Importance of Gopashtami

Importance of Gopashtami

Importance of Gopastami – Gopastami is one of the most important and cheerful pastimes among all the pastimes of lord Shri Krishna. The eighth lunar day of Kartik month is known as Gopastami. It is believed that on this auspicious day Nanda Maharaj send his children Krishna and Balrama for the first time to herd the cows. Krishna now stepped into the age of kumara from pauganda. Till the age of pauganda, Krishna was a calf keeper. After stepping into the age of Kaumara, on the auspicious day of Gopastami lord Shri Krishna started to herd the cows. To witness this incident Shri Radharani took the form of his Sakha.

How Gopastami is celebrated

On this auspicious day, people worship cows. They offer fodder to cows. On Kartik month’s Shukla Ashtami tithi early morning people bathe cows, offer them flowers, and scents and decorate them with different clothes.

People feed fodder to cows and do parikrama, and then go after cows for some distance. Then in the evening when cows come back that time is known as godhuli muhurat. At that time also they are greeted and worshipped. After this, they touch their lotus feet and pray for their healthy and prosperous future. The charity is given in gaushala on this day.

In Srimad Bhagawatam, it is stated that lord Shri Krishna used to walk barefooted at the age of six keeping cows ahead. At that time even his footsteps were not properly developed. Krishna gets delighted when the foot dust of cows falls on him.
Krishna used to walk barefooted in dust leaving footprints of his lotus feet everywhere. This is the reason for the dazzling beauty of Vrindavan.

Krishna’s affection towards Cows

Jollification Of Dhanteras

It is said that Nanda maharaja had 9 lakh cows and lord Shri Krishna was aware of their names. All the cows were identified by their names. If any cow gets separated from the group then Krishna calls them back with their names. Due to this affection, Krishna is also known as Gopal or Govind.

Reason for the importance of cows 

Krishna was fond of cows. He used to apply gauraj tilak on his forehead. He showed his affection for gau seva through his words and pastime to people. In this way, Krishna and Balrama are the symbols of cow protection. In Hindu, culture cows are not considered an ordinary animals. Cows are considered mothers. It is said that by drinking cow’s milk our brain works more actively and we can analyse our shastra easily. In shastra, it is said that inside cows 33 thousand gods and goddesses exist. The cow is the symbol of our prosperity.

Objective of Gopastami

The main aim of Gopastami is to protect cows and provide service for their sewa. We should always try to provide a safe, loving and caring environment to cows as they are the favourite Krishna. It is said that in places where cow seva is done Lord Hari uses it to provide infinite grace. We are dependent on cows’ blessings. We should always provide service and take care of cows. Cows expand prosperity and establish spirituality in the surrounding. Whether we live in cities or villages consuming the milk of desi cow and using other dairy products made of it also contributes to the seva of cows. By doing so we are playing an important role in the country’s economy.

So on this auspicious day of Gopastami, let’s provide some service for the protection of cows. We can try to offer them a loving and protective environment. In this way, we can surely impress our Lord Krishna and get the lord’s blessings.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Ram Hare Ram

Ram Ram Hare Hare.

Your Smallest act of Charity can make a difference and bring smiles to Needy Faces.

Shri Krishna Janmashtami (Appearance of Lord Krishna)

Shri Krishna Janmashtami (Appearance of Lord Krishna)

Krishna Janmashtami this year is celebrated on 26th August, 2024. Devotees of Lord Krishna celebrate this auspicious festival by keeping fast, night-sankirtans, holding bhakti events, etc. Sri Krishna’s devotees celebrate this day to express their love for Lord Krishna.

Though Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated worldwide, It is chronicled with the most enthusiasm in the ISKCON temple. The appearance of Lord Krishna is significant. Krishna’s Janam Leela is divine and sacred. The reason for the advent of the Supreme Lord is to end the cruelty of evil Kansa and give the pleasure to the devotees.

Lord Krishna appeared in the prison of Mathura at midnight on the eighth day of Krishna paksha to Mother Devaki and Vasudeva. That night was remarkable. During the manifestation of Lord Krishna, all the places were irradiated to portray the Advent of the Supreme Lord.

