The Greatness of Indira Ekadashi

The Greatness of Indira Ekadashi

The Ekadashi of Ashwin, Krishna Paksha (waning phase of the moon), is called Indira Ekadashi. On this auspicious day, Lord Sri Vishnu is worshipped. This Indira Ekadashi fast helps the devotees to get free from there all the sufferings and problems.

Why is this Ekadashi fasting special

Being Ekadashi of Pitra Paksha, Ekadashi is best for the salvation of ancestors is considered paternalistic. So the ancestors get liberation from this Ekadashi, and their souls in another world find peace. 

What is the significance of this fast

According to the Puranas, Indira Ekadashi benefits the devotee even after his death. Due to its effect, all the sins of the person perishes, and by this fast, he goes to higher planets, and their ancestors get relief from all past misdeeds.

From Brahmavaivarta Purana

In the Brahmavaivarta Purana, the description of Indira Ekadashi is found, Once Pandava King Yudhishthira asked Sri Krishna to explain the significance of Indira Ekadashi. To answer all the questions regarding the fast, He wondered what its method and result are? 

Lord Krishna replied, “This auspicious day is called Indira Ekadashi. This Ekadashi destroys the sins and gives salvation to the ancestors. Sri Krishna also said, Oh! King, listen to the story carefully because the one who hears about the sacred Ekadashi achieves the great merits.

Here’s How the story unfolded

In the Satya-Yuga, there was a city named Mahismati. There was the majestic King named Indrasen, who was so powerful and followed his kingdom righteously. He took good care of his citizens. He was a tremendous devotee of Lord Sri Vishnu.

One day, when the King was happily sitting in his meeting, Maharishi Narada came down from the sky and came to his meeting. On seeing him, the King stood with folded hands and lawfully gave his seat, washing his feet, and welcomed him. 

Then Narada Muni said to the Maharaj Indrasen, Oh! King, your seven limbs are in good working order. Your intellect is in religion, and your mind resides in devotion to Sri Vishnu. Hearing such words of Devarshi Narada, the King replied, “Oh! Maharishi, by your kind grace, everything is well in my kingdom and please explain the reason for your kind visit here.

Then Narada Muni said that oh! King, listen to my words of wonder. Once I descended from Brahmaloka to Yamaloka, I glorified Yamaraj as he worshipped me with great reverence. Then I saw your great and wise father in the same assembly because of breaking the Ekadashi fast. Your father had given me a message for you.

So, your father said that I am in Yamaloka because of the sins done unknowingly in my previous birth. Suppose my son observes the fast of Indira Ekadashi of Ashwin Krishna Paksha and gives wealth in charity. In that case, I will be promoted to higher planets.

Hearing this, King Indrasen asked, Oh! Maharishi, please tell me the method of observing this fast.

Narada Muni said,

  1. The day before Ekadashi, One should rise early in the morning, take a bath and then do some service of Lord Vishnu.


  2. In the afternoon, take a bath in running water or river, then do shradh of the ancestor with reverence, and be sure not to eat more than once on this day and sleep on the floor at night. 
  3. Then follow the rule of the fast with devotion and take a vow that I will fast on Ekadashi with giving up all sorts of bodily pleasure. Oh, Infallible Supreme Lord! Oh, Pundarikaksha, I am in your shelter, and I beg for protection. 
  4. After performing shradh in front of the Lord’s deities, offer him the fruit. Serve qualified Brahmins and Cows by giving them Prasadam.

Narada Muni started saying that Oh! Rajan, by this method, if you fast on this Ekadashi without being lazy and with controlled senses, your father will go to higher planets. Saying this, Narada Muni has gone into deep meditation and disappeared from there.

As Narada Muni’s instructed, King Indrasen followed this Ekadashi with all rules and regulations along with his all family members. Because of this, Ekadashi, His father, was promoted to a higher planet.

Indrasen himself was able to rule his kingdom without any hindrances. In the end, he handed over the kingdom to his son, and he also went to the spiritual planet.

This is the greatness of Indira Ekadashi. By reading and hearing the glory of Indira Ekadashi, a person gets freed from all sins and finally attains Vaikuntha.

