannath Puri, but I cannot come to you. The king thought that he is a very detached Vaishnav. Then he said that there is a very beautiful place in Champahati, there are Champak trees all around, you will like it a lot. You will be able to do your bhajan very well there. So in this way, the king is praying again and again.Then Jayadeva Goswami accepts this proposal and starts living in ChampaHati in Navadwip.

He had started writing Gita Govinda further. So when he was writing Geeta Govinda, he reached the tenth canto. There he was remembering the leela
that Radha Rani is waiting for Krishna, Krishna has delayed. She became very angry and started expressing her pride and Radharani refused to meet him or talk to him. So when Radharani expresses her pride, it becomes very difficult for Krishna to break that pride. Although Krishna is the supreme Lord.

But even though he has to bow before Shrimati Radharani and what did Krishna do to break the maan, he took Radha’s feet and wore it on his head, such a leela was energized. Sri Jayadeva Goswami stopped after writing the first line In which he wrote smara garala khandanam. He wrote only this much, after that he stopped, his hands started shaking and he could not write further.

Sri Jayadeva Goswami said, what am I writing, That is all the powers are manifested in the Almighty Lord Shri Krishna and Radharani is his antaranga shakti, she is his eternal servant. How is it possible that the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna will wear the feet of Radha Rani on his head? Is this possible? He put down the pen and went to take a bath.Then the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna himself arrived at his house assuming the guise of Sri Jayadeva Goswami and went inside the room and completed that line smara garala khandanam mama sirasi mandanam dehi pada pallavam udaram

Padmavati got the opportunity to serve Prasad to Lord Krishna who was in the guise of Sri Jayadev Goswami. He took the prasad and left. After sometime original Sri Jayadev Goswami came back after taking a bath. He
saw Padmavati accepting the prasad. What are you doing? Today I am seeing such a scene Padmavati that you are taking the prasad before me, what is the reason? Is your health fine?

Padmavati said that you have come back so soon, you had just gone. I am not able to understand what is happening. So Jayadev Goswami went inside and he saw Gita govinda. He could see the complete line in it. Jayadev Goswami understood it directly, Madhav, Krishna himself had come here and he has completed this line, this is a miracle. He called Padmavati, see what a miracle has happened, do you know Madhav himself came and completed the line? He certified that what I have written is correct and you are very fortunate. You fed Prasad with your own hands to Madhav.

I did not get this good fortune. So in this way Jayadev Goswami wrote the book Gita Govinda, which is very popular, even today in Jagannath Puri. Jagganathji likes Gita Govind very much and there are many incidents related to it.

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also appreciates the Gita Govinda written by Sri Jayadeva Goswami.
Day and night, the Lord would speak as though He were Radha meeting Uddhava. He would also relish the poems of Chandi Das, Jayadeva Goswami and Vidyapati.

(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.13.41-2)

Sri Jayadeva Gosvami also composed a book named Chandraloka. His disappearance is on Pausha Sankranti.

We pray at the lotus feet of Sri Jayadeva Goswami that we may develop strong faith in the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna and become intensely engaged in the pure devotional service of the Lord.

“Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”


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Honoring Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami’s Devotional Journey

If you are a devotee of the Gaudiya Vaishnava faith, then you surely know the significance of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami’s appearance day. One of the six Goswamis of Vrindavan, Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami, is known to have been at the forefront of forming the theological and spiritual underpinnings of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. The way he lived his life is a strong example of persistent devotion, deep learning, and an unrelenting dedication to promoting Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s teachings.

The Early Life and Birthplace of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami

Today, we know the village where Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami was born, Srirangam, Tamil Nadu. It was earlier known as the village of Bel Gundi, which was close to the Kaveri River in Sri Ranga Kshetra. He was born in 1503 into the home of Sri Venkat Bhatta, a devoted Sri Vaishnava priest. His family displayed deep devotion to Srirangam’s ruling deity, Lord Ranganatha, and Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami displayed remarkable spiritual qualities at a young age, whereby he was observed performing religious activities.

Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Visit to South India

During his tour of South India, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited Srirangam, where he met Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami—a meeting that became a turning point in Gopal Bhatta’s life. During the Chaturmasya period, Mahaprabhu spent four months at the home of Sri Venkat Bhatta. Then, young Gopal Bhatta was greatly influenced by Mahaprabhu’s friendship and blessings during this period. It gave him a deep love for the teachings of Bhakti. He learned from him to dedicate his life to the service of the Supreme Lord, which became his guiding principle.