Prophecy of the “Downfall of Kansa”

It is believed that King Kansa made splendid arrangements for the marriage of his beloved sister Devaki. But at the same time, prophecy took place that the eighth son of Devaki will be the reason for the end of the dictatorial rule of Kansa and will be the reason for his ruination.

Why Kansa killed all the children of Devaki?

When Kansa came to know that Devaki’s child will be the cause of Kansa’s death, he forgot all the bonds and love for his sister, and in a rage, he held Devaki’s hair and was going to kill her. Then Vasudeva advised the situation with his patience and wisdom to save the life of his wife, Devaki. He stopped Kansa wisely, saying that “why are you taking the stigma of killing a woman and that too your sister on your head. We will hand over our eighth son willingly to you.”

After hearing this, the evil Kansa left the idea of killing his sister and decided to spare her life, imprisoned his sister and her husband, and waited for their eighth son’s birth.

On observing the delay of Lord Krishna’s descent (birth), representing all demigods Devarshi Narada said to Kansa that lord Krishna is very clever. So Lord Krishna doesn’t need to take birth as their eighth son; He can appear anytime. And in this way, the evil Kansa brutally killed all seven children born to Devaki and Vasudeva.

The Appearance of Lord Krishna

Sri Krishna Janma Leela

During the birth of the eighth child, the Lord appeared in chaturbhuj form and visited Devaki and Vasudeva. A beautiful divine child born as their son.

Surprisingly as soon as the divine child took birth, the shackles got unlocked and magically freed him, the iron door of their cell opened itself, and all the guards slept under a magic spell.

Vasudeva came out of the prison to rescue the newly born child and carried him across the Yamuna. Then, he gave the child to his closest friend Maharaj Nanda. Then, he came back to the cell with the baby girl born in Nanda’s house.

Kansa Arrival to the Cell on Receiving the News of Eighth Child Birth

Immediately after that, Kansa was informed about the newly born child. He reached the cell to kill the newly born girl child. As he tried to kill the baby girl, the baby slipped from his hand and went towards the sky and proclaimed, “evil Kansa, the reason for your death has already taken birth.”

Description of Lord Krishna’s Birth According to Shastra

People say Lord never takes birth, but Lord Krishna took delivery from their mother’s womb, so He cannot be Lord. But Lord Sri Krishna did not take delivery from Mother Devaki’s womb like a normal baby where the mother has to bear labour pain.

As described in Shastras, He took birth in the chaturbhuj form and later adopted a child’s form.

Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of International Society for Krishna Consciousness classifies when sun sets and again rises. It is not considered as the sun took rebirth. The absence of the sun does not mean that it perished. It just hides from our sight. Still, going out of our site, it appears somewhere else. In the same way Supreme Lord is beyond life and death and appears in one place after finishing his pastimes in other place.

Generally, the following two shlokas of BHAGAVAD GITA are very known-

“yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati bhārata
abhyutthānam adharmasya tadātmānaṁ sṛijāmyaham” (-Bg 4.7)

This means when adharma starts to prevail, and Dharma starts to perish. Lord Sri Krishna appears at his own will.

Now the question arises what the purpose of His self appearance is?
The purpose is-

“paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṁ vināśhāya cha duṣhkṛitām
dharma-sansthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yuge yuge” (-Bg 4.8)

Supreme Lord constantly lives in His dham (divine abode), but when He descends to the material world, He is called Avatar. This is because He descends for the redemption of His devotees and to end evil.

Significance of Sri Krishna Avatar

There are many types of Avatars like Purusha Avatar, Gunavatar, Lilavatar, Shaktyavesh avatar, Manvantara avatar, and Yugavatar. All of these descents in this universe incarnate in order. But Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and source of all the Avatars. He can destroy evil in any way.

He does not need to incarnate particularly. So Lord Krishna takes Avatar for the particular purpose of taking away the worries of his devotees who are curious to see his actual pastimes of Vrindavan.