So let’s keep this very auspicious Indira Ekadashi to get freed from all sinful reactions of our past lives. On this day, by hearing & reading more and more of the Lord’s pastime and chanting his Holy names, we get the blessing of Supreme Lord Krishna and go back to godhead, where we live eternally.



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Holiness of Parsva Ekadashi (Vamana Ekadashi)

Holiness of Parsva Ekadashi (Vamana Ekadashi)

Parsva Ekadashi is on  14 September 2024, India. Parsva Ekadashi (Vamana Ekadashi) is one of the most auspicious Ekadashi fastings. On this Ekadashi 10th incarnation of Lord Keshava, named as Vamana Dev, is worshipped. Hence, this sacred Ekadashi is also called Parivartan Ekadashi or Vamana Ekadashi. It is believed that the devotees who observe Parsva Ekadashi fast and worship Vamana Dev acquire the blessings of the Lord. Thus, their all wishes are accomplished.

Brahma Vaivarta Puranic Description About Parsva Ekadashi

In a conversation between Lord Krishna and Yudhishthira Maharaj in Brahma Vaivarta Purana, this sacred fast is portrayed. Once Yudhishthira Maharaj asked Lord Krishna –

Hey Janardhan, what is the name of Ekadashi, which falls on the eleventh day of Bhadrapada month in the Shukla Paksha?

Hey Lord, please elaborate on the rituals and significance of this auspicious Parsva Ekadashi fast.

Lord Krishna’s Depiction About Significance of Parsva Ekadashi

Krishna replied to Yudhishthira

Hey Rajan!

This propitious Ekadashi is known as Parsva Ekadasi. On hearing the significance of this fast, an individual can get relief from their past sins. On keeping fast on this auspicious day, the individuals get more benefits than Vajpayee Yagya. This Ekadashi is also known as Jayanti Ekadashi. An individual who worships my incarnation as Vamana Dev gets benefited with high spiritual gains. Whoever worship the lotus feet of the Lord offering lotus is considered as closest to the Lord. Any devotee who keeps fast on Shukla Paksha Ekadasi of Bhadrapad is believed to have worshipped Trilok, including Brahma and Vishnu. Therefore, it is advised to observe fast on Ekadashi.

Reason Behind Name of Parsva Ekadashi

According to the scriptures, Lord Madhusudan changes his position. Therefore, Lord changes his position and turns sideways from left to right on this day. This is the reason that this Ekadashi is known as Parsva Ekadashi or Parivartan Ekadasi.

Yudhishthira’s Query – Hey Janardhan, kindly help me in getting answers of my few questions. Hey, Devdeveshwar, how do you slumber, how you turn sideways, how we should follow these chaturmas and what to do when you sleep? Why do you keep Bali Maharaj in captivity? Kindly answer all my questions and clear my dubiety.

Lord Sri Krishna’s Reply

Hey Rajan, now you listen to this encouraging story that can terminate all the past sins from one’s life. There was a devotee named Bali born in treta yuga in a clan of daityas. He was very truthful. He used to do charity and serves brahmins. Along with his family, he always serves and worships me. He even cherished brahmins and performed many Yagya. As an outcome of it, he became highly potent.

Outcome Of His Servings to Lord

Due to his power by worshipping the Lord with dedication and devotion, he defeated Indra Dev and became crowned head of heaven. That time all the sages came to Lord. To resolve their problems lord appeared as Vamana Avtar and reached the place where king Bali was performing yagya’s ritual.

How Lord Resolved Problems of Sages

When Lord entered that place, Lord just stipulated three step land from king Bali. At the same time, Bali pleads to take more than that land. But Lord acquired only three feet of land as a donation from him. So, King Bali, without any second thought, gave Me three step of land. Immediately Lord assumed the form of Mahakal, in which in one step took the seven lokas, in the second step took the seven lokas along with the sky. When Lord asked for space to keep the third foot to king Bali, he civilly kept his head forward to provide space to Lord for the third step.