Journey of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami to Vrindavan

Srila Rupa Goswami and Srila Sanatana Goswami became two of the most important disciples or students of Mahaprabhu, and they welcomed Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami to Vrindavan after his parents left.

In the valley of Vrindavan, Gopal Bhatta immersed himself in activities like spiritual service, worship, and writing. He further went into spirituality and bhakti with his contact with the other Goswamis.

The Shaligram Miracle to Know About

Once, on his preachings tour, an event happened with Srila Gopal Bhatta that changed his life. He witnessed a miracle while he was offering water to the Sun while bathing in the Gandaki River. Now, what was that miracle? Well, as he cupped water in his hands, a Shaligram stone materialized, and as he kept offering water, twelve Shaligram stones appeared one after the other. He understood that this was a gift from God, so he went to Vrindavan with the Shaligrams and worshipped them in his kutir on the Yamuna River near Keshighat.

Manifestation of Shri Radha Raman

The faith and devotion of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami to the Supreme Lord grew with yet another incident that he witnessed in his life! Once, a merchant was visiting Vrindavan and gave the Goswamis’ deities priceless garments and decorations. Gopal Bhatta Goswami felt sad because his Shaligram deities did not have a human-like shape in which to wear these ornaments. He wanted to devote himself and pray to the Supreme Lord with more intensity, so much so that he could not even sleep at night.

A Night of Intense Prayer

In his endeavour to pray more intensely and devote himself to the Supreme Lord, he observed that his One Shaligram stone out of twelve had changed into the lovely deity of Shri Radha Raman the following morning. He was holding a flute and in a tribhanga (threefold bending) position. The Shaligram stone had changed the way he manifested it. This brought immense joy to Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami, and he gifted the deity clothes and ornaments and organized a grand appearance festival, inviting Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila Sanatana Goswami, and other devotees.

The Unique Attributes of Shri Radha Raman

To date, devotees have immense faith, respect, and love in their hearts for the Shri Radha Raman deity. According to some of the devotees, Shri Radha Raman’s face is similar to “Govind Dev Ji,” his chest is similar to “Gopinath Ji,” and his lotus feet are similar to “Madan Mohan Ji.” So, worshipping the Shri Radha Raman is considered equivalent to the worship of Vrindavan’s three main deities. Shri Radha Raman Ji has stayed in Vrindavan and is worshipped by everyone with the same faith and attention as before, in contrast to many other deities who were relocated to Jaipur during times of political turmoil.

Contributions of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami to Gaudiya Vaishnavism

The Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition has benefited greatly from Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami’s contributions. This is because he has served significantly to the creation and preservation of religious literature. He wrote “Laghu Hari Bhakti Vilas,” a book that explains the importance and details of customs and values of devotional life in the direction of Srila Sanatana Goswami. Later, Srila Sanatana Goswami revised and even made this book bigger to create the extensive “Hari Bhakti Vilas,” which included a thorough commentary called “Digdarshini.”

Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami is known to have spread the teachings of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Bhakti Rasa through his writings and lectures.

The Legacy of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami: A Life of Devotion and Inspiration

Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami played a significant role in helping people understand and follow the path of bhakti. He created a lot of disciples, and he was found disseminating the teachings of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, permanently altering the Vaishnava tradition.

In 1578, Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami entered the Lord’s eternal pastimes on Shravan Krishna Panchami. His sacred samadhi, located near the Shri Radha Raman temple in Vrindavan, remains a cherished place of pilgrimage. Thousands visit this temple to experience the serene atmosphere and behold the breathtaking beauty of Shri Radha Raman Ji, who is revered as a symbol of Gopal Bhatta Goswami’s devotion and the Lord’s boundless grace.

To this day, the legacy of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami inspires countless individuals to follow the path of Bhakti, reminding us of the Lord’s response to unwavering faith and sincere service. By remembering his life, teachings, and contributions, we not only strengthen our spiritual journey but also draw closer to the Supreme Lord. May we all be blessed, like Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami ji, to render loving service to the Supreme Lord. Hare Krishna!

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Sri Madhvacharya: The Defender of Dualism and Bhakti Yoga


Sri Madhvacharya, also known as Madhva, was a great philosopher and spiritual teacher who lived in 13th-century India. His life and teachings have had a profound impact on the world of spirituality, particularly in defending the principles of dualism and promoting the path of bhakti yoga. On his appearance day, let’s take a closer look at the fascinating life and teachings of this spiritual luminary.