Hence the real purpose of Krishna Avatar is to give pleasure to his pure devotees who are devoid of fruitive activities. It is not a fact that Supreme Lord descends only to the land of India. He can appear anywhere anytime. So on taking every Avatar, He speaks about the Dharma. But the purpose remains the same: to make people filled with religious feelings and to make them obedient to religious rules.

Sometimes He appears Himself, and sometimes He sends His authentic representative in the form of His son or a follower or appears Himself in disguise.

Lord Krishna appears in Brahma’s one-day seventh Manu twenty-eighth Chaturyuga’s end of Dwapara. That is why we are fortunate that we are born in that duration of Kaliyuga when it has been just 5249 years of His disappearance.

After that, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also appeared 500 years ago and made us familiar with Krishna bhakti (Harinam-Sankirtan). So, come, let’s celebrate this Janmashtami for our beloved Lord Krishna’s pleasure and try to bring His transcendental teachings into our life.

-> Fasting till midnight (only Ekadashi Prasadam to be taken)

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Snana Yatra Festival- Auspicious Appearance of Lord Jagannath

Snana Yatra Festival- Auspicious Appearance of Lord Jagannath

The Snana Yatra, also known as Dev Snana Purnima, is a sacred bathing festival of deities observed on the Purnima (full moon) day of the Hindu month of Jyeshtha. According to Skanda Purana, this auspicious event commemorates the appearance of Lord Jagannath and holds significant importance for Vaishnavas. There are innumerable pastimes of the Lord Jagannath. 

The Lord not only performs these transcendental pastimes with devotees for emotional exchanges but to uplift the fallen conditioned souls of the material world. Also, when we hear and understand these transcendental pastimes of the Lord, our sins which we have accumulated since many births, will be destroyed. After repeatedly hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, real love for the Lord also arises in our hearts.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can manifest in various forms such as Narasimha, Matsya, Kurma, or even as the wooden deity Jagannath, provides a shelter for wandering souls like us. The primary purpose is to seek refuge and solace in the Lord’s divine presence. And through the medium of the Lord’s transcendental pastimes, it becomes possible, and after hearing such transcendental glories of the Lord, a living entity automatically gets dragged toward the Lord as a river gets attracted toward the ocean. According to Skanda Purana, Snana Yatra is the auspicious appearance day of Lord Jagannath. So, let’s first understand the analogy behind the appearance of Lord Jagannath.

Historical Significance of Snana Yatra

Once upon a time in Dwarka, Mother Rohini was telling the queens of the Lord about the pastimes of the Lord with Radharani and other Gopis in Vrindavana. Hearing the pastimes narrated by Mother Rohini, Lord Krishna, Baladeva, and Subhadra became so delighted, overwhelmed with an emotional touch, and surprised that their eyes became wide, mouths remained open, and other parts became small and inserted inside their body. In this manner, Lord Krishna became Jagannath. When Devarshi Narad took Darshan of this transcendental form, he requested Lord to provide an opportunity to the whole world to have the Darshan of this unique form. 

After a certain period, King Indradyumna fulfilled this desire of Devarshi Narad. Then, Lord, after coming in the dream of King Indradyumna, says- ‘Hey King, I tend to appear on the Purnima particular date of the Jyeshtha month. So, on that day after consecration, I performed my worship with a full heart. From then, King Indradyumna from that day inaugurated the Snana Yatra festival. 

In Jagannath Puri, many festivals are celebrated for Lord Jagannath, and the beginning of all these festivals originates from the Snana Yatra. On this day, Lord comes out of the temple. In Puri Anand Bazaar, famous for Prasad, near it, in a high place known as Snana Mandap, the Lord is bathed because it was the order of the Lord to bath him in a place where not only demigods, but the people of the earth would also be able to see him easily.