Lord’s reaction:

Being impressed with his devotion and dedication lord blessed him that he will always be with him. On that same day, the auspicious Ekadasi deity of Vaman Dev is entrenched at Maharaj Bali’s residence. The second deity is at Anant Shesh of Ksheer Sagar.

Significance Of Chaturmas

From Shayan Ekadashi to Utthana Ekadasi lord stay asleep. In this four-month, everyone should perform a special ritual to worship. Everyone should follow intently and wholeheartedly all the Ekadashi that falls in between these four months. By following this Ekadasi fasting, anyone can get a similar outcome as Ashwamedh Yagya. Ekadashi is the most favourite of Lord. Along with fasting on this auspicious day of Ekadashi, if a devotee does harinam sankirtan lord gets immensely impressed and bless them with the divine blessings of the Lord. According to scriptures, on hearing kirtan, remembering Lord and spending life on Lord’s lotus feet etc are the nine divisions of Bhakti. But Naam Sankirtana the is best among all. So, on Ekadashi, we should chant more Lord’s holy name.

So come let’s convene and fast on Parsva Ekadashi. On this day, chant, remember and do Naam Sankirtan of Lord’s name as much as we can, and it liberates the devotees from the cycle of birth and death. So, let’s effectuate the path of Bhakti to bestows happiness, wealth and good health and get relieves from all the sins.

All over the world, all the devotees keep fast on this auspicious day of Purvana Ekadasi. In all the temples of ISKCON, devotees chant Naam Sankirtan on this day to get the blessings of the Lord on this bright day and make their birth relevant and worthy.


  • Breakfast time -6:11 AM – 10:12 AM (New Delhi)

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Significance of Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi

Significance of Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi

Ekadashi is one of the beautiful celebrations; it is seen eleven days after the full moon and eleven days after the new moon of every month.

Even on the thirteenth or leap moon, it is called Adhi-masa or Purusottama-masa.

Srila Prabhupada’s summarised study of Bhakti- rasamrta-Sindhu states:

One who sees fasting on Ekadashi day is free from taking wrong actions and becoming religious life advances.

Srila Rupa Goswami tells us in the Bhakti-asamrita Sindhu Granth, which Srila Prabhupada has translated.

Especially this, devotion to please God is being presented, and we should follow these methods; many ways out there.

Observing the fasting

One of the first Ten methods is -Observing the Fast on the day of Ekadashi! Every Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha Ekadashi performing at Madhav Tithe is bhakti Janani.

That is why we should try to follow it, Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur, and Jetane Palani kori, it is all helpful to devotion, and that’s why we should accept it.

Said that Ekadashi maa, herself, has appeared from the body of the supreme God, and this date is very dear to our Lord.

By performing the observances of Ekadashi fast, we move to progress very quickly in devotion. On Ekadashi, we should do fasting from food and grains, and Nirjala Ekadashi is considered Maha-Ekadashi, on which we should do fasting from water.

If you cannot do fasting from water, we can consume water; you can take fruit juice if this is also hard for you.

If there is a problem with that too, then it means that you can take fruits. If this is not possible, then fasting with prasad; you can have Sabudana, kuttu, fruits; people choose many things.

We have to follow the purity of Ekadashi. Without any water, one will have to perform rituals like Nirjala.

Prabhupada says about Bhima Ekadashi.

Srila Prabhupada had told this to his Disciple HG Rameshwar Prabhu whether it is Bhima Or Arjuna, is all Nirjala, 

Ekadashi should be performed in the form of Nirjala, yet it is mentioned in Mahabharat itself.

It says that Bhimsen has expressed his helplessness;

 he told Vyasadeva in desperation, “I can’t perform Ekadashi fasting because, in those days, everyone used to perform Ekadashi fast by keeping themself Nirjala.” Bhimsen said a special gastric fire inside inflames not to keep fast on this Ekadashi; what is it?

Then Vyasadeva Ji said that you could perform the ritual of Jyeshtha Shukl Ekadashi once in the year because Bhimsen had Kept it; all the other Pandavas also kept it. Hence it is called Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi.

Once every year, which is the fasting of Ekadashi, it helps move forward in devotion. Its foremost purpose is not to keep Nirjala Ekadashi and sleep throughout the day.