The Divine Transmission

In the tradition of passing down spiritual knowledge, Lord Vishnu shared profound wisdom with four remarkable personalities: Lakshmi Devi, Lord Shiva, Sri Brahma, and the four Kumaras. These four spiritual figures, in turn, passed on this knowledge to four devoted souls, laying the foundation for four distinct lineages, or Sampradayas:

  •         Lakshmi Devi transmitted her knowledge to Ramanujacharya, forming the Sri Sampradaya.
  •         Lord Shiva imparted his wisdom to Vishnuswami, creating the Rudra Sampradaya.
  •         Sri Brahma shared his insights with Madhvacharya, establishing the Brahma Sampradaya.
  •         The four Kumaras passed on their knowledge to Nimbarka, leading to the Kumara Sampradaya.

Sri Madhvacharya: A Life of Devotion

Madhvacharya was born into a Brahmana family in the coastal town of Udupi, South India. His early life was marked by extraordinary events and displays of divine power, such as turning tamarind seeds into coins and defeating a snake demon with a touch of his toe.

His exceptional intellect and insatiable thirst for knowledge led him to embark on a spiritual journey at the age of twelve when he accepted sannyasa, a renounced way of life. Madhvacharya traveled extensively across India, seeking wisdom and mastering various fields of knowledge.

Meeting with Srila Vyasadeva

One of the significant milestones in Madhvacharya’s life was his meeting with the great sage Srila Vyasadeva at Badarikashrama, a sacred place of pilgrimage in the Himalayas. Under Srila Vyasadeva’s guidance, Madhvacharya’s scholarship and spiritual understanding reached new heights.

Return to Udupi

After his extensive travels and learning, Madhvacharya returned to Udupi, where he continued to display his divine qualities. In Udupi, an incident involving a merchant ship carrying a special cargo of gopi-candana (clay from Krishna’s Vrindavana) took place. This event revealed a Deity of Lord Krishna concealed within the clay, complete with a stick and a lump of food. Madhvacharya composed a heartfelt prayer of gratitude and established the worship of this Deity, a practice that continues to this day.

Defender of Dualism

Madhvacharya’s profound intellect and devotion to Lord Krishna made him a staunch defender of the philosophy of dualism (Dvaita). He passionately argued against the impersonalistic views of the Mayavadis, who considered God’s form as an illusion. Madhvacharya’s philosophy of shuddha-dvaita, or pure dualism, logically established that God is eternally a person and is forever distinct from His creation.

Bhakti Yoga and Individuality

Furthermore, Madhvacharya emphasized the path of bhakti yoga, which teaches that the individual soul is eternally a servant of Lord Krishna. Contrary to the Mayavadis, he asserted that the soul retains its unique and individual identity even after returning to the spiritual realm through devotional service. Madhvacharya’s teachings underscored the eternal relationship between the soul and the Supreme Soul, emphasizing that they do not merge into a singular entity.


Sri Madhvacharya’s life and teachings continue to inspire seekers on their spiritual journeys. His unwavering devotion to Lord Krishna, his defense of dualism, and his promotion of bhakti yoga have left an enduring legacy in the world of spirituality. As we celebrate his appearance day, we honor the sage who illuminated the path of devotion and emphasized the eternal individuality of the soul, guiding countless souls toward spiritual realization.

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Srila Vrindavandas Thakur’s Journey of Pure Bhakti

Srila Vrindavandas Thakur’s Journey of Pure Bhakti

Man often tries during his lifetime to attain the blessings of Supreme lord but do you know anyone who has received the blessings of Supreme lord even before birth? No,we are not talking about Parikshit Maharaj, he had received the blessings of supreme lord in his mother’s womb. We are talking about such an Acharya who was blessed with the grace of Supreme Lord even before coming into the mother’s womb. We will tell you about such a great Vaishnavacharya who, with the flood of his love for Krishna, organized such a river in which even today if a person drowns, he swims across this worldly ocean.

But who is this great teacher? And which stream did he create? To know this you will have to stay with us in this blog till the end. This is the story of the time when Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was manifesting His divine pastimes in Srivas aangan and at that time a supernatural incident happened as you all know that the most munificient incarnation of Lord Sri Krishna i.e. Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who was about 500 years ago Krishna had appeared on this earth to provide love to the conditioned souls.