Elephant Form of Lord Jagannath and Baladeva: Tracing the Scriptural Injunctions

On the very day of the Snana, Lord possesses an elephant form in the evening. The story behind this is as follows- Ganpati Bhatt, a most revered worshiper of Brahma, who, after reading all the scriptures, concluded that by taking Darshan of Parma Brahma, a living entity becomes liberated. In the scriptures, he read that Parma Brahma resides in Jagannath Puri. But from somewhere, it was settled in his mind that Parma Brahma possessed a proboscis. So, when he came to Jagannath Puri on Jyeshtha Purnima for Darshan of the Lord and saw that Lord Jagannath did not have a proboscis, then he inferred that he could not be a Parma Brahma.

Ganpati Bhatt further contemplated that if Jagannath had been a Parma Brahma, then how come people who take Darshan of the Lord are coming back? They must be liberated. Thinking about all this, he started going from there. Seeing this, Lord Jagannath felt sorrow, and he took the form of a Brahman and came to him. Lord, and made him understand that Jagannath is the only one whom he has come to meet. In the form of the Lord, Brahman instructed Ganpati Bhatt to go back and see. When he returned, in actuality, Lord Jagannath and Baladeva’s heads were that of the elephant and an elongated proboscis and teeth of the elephant. Then Ganpati Bhatt believed that Jagannath was the only Parma Brahma.

He further acknowledged that Jagannath is the Lord. From then, on the evening of every Snana Yatra, Gaja Vesha is performed. Lord Jagannath and Baladeva are decorated as an elephant, and Subhadra is adorned in the form of a lotus. For Gaudiya Vaishnavas, this is a special occasion because Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, after taking Sannyasa, spent most of his time on the Jagannath Puri. 

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also used to take pleasure in that Snana Yatra. As we discussed above, after Snan, Lord does not give Darshan for 15 days because he resides in a wooden made home called Anabasara, where Shivir caste people serve the Lord. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu himself is Krishna, depicting the mood of Radha Rani. Therefore, his name is also Krishna Virah Vidur. And Jagannath Ji is himself Krishna but depicts the mood of separation from Radha Rani. Therefore, one name of Lord Jagannath is also Radha Virah Vidur. Lord Jagannath chants Radha, and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu chants Krishna. See, how is the transcendental pastime of the Lord?

Then, they both meet in Jagannath Puri. But after the Snana Yatra, when Mahaprabhu fails to take the Darshan of Lord Jagannath, Mahaprabhu cannot bear this separation. Then, being worried and wandering in all directions, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu reaches Alarnath, where a deity of the four-handed Lord Vishnu possesses a conch shell, discus, club, and lotus. And the separation of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was so extreme that the two hands of Alarnath disappeared, and it became Shyamasundara. And the stone on which Chaitanya Mahaprabhu sat and offered obeisance melted from all four sides, and the stone is also situated as it is today there. Therefore, from then, the devotees of the Gaudiya sect reside only in Alarnath on the Anabasara and perform kirtans and bhajans there.


Therefore, along with the season of festivity, Snana Yatra brings with it a feeling of separation. Thus, it all delineates about the Snana Yatra festival of Lord Jagannath. The day when the Lord Jagannath appeared, and from his wooden Brahma form, mercifully manifested in Jagannath Puri to bestow his mercy upon the living entities of the world. In the temples of ISKCON, this festival of Snana Yatra is also celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm. Therefore, it is a humble request to all the devotees to visit their nearest ISKCON temples, take advantage of this special occasion, and obtain the divine mercy of Lord Jagannath on his appearance day.

Anecdote of Boat Festival in ISKCON

Anecdote of Boat Festival in ISKCON

Lord Krishna’s pastimes are divine and pleasing, and we cannot understand these great pastimes with tiny material intelligence. Therefore, to understand these great pastimes and follow them in our lives, we need bonafide disciplic succession.

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad -Gita

जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यमेवं यो वेत्ति तत

janma karma cha me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ
tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti so ’rjuna (BG 4.9)

Hey Arjun, Those who understand the divine nature of my birth and activities upon leaving the body do not have to retake rebirth. Instead, they come to my eternal abode directly.

Chronicle of Boat Festival

In ISKCON (International Society For Krishna Consciousness), many festivals are organized. Thus, we can remember the Lord’s great sacred pastimes and purify our tainted hearts.