Srila Prabhupada even said that if you could take prasad regularly, and preaching is the primary service, advertising and promotion of Krishna is the highest service.

But while hiding behind the propaganda, we should never do less than our capacity. this is also a service.

Rupa Goswami says, don’t do less than you can; if we can keep fast on Nirjala Ekadashi, we should keep it.

Maha Daan on Nirjala Ekadashi.

About ISKCON Ekadashi

In ISKCON, we do not impose such strict rules because it was formed to expand and spread the practice of Bhakti Yoga. Everyone can’t sit on fasting, and there is no one to spread the message of our Lord Krishna.

Therefore, at least from sunrise the next day till Parana, everyone should observe a fast of Nirjala.

Learning and preaching about Krishna

This day, many devotees chant 64 rounds and more; you can do self-study or listen to discourses.

One can spend more time with the deity of the Lord, whose main objective is to overcome the body’s needs and pay attention to the soul’s needs.

Regarding Nirjala Ekadashi, the priest who is a priest does not have any inconvenience in performing achaman. He can do it.

You can also consume Charanamirt; take only as much charanamirt as a mustard seed that can be immersed in it. It is not that the grain of mustard is put in; it is food.

 But remember that if there are any rules and regulations, they must obey the purpose of all this.

Smartavyah satatam visnur vismartavyo na jatucit sarve vidhi-nisedhah syur etayor eva kinkarah”

This verse is a quotation from Padma Purana, which says Krishna is the origin of Lord Vishnu. Therefore, he should always be remembered and never forgotten at any time. All the rules and prohibition mentioned in the sastra should be their servants of these two principles.” this is the supreme instruction.

On this Jyeshtha Shukla Ekadashi, our aim should increase maximum listening and chanting on Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi. 

Join the devotees and stay in the correct consciousness because we can keep whatever decisions.

 We can go on the day of Ekadashi. So it is very beneficial for us and for our devotion.

Srila Vishwanatha Chakravarti Thakur says this is the perfect time to overview what we have done in the last 15 days.

On the day of Nirjala Ekadashi, we can think about what we had done for the whole last year in devotion and evaluation and about it can do more.

Remember that it is Ekadashi; if you can Nirjala, that is perfect for keeping it. but the main aim should be to remember Krishna as much as possible

It is the true meaning of Ekadashi.

The legend behind this special Ekadashi

Once the Pandav Bhima requested Shree Krishna to solve his difficulty, Shree Krishna asked him what Bhima, the insatiable eater, explained to Shree Krishna despite his serious struggles, and it was challenging for him to follow.

According to the manuscripts, one should obey Ekadashi with great respect by not eating or drinking anything all day. And altogether, engaging yourself functions in the different parts of Bhakti.

Fast all food and water on the perfect day of Ekadashi and eat only once on Dwadashi Tithi, the next day of Ekadashi.

However, fasting from all food and water on Ekadashi proved tough and challenging for Bhima. 

Hence he requested Shree Krishna to find an answer to his situation.

Understanding the situation to him and Shree Krishna being accommodating towards Bhima, 

The Supreme Lord Krishna allowed him to eat fruits and flowers on all the Ekadashi except one; he told Bhima to follow the Shukla paksha Ekadashi in the month of Jyeshta,

Without eating or drinking anything, he was allowed to eat phalahar, fruit on all other Ekadahis except this one. Ekadashi later becomes Famous as Pandav Nirjala Ekadashi.

What should you do if you unexpectedly break Ekadashi?

Srila Prabhupada suggested that if we unintentionally eat some grain on Ekadashi, we should keep the Ekadashi Fast for the rest day and the next day in Dvadasi; if even that is impossible, we should go on with our activities in ISKCON and pray for forgiveness.

Seeks the Blessings of Krishna by donating on the occasion of Ekadashi.

Frequently Asked Questions-

Q- When will be the Nirjala Ekadashi in 2024?
A- Nirjala Ekadashi will be celebrated on 18 June 2024 in ISKCON (India).