So one day Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu suddenly came to Srivasangan and it was me! They started chanting ‘I am the one’. He called out all the people present in Srivasa’s house to bestow His special blessings and started manifesting Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. At that time there was also a small four year old girl there, her name was Narayani. She was the daughter of Shrivas Thakur’s brother. Seeing Narayani, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu called her Narayani! Take the name of Krishna and cry in divine joy.

As soon as he heard the words of the Lord, Narayani started losing consciousness and said, O Krishna! Hey Krishna! Saying this, tears started flowing from her eyes and she fell on the ground showing all the signs of pure love and thus Narayani received the special mercy of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at the age of only four years. Gaur Hari Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu whenever Narayani,

He was seen showing special affection towards her and giving him his Mahaprasad. After some time, Mahaprabhu took Sannyasa and left Navadweep. Here Narayani was also growing up and got married and moved to another village. But the river of love for Krishna given by Mahaprabhu always kept flowing in his heart and in the womb of this Narayani, a divine child and a great Acharya was born who had received the special mercy of Lord Shri Krishna even before the time of his pregnancy.

It was around 1507, This great Vaishnav Acharya was born in Mamgachhi village situated in Navdvip on the Krishna Dwadashi day of Vaishakh month. Whom the world knows today as Srila Vrindavandas Thakur.

Srila Vrindavandas Thakur had devotion to Supreme lord Krishna since childhood. His father died when he was in the womb. He lived in Mamgachhi village till the age of ten. There he was brought up with great care in the house of Shrivas Thakur’s wife Malini Devi. He also completed his practice there. At the age of 16, he took initiation from Shri Nityananda Prabhu, the incarnation of Balram Ji.

Sri Nityananda Prabhu wanted Srila Vrindavandas Thakur to help him in the propagation of Krishna Bhakti. Thus, it was the special grace of Nityananda Prabhu and by his grace, Sri Vrindavan Thakur, while staying in Denur, composed Chaitanya Mangal which was later known as Sri Chaitanya Bhagvat. Chaitanya Bhagavat describing the pastimes of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the stream in which a person who once drowns swims to this ocean of existence. Sri Krishnadas Kaviraj ji, who composed the great book Sri Chaitanya-Charitamrit, says that by listening to Chaitanya Bhagvat Katha, all the inauspicious things are destroyed and its reading.

By doing this the person will be able to understand the divine pastimes of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu and ultimately he will attain pure love of Krishna. When Srila Vrindavan das Thakur reached his youth, there was a desolation in the Gaudiya Vaishnava sect because Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his associates had left this earth and at that time the empire of Smartha Brahmins was spread.

Smart Brahmins are those who are only interested in material benefits through rituals, for them the path of devotional service has no importance. Such Brahmins had spread very bad rumors all around at that time about Vaishnav sect and Sri Nityananda Prabhu. And at many places, they kept the idol of Maa Kali along with Lord and worshiped her. But even at such a time, due to the blessings of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Srila Vrindavandas Thakur continued to preach pure devotion with the same enthusiasm and he offered the summary of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s teachings and devotion to the world in the form of Chaitanya Bhagvat Granth.

The thing to think about is whether an ordinary human being can have this much capability. No! Only those who do the preaching work of lord and receive His special blessings can be His councilors and that is why in the eighth Chaitanya-Charitamrit 1.8.34, Krishnadas Kaviraj says Krishna Leela Bhagwat Kahe Vedavyas Chaitanya Leelar Vyas Vrindavandas That is, just as Vyasdev has described the divine pastimes of Lord Shri Krishna in Srimad Bhagvat, in the same way Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur has described the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in this book.

Further in the chapter, in the 82nd Pyaar of the twentieth chapter of Antya Leela, it is again said that Vrindavan Das Thakur is a dear devotee of Lord Nityananda and hence he is basically Vyasadeva who described the divine pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Not only this, poet Karnapur also tells in the 109th verse of his Gauranganodesh Deepika that Srila Vedvyas is now Vrindavandas Thakur and is the son of Vraja, Kusuma Peer Sakha also entered them for some reason.

Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura has also praised Srila Vrindavandasa Thakura highly in the purport of Chaitanya Bhagavata. He said that Srila Vrindavandas Thakur’s devotion towards his Guru Sri Nityananda Prabhu was incomparable and he followed the principles of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

ISKCON’s founder Acharya Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada also glorified Srila Vrindavandas Thakur at many places in his books. So today, on the day of disappearance of Srila Vrindavandas Thakura, let us pray to him to lead us towards the pure devotion of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the only shelter of pure Krishna love.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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