Among all these saintly Leela’s of Lord Krishna Nauka Vihar is one of them. This Leela is mentioned in a transcendental scripture named “Gopal Champu”, written by Srila Jiva Goswami. It is also mentioned in other scripture.

About Goloka

Goloka Vrindavan is Lord Krishna’s eternal abode, and there the pastimes go on continuously. So the root of this religious festival is also linked with the land of Krishna- ” Goloka Vrindavan”.

Anecdote of Boat Festival

Once all the gopis, their pots filled with yoghurt and butter, came to the shore of river Mansi. They had a desire to cross this Mansi Ganga. They met with a boatman and asked him to take them on the other side of Mansi Ganga. That boatman agreed. As soon as the boat reached afar, the boatman stopped.

The gopis asked the boatman what happened to you, why you suddenly stopped? The boatman replied I am hungry. I want to eat yoghurt and butter. The gopis gave him all the curd and butter they had with them so that boatman did not stop sailing. After eating, he sailed for a while. After covering some distance, he again stopped. He said I was exhausted, wanted to take a rest. Gopis told if he does not start sailing, they will throw him from the boat.

How Radha Rani spotted Sri Krishna

Suddenly the whole sky got filled with clouds. Winds started blowing, and the boat started shaking and moving. Gopis got scared. At the same time, Radha rani’s eyes fell on the boatman. She noticed a flute with him. She identified, it is no one else other than their beloved Krishna. All the gopis were extremely happy, knowing that this was their Krishna’s wish. It is an example of extreme reciprocating love between Lord Krishna and his devotees.

Bond Between Gopis With Krishna

Gopis are immense devotees of Lord Krishna. Their love for Krishna is of utmost and can not be mentioned in words. Those who reached an enormous level in spirituality can understand the love and bonding between Krishna and gopis and appreciate them. 

About Boat Festival Commemoration

The Boat festival is astonishing which will be celebrated this year at Sri Sri Radha Parthsarthi temple. This year it is also significant because due to covid we had not observed this festival last year. So this is the twelveth boat festival we are commemorating. Kaliya Krishna pond area inside the temple campus is decorated with attractive flowers, fruits, balloons and different colours. And the decoration of this place fills the heart with exhilaration. In this, many decorations and paintings are done inside water using beautiful flowers and colours.

How Boat Festival Will Be Celebrated At ISKCON

Sri Sri Radha Parthsarthi’s festive deity (Utsav Vigraha) is taken in a boat with Sri Lalita Ji and

Sri Visakha Ji. That scene is ineffable. Lord is taken to a boat ride along with kirtan, and many preparations are offered to Lord as Bhoga. Thousands of devotees assemble and do kirtan boomingly. Lord is seated in a decorated beautiful boat and takes a ride that scene is pure bliss for devotees.

We are inviting you all to come and take part in this auspicious occasion. When we participate in such a festival, our hearts thrive with darshan, kirtan, remembrance, and the company of advanced devotees makes us feel ecstatic.

So come, let’s celebrate this festival together and acquire the Lord’s blessings by chanting –

Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa

Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare

Hare Rāma Hare Rāma

Rāma Rāma Hare Hare

  • Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi Boat Festival ki Jai
  • Srila Prabhupada ki Jai

Your Smallest act of Charity can make a difference and bring smiles to Needy Faces.

Narasimha Chaturdashi

Narasimha Chaturdashi

Without a shadow of a doubt, the world will immerse in glorifying the transcendental entrance of Lord Narasimha into this cosmic manifestation to safeguard his true devotee Prahalad and establish the principle that the true devotee of a Lord never perishes. We will glorify the basic philosophical standards about the very auspicious day around the corner of the month, i.e., Narasimha Chaturdashi.
Lord Narasimha is non-different from the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Prahlada Maharaja had to endure a lot of pain and sufferings from his father, Hiranyakashipu, who was a demon and atheist in nature and had prejudices against his son. Hiranyakashipu always tried to teach Prahlada Maharaja about atheistic philosophy and he would not appreciate it when Prahlada Maharaja used to recite slokas and hymns from Vedic literature. Hiranyakashipu was against the supremacy of the Lord as he was too absorbed in his pride of gaining victory over the Earth.