Q- What is the Nirjala Ekadashi fast-breaking time?
A- Fast breaking time is 19 June 2024 between 5.24 AM to 07.28 AM.

Significance of Kamika Ekadashi

Significance of Kamika Ekadashi

Man’s happiness and sorrow depend upon his virtue and sins. He lives a happier life if he does good to others. Otherwise, sinful conduct leads his life full of suffering. Every living entity wants to attain a satisfying life and get rid of its misery.

The omniscient Lord Vishnu is aware of this human tendency. So, his fellow saints, sages and great yogis composed and assimilated all the Sastras, the Veda, Puranas, and smrities. All these sastras have remedies of ‘attainment of happiness and cessation of sorrows’ for the wellbeing of humankind.

Fasting is transcendent and accessible among all the remedies. One of the fasts which are dearest to our gracious Supreme Lord is Kamika Ekadasi. Devotees observe intermittent fasting on this day. Thus, they spend more and more time in the remembrance and contemplation of the Supreme being.

Kamika Ekadasi Vrat Katha

Supreme Lord Sri Krishna and Pandav king Yudhisthira had dialogues about Kamika Ekadasi in Brahmavaivarta Purana.

The saintly king Yudhisthira said, that oh lord, I heard from You about Dev-Sayani Ekadasi. So kindly describe the glory of the auspicious Ekadasi, which falls on the Krishna paksha Shravan month.

Then Supreme Lord Sri Krishna narrated the conversation that had taken place between the creator of the universe Brahma and his son Narda muni on the significance of the Kamika Ekadasi Vrat.

The Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna, replied, Oh saintly king, Kamika Ekadasi arrives during the fortnight in the month of Shravan, which perishes all sins of human beings and fulfils the desired wish.

Once Devrishi Narad muni also asked the same question to Lord Brahma.

Narad Ji asked, “oh regent of the universe, please tell me about the Ekadasi, which occurred during the lunar day in the month of Shravan and what it is called? Who is the chief God to whom people should worship on that holy day? Also, kindly tell me the process that one must follow to observe it. What merit does it award to those who observe it? “

Then Brahma Ji replied, “Oh Narad muni, you have asked the question for the benefit of all humanity. So listen attentively, and I am going to tell you everything about this Ekadasi.

This Ekadasi is called Kamika Ekadasi. Just hearing the glory of Kamika Ekadasi bestows the merit equal to that of Aswamegh Yagya.

On this day, devotees attain all the great values by worshipping the lotus feet of the Supreme being Vishnu, who holds a conch shell, Sudarshan Chakra, Padam, and lotus in his hands.

Devotees attain a thousand times more merit than taking a sacred bath in the Ganges at Kashi (Varanasi), in the forest of Naimisharanya, or at Pushkara. The one who observes Kamika Ekadasi and worships Supreme lord Vishnu becomes free from all the misery and grief. The observer gets freedom from all the sorrow, but their forebear becomes free from all the suffering.

This Kamika Ekadasi vrat helps devotees relieve the ‘Pitra Dosha.’ Thus, devotees attain salvation just by observing the Kamika Ekadasi.

All the Nagas and Gandharvas are worshipped just by worshipping the Lord Vishnu in the month Shravana. The way water can’t touch the lotus, in the same way, sins can never feel the devotees who observe Kamika Ekadasi. Whoever worships Lord Vishnu with Tulsi leaf, the Lord sets them free from all their sins.

The person becomes healthy and disease-free just by remembering and meditating. Planting Tulsi brings prosperity, and devotees eventually reside with Lord Krishna in his abode. Followers achieve devotion by offering tulsi to the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu. Even the Yamraj secretary, Chitragupta, is incapable of calculating the merit of those who burn ghee lamps and offer obeisances to Tulsi Devi.

A person who does Kamika Ekadasi vrat receives the blessing of the Supreme Lord, and he is freed from even heinous sin of feticide or killing of brahman. Not only the one who offers burning lamps to the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu, but even their forefathers also ascend to heaven and satiated with celestial nectar there.