Special Favor of Lord Narasimha

Lord provides special protection to his pure devotees in every circumstance. It is a matter of exchanges of love between the Lord and his pure devotees. The pure devotees of the Lord also possess a strong faith in the Lord in every circumstance. We can learn from the exemplary character of Prahalad Maharaja, who always possessed a strong faith in the arrangements of the Lord even when his father Hiranyakashipu tried to subject him to death innumerable times.
Lord Narasimha appeared as half lion and half man to kill Hiranyakashipu when he crossed all his boundaries of torturing Prahlada Maharaja. When Hiranyakashipu destroyed everything around him, he asked Prahlada Maharaja whether his Lord resided within this pillar.
He humbly replied that Lord Hari is omnipresent. Lord Narasimha appeared roaring from that pillar after Hiranyakashipu forcibly smashed his mace on that pillar. This context enshrines enlightening teaching that the Lord can do anything to keep the dignity of the words of a pure devotee. Thus, our prayers to the Lord should be analogous to the scriptural injunctions, not based on our selfish interests.

Lord Narasimha and Prahlada Maharaja’s Divine Relation

Even after killing the demon Hiranyakashipu, Lord Narasimha was very much turbulent. This made demigods anxious, and they were afraid even to come nearer to the Lord because he was enraged and was in his colossal form. Afterwards, all the demigods requested Prahlada Maharaja to pacify the Lord.
Then, Prahalad Maharaja fearlessly walked towards the Lord, chanting the holy name of the Lord and offered humble prayers unto the lotus feet of the Lord, which made the Lord peaceful and then Prahlada Maharaja sat on the lap of Lord Narasimha.
We can see this is the power of a pure devotee. That is what Lord wanted to depict to the whole universe. A pure devotee of the Lord can even control the Lord through his pure devotion.
So, we should always respect a pure devotee from the innermost recession of our hearts if we want to please Lord. Now on the appearance day of Lord Narasimha, if you make a pure devotee feel happy, then Lord becomes very much jubilant on you.

Who is the real protector?

It is a fact that except for Lord Narasimha, there is no real protector of the living entities of the universe. It may seem to our eyes, because of our present material condition, that a father is the protector of the family, the president is the protector of the nation, etc., but Lord Narasimha acts as a driving force in providing personal safety to every living entity of the universe because no one can live even for one second without the protection of the supreme master- Lord Narhari.

Ideal Standards to Follow on Narasimha Chaturdashi

On the auspicious day of Narasimha Chaturdashi, everyone should voluntarily accept penance to please the Lord. It is recommended to keep fast on the auspicious day of Narasimha Chaturdashi, chant more rounds of Maha-Mantra, and offer deep prayers unto the lotus feet of Lord Narasimha to bless us with divine strength so that we can stand still even in the most dangerous stage of our life.
By attaining the mercy of Lord Narasimha, one can even surpass the most difficult phase of his/her life. To attain the mercy of Lord Narasimha, first, one should try to acquire the mercy of a pure Vaishnava. We cannot directly approach the Lord. Therefore, our endeavours should always be analogous to pleasing a pure devotee of the Lord by our actions.

Lord Narasimha is Coming to ISKCON Delhi





We should always be dependent upon the mercy of Lord Narasimha in every circumstance of our life, which will certainly increase our devotion towards the Lord.
By which we could feel that nobody in this material world can protect us from the real miseries of this cosmic manifestation.
History is filled with myriads of instances where Lord Narasimha personally came to protect his devotee, who remembered him during difficult times. It must be understood that all living entities of the universe are under the shelter of Lord Narasimha because he is the only the real protector of all beings.

Your Smallest act of Charity can make a difference and bring smiles to Needy Faces.