Devotees who offer ghee lamps or burning lamps with sesame oil to the Supreme Lord Vishnu on this day get salvation and enter into heaven after death with the brightness of as many as millions of lights.

Significance of the Kamika Ekadasi

‘Oh Narad’, said the Lord Brahma, all the human beings scared of their sins, must observe the Kamika Ekadasi.

There is no other remedy than Kamika Ekadasi for being free from all sins. On this auspicious day, whoever offers Tulsi leaves to the lotus feet of the Lord with their reverence and devotion, stay away from all sins.

Oh Narad, I also pay my obeisance to Tulsi Devi, the beloved of Sri Hari. Whoever says or hears the glory of Kamika Ekadasi with devotion gets salvation and returns to the Godhead
– Vaikuntha. Lord Sri Hari is almighty and foremost. He gets easily pleased with the sincere devotion of their followers.

Tulsi Devi is the beloved of Supreme Lord Vishnu. Supreme Lord Shri Hari is not as pleased with the pearls, rubies, sapphires, and corals as He gets delighted by offering Tulsi. So we should please the Supreme Lord by keeping fast on this auspicious Kamika Ekadasi day. Become free from all sins by offering Tulsi to Supreme Lord, and should move forward on the righteous path.

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Sayana Ekadashi

Sayana Ekadashi

According to Padma Purana, the worship of Lord Vishnu on Shukla Ekadashi of the month of Ashadh has special significance because on this day the sleep of the Lord begins.

According to Vedic texts, the sleep of Lord Hari is also called Yoga Nidra. On this day, Lord Mahavishnu falls asleep in Ksheersagar.

Chaturmas, which is the four-month period of self-control according to the Hindu Calendar, begins from Devasayani Ekadashi itself.

The Great Legend behind Sayana Ekadashi

Once Yudhishthira Maharaj asked Supreme Lord Krishna, “O Keshav, what is the name Ekadashi coming in the Shukla Paksha of the month of Ashadha.

Who is the worshipable deity of this day? And what is the method of observing this fast? Tell me in detail, tell me, everything Lord.

Then, Supreme Lord Sri Krishna said :

Once asking the same question to Lord Brahma of  Devarshi Narada, O’King replied that the Ekadashi which falls in the Shukla paksha of Ashadha month is also known as Sayana or Devshayani or Padma Ekadashi.

Supreme Lord Hrishikesha, the master of the senses is the presiding deity of this day;  that’s why festivals are held for their happiness, and devotees should observe this fast.

In the past, a king named Mandhata was born in Raghuvansh, He was the appointed emperor of the earth; they used to follow the leaders of the truthful kings, powerful, mighty subjects as their children.

There was never any flood, drought, or famine in his kingdom. There was never any disease. Everyone was living happily and healthy, but after some time, maybe from Godly or maybe sinful deeds, there is no rain for direct three years.

People started starving due to lack of rain, all of them, distraught with sorrow, requested the King that O king, you always see our welfare, so we humbly beg your assistance now.

Thus, we are all miserable, O King! Please find some resolutions to this problem, and bring us peace and prosperity all over again.

Hearing this, the King said that it had been said in the Vedas and Puranas that such a situation arises only because of the King’s sinful deeds. But I do not know what crime I have committed.

Yet I will try to benefit my subjects; having said this, the King and his officers and soldiers saluted the brahmins and proceeded toward the forest. After entering the forest, he visited many ashrams.

One day he, fortunately, met Angira Muni; Angira muni was the son of Brahmaji and very intelligent.

Seeing them, the sense controlled King Mandhata immediately dismounted his horse and offered his respectful bowed to him.

When the sage inquired about the King’s arrival, the subjects, then King, said that I am ruling with righteousness and maintaining my kingdom while following the Vedic injunctions.

Thus, I don’t know why there has been no rain in my kingdom for three years, and I need to understand why? O Gurudev! To solve this mystery, I have requested you for help, and please help me reduce the difficulty of my subjects.

Then Angira Muni said that the present era is the best of all ages; everyone respects Brahmins as the topmost member of society in this age.

Only Brahmins have the right to perform penance, although there is one ‘Shudra’ who is unlawfully performing the rituals of austerity and penance in your kingdom.

You should bring happiness and prosperity to the state by killing him. Hearing this, the King said that I couldn’t kill a sinless person engrossed in penance; please suggest any other simple solution.

Then, Angira Muni replied that you and your subjects should observe the holy Devsayani Ekadashi in this situation.

Following this, there will be rain in the state; Ekadashi falls in Shukla Paksha the month of Ashadha.

By observing this fast, person is freed from all the sins and all the obstacles in the path of attaining his final goal. 

Therefore, O king! It would be best if you observed this fast with your family and subjects.

After hearing the words of Angira Muni, the King returned to his kingdom united with his family and subjects.

It occurred this fast due to its effect. There was rain everywhere in the kingdom, and the kingdom was again prosperous and flourishing. And the people were also pleased.

In this way, Lord Hrishikesha is pleased with the observance of fast and the statement of the person who observes the fast.

All the sins that have been prone are destroyed.

This is the Glory of Sayana Ekadashi

On this Ekadashi, devotees throng to see Lord Sri Vitthal in Pandharpur, Maharashtra. All the nearby village devotees make groups and go to see Lord and see him divine.

If we come back after holding a beautiful form in our hearts, then all of us should also keep this simple and dear to Supreme Lord means Ekadashi and save it as much as possible to remain firm on the path of Bhakti.

One should keep on hearing, chanting the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra, and one should try to attain the transcendental loving devotional service of the Supreme Lord.

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Significance of Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi

Significance of Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi

Ekadashi is one of the beautiful celebrations; it is seen eleven days after the full moon and eleven days after the new moon of every month.

Even on the thirteenth or leap moon, it is called Adhi-masa or Purusottama-masa.

Srila Prabhupada’s summarised study of Bhakti- rasamrta-Sindhu states:

One who sees fasting on Ekadashi day is free from taking wrong actions and becoming religious life advances.

Srila Rupa Goswami tells us in the Bhakti-asamrita Sindhu Granth, which Srila Prabhupada has translated.

Especially this, devotion to please God is being presented, and we should follow these methods; many ways out there.

Observing the fasting

One of the first Ten methods is -Observing the Fast on the day of Ekadashi! Every Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha Ekadashi performing at Madhav Tithe is bhakti Janani.

That is why we should try to follow it, Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur, and Jetane Palani kori, it is all helpful to devotion, and that’s why we should accept it.

Said that Ekadashi maa, herself, has appeared from the body of the supreme God, and this date is very dear to our Lord.

By performing the observances of Ekadashi fast, we move to progress very quickly in devotion. On Ekadashi, we should do fasting from food and grains, and Nirjala Ekadashi is considered Maha-Ekadashi, on which we should do fasting from water.

If you cannot do fasting from water, we can consume water; you can take fruit juice if this is also hard for you.

If there is a problem with that too, then it means that you can take fruits. If this is not possible, then fasting with prasad; you can have Sabudana, kuttu, fruits; people choose many things.

We have to follow the purity of Ekadashi. Without any water, one will have to perform rituals like Nirjala.

Prabhupada says about Bhima Ekadashi.

Srila Prabhupada had told this to his Disciple HG Rameshwar Prabhu whether it is Bhima Or Arjuna, is all Nirjala, 

Ekadashi should be performed in the form of Nirjala, yet it is mentioned in Mahabharat itself.

It says that Bhimsen has expressed his helplessness;

 he told Vyasadeva in desperation, “I can’t perform Ekadashi fasting because, in those days, everyone used to perform Ekadashi fast by keeping themself Nirjala.” Bhimsen said a special gastric fire inside inflames not to keep fast on this Ekadashi; what is it?

Then Vyasadeva Ji said that you could perform the ritual of Jyeshtha Shukl Ekadashi once in the year because Bhimsen had Kept it; all the other Pandavas also kept it. Hence it is called Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi.

Once every year, which is the fasting of Ekadashi, it helps move forward in devotion. Its foremost purpose is not to keep Nirjala Ekadashi and sleep throughout the day.