Nityananda Trayodashi

Nityananda Trayodashi

The Supreme Personality of Godhead has infinite incarnations and forms that descend into this material existence from time to time to perform various functions. In whichever form God incarnates that is perfectly suitable to carry out the operation. For instance, Lord Varahadeva had to pick planet earth from the depth of Garbhodak ocean, He was incarnated as a giant boar; He incarnated as Lord Narsimha in order to kill demon Hiranyakashipu, thus satisfying all conditions of Brahma’s benediction. Similarly, after looking at the most fallen condition of living entities in Kaliyuga, He decided to incarnate. The Supreme devotee of Lord is His eternal consort Shrimati Radharani, she is of golden complexion. Thus in Kaliyuga, Lord incarnated in a golden complexion and took the devotional mood of Shrimati Radharani. The purpose of the Lord’s incarnation was to distribute the love of Godhead via His different names which are nondifferent from Himself.

Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, incarnated as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to liberate the people of Kaliyuga from the repeated cycle of birth, death and to advance them back home back to Godhead. He didn’t consider the time, ability, or eligibility of the person, and without any discrimination, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu distributed Kirhsna prema to anyone and everyone. Love of Godhead, Krishna prema, is so fathomless that along with Mahaprabhu many of His pure devotees also appeared, chief among them was Balram ji. In Vrindavan pastimes, Balram ji was the elder brother popularly known as dau ji; in Ramayan pastimes, Balram ji was the younger brother, Lakshman ji. In Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s pastimes, Balram ji appeared as Nityananda Prabhu.

Lochan Das Thakur writes in his devotional song –

parama koruna, pahu dui jana nitai gauracandra
saba avatara-sara siromani kevala ananda-kanda

The two Lords, Nitai-Gauracandra, are very merciful. They are the essence of all incarnations. The specific significance of these incarnations is that They introduced a process of chanting and dancing that is simply joyful.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is a yugavatar, He is not only yugavatar but chhannavatar too who has hidden His opulences. Mahaprabhu is the most magnanimous incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is non different from Krishna, His magnanimity is fathomless which can only be approached by the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu.

Who is Nityananda Prabhu?

Krishna Das Kaviraj Goaswami explains in Chaitanya Charitamrit –  

saṅkarṣaṇaḥ kāraṇa-toya-śāyī garbhoda-śāyī ca payo ’bdhi-śāyī
śeṣaś ca yasyāṁśa-kalāḥ sa nityā-nandākhya-rāmaḥ śaraṇaṁ mamāstu – (CC Adi 1.7)

“May Śrī Nityananda Rāma be the object of my constant remembrance. Saṅkarṣaṇa, Śeṣa Nāga and the Viṣṇus who lie on the Kāraṇa Ocean, Garbha Ocean, and ocean of milk are His plenary portions and the portions of His plenary portions.” 

It means in Kaliyuga Shri Krishna incarnated as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Balram ji as Nityananda Prabhu. Nityananda Prabhu is non different from Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in all respects except bhaav, love. Shri Gauranga Mahaprabhu is the worshippable Lord who accepts service whereas Shri Nityananda Prabhu is the servant Lord who serves. Thus the Lord Himself demonstrates how one can serve God.

Cause of the spiritual & material world’s creation

In the spiritual world, Balram ji is the first expansion of Shri Krishna. From Balram ji the first quadruple expands – Sankarshan, Vasudev, Pradyumna, Anirudha. Sankarshan further expands into Mahasankarshan which later expands into a second quadruple – Sankarshan, Vasudev, Pradyumna, Anirudha. This expansion of the Lord as Sankarshan assists in the creation of the spiritual world, which is 3/4th of the Lord’s entire creation. It means that the innumerable number of Vaikutha dhaams are nothing but the expansion of Lord Balram ji to serve the Lord. To create the material world, Balram further expands Himself into three Viṣṇu – Maha Viṣṇu also known as Kāraṇodakaśāyī Viṣṇu, Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu, and Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu.

Maha Viṣṇu (Kāraṇodakaśāyī Viṣṇu) – Innumerable material universes come out of His body pores when He exhales. What to talk of this particular universe, we are unable to ascertain the beginning and end of this world. Such infinite universes are coming out from the body pores of Maha Vishnu, one can wonder how immense His form would be.

Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu – In each one of the universes the Lord enters as Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu. From the navel of Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu has sprung the stem of the lotus flower, the birthplace of Brahmā, who is the father of all living beings and the master of all the demigod engineers engaged in the perfect design and working of the universal order.

Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu – From Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu there is expansion of the Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu, who is the collective Paramātmā of all living beings. Paramātmā resides in all 84 lakh species of living entities as Supersoul. He is called Hari, and from Him, all incarnations within the universe are expanded.

All these three Viṣṇus are expanded from Balram ji aka Nityananda Prabhu!

Appearance and pastimes of Nityananda Prabhu

In 1474, Nityananda Prabhu appeared in the village Ekachakra of Bengal. He was born to a religious Bengali Brahmin, known as Pandit Hadai, and his wife, Padmavati. They are the real parents of Nityananda Prabhu in Goloka Vrindavan. At an early age, He used to re-enact various pastimes of the Lord with His friends. They all were amazed at how many details of the Lord’s pastimes Nityananda Prabhu knew at that age. When they ask Him, He would simply say, these all wereHis pastimes. They would all laugh and no one would believe Him. After a few years, in the company of a Sanyasi, he visited all the pilgrimages, then started living in Vrindavan. While residing there, he got to know that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had started the sankirtan movement. He came to meet Mahaprabhu and took permission. After that, He started preaching Krishna consciousness.   

It is impossible to get the mercy of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu without getting mercy of Shri Nityananda Prabhu. Whatever knowledge of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s life we have available today is only due to the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu. One gets the power to glorify and to preach from His Nityananda Prabhu because, in His AnantShesha form, He empowers. 

Mercy of Lord Nityananda Prabhu

Nityananda Trayodashi mercy on jagai madhai

Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami, the author of Chaitanya Charitamrit, got instructions from Nityananda Prabhu in his dreams. Nityananda Prabhu instructed him to go to Vrindavan and all his desires would be fulfilled. Vrindavan Das Thakur, the author of Chaitanya Bhagwat, was also inspired by Nityananda Prabhu. This concludes that due to the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu only we get to know about Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s life and pastimes. Therefore, Nityananda Trayodashi is of utmost importance to all devotees who are aspiring to Krishna prema. Nityananda Prabhu is Adiguru, who teaches us how to approach and take shelter of the lotus feet of Godhead. Therefore, to get love of Godhead, to get the mercy of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, to deliver the fallen souls of Kaliyuga we must have the mercy of Shri Nityananda Prabhu. Thus we should take shelter of His lotus feet and pray for His mercy, because Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu can’t deny and has to give shelter to someone if Nityananda Prabhu approves him. We know that Mahaprabhu was about to kill Madhai, but left him alive because Nityananda Prabhu intervened. That’s why Nityananda Trayodashi is of much significance for us.

How Balram ji serves the Lord in all mellows (rasas)

Shri Nityananda Prabhu serves the Lord in all five mellows, rasas. In shant rasa, Nityananda Prabhu is serving the Lord by expanding Himself in apparel, ornaments, vehicle, flag, bed, kartaal, mridanga, etc. In dasya rasa, He serves the Lord in the form of all cowherd boys. In sakhya rasa,He serves the Lord in the form of very intimate friends. In Vatsalya rasa, He serves the Lord as His elder brother. In madhurya rasa, he serves the Lord as Anang Manjari, younger sister of Shrimati Radharani ji.

Constitutional position of a living entity is to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead –  jīvera ‘svarūpa’ haya — kṛṣṇa ‘nitya-dāsa’. If we love someone but we don’t serve then that is not true love and could be inspired by some ulterior motives. That’s why to love someone means to serve to please the beloved. We can only get the servitude attitude by the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu.

Therefore, on this auspicious occasion of Nityananda Trayodashi, we should primarily pray and ask for his serving attitude and inculcate in letter and spirit. Anticipating the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, one should dedicate this human form of life in the service of the Lord and His devotees.

Hare Krishna,

            Shri Nityananda Prabhu Appearance day, fasting till noon.

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