Srila Prabhupada even said that if you could take prasad regularly, and preaching is the primary service, advertising and promotion of Krishna is the highest service.

But while hiding behind the propaganda, we should never do less than our capacity. this is also a service.

Rupa Goswami says, don’t do less than you can; if we can keep fast on Nirjala Ekadashi, we should keep it.

Maha Daan on Nirjala Ekadashi.

About ISKCON Ekadashi

In ISKCON, we do not impose such strict rules because it was formed to expand and spread the practice of Bhakti Yoga. Everyone can’t sit on fasting, and there is no one to spread the message of our Lord Krishna.

Therefore, at least from sunrise the next day till Parana, everyone should observe a fast of Nirjala.

Learning and preaching about Krishna

This day, many devotees chant 64 rounds and more; you can do self-study or listen to discourses.

One can spend more time with the deity of the Lord, whose main objective is to overcome the body’s needs and pay attention to the soul’s needs.

Regarding Nirjala Ekadashi, the priest who is a priest does not have any inconvenience in performing achaman. He can do it.

You can also consume Charanamirt; take only as much charanamirt as a mustard seed that can be immersed in it. It is not that the grain of mustard is put in; it is food.

 But remember that if there are any rules and regulations, they must obey the purpose of all this.

Smartavyah satatam visnur vismartavyo na jatucit sarve vidhi-nisedhah syur etayor eva kinkarah”

This verse is a quotation from Padma Purana, which says Krishna is the origin of Lord Vishnu. Therefore, he should always be remembered and never forgotten at any time. All the rules and prohibition mentioned in the sastra should be their servants of these two principles.” this is the supreme instruction.

On this Jyeshtha Shukla Ekadashi, our aim should increase maximum listening and chanting on Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi. 

Join the devotees and stay in the correct consciousness because we can keep whatever decisions.

 We can go on the day of Ekadashi. So it is very beneficial for us and for our devotion.

Srila Vishwanatha Chakravarti Thakur says this is the perfect time to overview what we have done in the last 15 days.

On the day of Nirjala Ekadashi, we can think about what we had done for the whole last year in devotion and evaluation and about it can do more.

Remember that it is Ekadashi; if you can Nirjala, that is perfect for keeping it. but the main aim should be to remember Krishna as much as possible

It is the true meaning of Ekadashi.

The legend behind this special Ekadashi

Once the Pandav Bhima requested Shree Krishna to solve his difficulty, Shree Krishna asked him what Bhima, the insatiable eater, explained to Shree Krishna despite his serious struggles, and it was challenging for him to follow.

According to the manuscripts, one should obey Ekadashi with great respect by not eating or drinking anything all day. And altogether, engaging yourself functions in the different parts of Bhakti.

Fast all food and water on the perfect day of Ekadashi and eat only once on Dwadashi Tithi, the next day of Ekadashi.

However, fasting from all food and water on Ekadashi proved tough and challenging for Bhima. 

Hence he requested Shree Krishna to find an answer to his situation.

Understanding the situation to him and Shree Krishna being accommodating towards Bhima, 

The Supreme Lord Krishna allowed him to eat fruits and flowers on all the Ekadashi except one; he told Bhima to follow the Shukla paksha Ekadashi in the month of Jyeshta,

Without eating or drinking anything, he was allowed to eat phalahar, fruit on all other Ekadahis except this one. Ekadashi later becomes Famous as Pandav Nirjala Ekadashi.

What should you do if you unexpectedly break Ekadashi?

Srila Prabhupada suggested that if we unintentionally eat some grain on Ekadashi, we should keep the Ekadashi Fast for the rest day and the next day in Dvadasi; if even that is impossible, we should go on with our activities in ISKCON and pray for forgiveness.

Seeks the Blessings of Krishna by donating on the occasion of Ekadashi.

Frequently Asked Questions-

Q- When will be the Nirjala Ekadashi in 2024?
A- Nirjala Ekadashi will be celebrated on 18 June 2024 in ISKCON (India).

Q- What is the Nirjala Ekadashi fast-breaking time?
A- Fast breaking time is 19 June 2024 between 5.24 AM to 07.28 AM.