Maha Shivratri

Maha Shivratri

The Significance of Maha shivratri

Hare Krishna! Heartiest wishes to all of you on the occasion of Mahashivratri festival. The Chaturdashi of the Krishna Paksha of every month is called Shivratri. But the Shivratri falling on the Krishna Chaturdashi of the month of Phalgun is called Mahashivratri, which is celebrated with great joy and devotion. At the time of doomsday, on this day at the time of Pradosh, Lord Shiva performs Tandava and burns the universe with the flame of his third eye. That is why it is also called Mahashivratri or Jalratri. Lord Shankar was also married on this day. That is why Bhole Bhandari’s wedding procession is taken out at night, and fruits are eaten after worshipping.

Lord Shiva as the Controller of the Universe

Shiva means auspicious or benevolent. Adidev, who is also called by the names Shankar, Shambhu, Mahadev, Mahesh, Rudra, etc., is also the controller of this material world. According to Brahma Samhita,

 kṣīraṁ yathā dadhi vikāra-viśeṣa-yogā
sañjāyate na hi tataḥ pṛthag asti hetoḥ
yaḥ śambhutām api tathā samupaiti kāryād
govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmii

Lord Brahma tells that just as curd is produced from milk but it is a distorted form of milk, in the same way Lord Shiva also helps in the operation of the universe along with Brahma and Vishnu as the controller of this material world.

The Role of Lord Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma in the Universe

Elsewhere it is described that Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh run the system of this material universe through Rajo, Sattva, and Tamo Gunas. Vishnu and Mahesh are beyond Gunas, and the creation and destruction of this world take place under their authority. In this context, they have also been called Gunavatar. Many times the wrong notion is spread that Shivji is affected by Tamo Guna, but this is not so at all. Lord Shiv is beyond Gunas and he is the presiding deity of Tamo Guna in this world. Ghosts, spirits, vampires, demons, etc. are his followers under Tamo Guna.

Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu: No Difference

In the Mahabharata’s Anushasana Parva, one meaning of the names Shiv, Rudrasthanu, and Rudra in the Sahastranaam of Vishnu is that there is no difference between the two. Thus, in many scriptures, we find that there is no difference between Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, but in a more in-depth study, we will find that there is a difference. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had called it Achintyabhedabheda Tattva.

Lord Shiva’s Role as the Best Among Vaishnavas

Now, how is there a difference? Srimad Bhagwatam describes in the twelfth chapter that this Shrimad Bhagwatam is the essence of all the Vedas, and in the essence of the same Vedas, Bhagwatam, it is described that the best among Vaishnavas is Shambhu. Vaishnavnam Yatha Shambhu. In the fourth chapter of Shrimad Bhagwatam, Lord Shiva describes Rudrageet and says that whoever recites this hymn, it becomes easy for him to get the devotion of Lord Shri Krishna. Devotees of Rudra sect, one of the Vaishnav traditions, follow the path of Krishna bhakti given by Lord Shiva, and the Acharya of this tradition is Shri Vishnu Swami ji.

Lord Shiva’s Devotion to Lord Ram and His Preaching

In Padma Purana, Lord Shiva preaches to his wife Parvati,

śrī rāma rāma rāmeti rame rāme manorame
sahasranāma tat tulyaṃ rāmanāma varānane

That is, O Rama, O Sumukhi, the name of Ram is like Vishnu Sahastra Naam. I always praise Ram and enjoy the name of Ram. Thus, by deep study of scriptures, we find that there is no difference between Lord Shiva and Vishnu, and Shiva considers Lord Vishnu as his worshipable deity.

Lord Shiva’s Exchange with Lord Vishnu: The Mohini Leela

In the eighth chapter, when Lord Shiva requested to see the Mohini avatar of Lord Vishnu, Vishnu Ji gave him the darshan of Mohini form, but what happened was that Vishnu Ji confused Shiva Ji by creating attraction towards Mohini through his Maya. This leela is an exchange between two great personalities, but some immature people feel that this is a competition of superiority between Shiva and Vishnu Ji.

Lord Shiva in the Raas Leela of Lord Krishna

Lord Shiva, eager to participate in the Raas Leela of Lord Shri Krishna, took the form of a Gopi and even today we can see that in Shridham Vrindavan, he is worshipped as Gopeshwar Mahadev, where he is adorned as a Gopi. Lord Shiva protects every Dham as the Kshetrapalak. In Mathura, he is in the form of Bhuteshwar Mahadev. In Manasi Ganga Govardhan, he resides in the form of Chakleshvar Mahadev. In Nandgaon, he is in the form of Nandeshwar Mahadev, in Kamyavan, in the form of Kameshwar Mahadev and Gopeshwar Mahadev Ji is the Digpal of Shri Dham Vrindavan.

The Importance of Gopeshwar Mahadev

Shridham Vrindavan is a major place for Gaudiya Vaishnavas, and in many Gaudiya Vaishnava texts, Gopeshwar Mahadev situated in Vrindavan has been praised by our previous acharyas. Shrila Narhari Chakravarti writes in Bhakti Ratnakar Granth that, “I bow down to Gopeshwar Mahadev who removes all the troubles that come in devotion and makes the love of God accessible in Vrindavan.”

Lord Shiva’s Meeting with Baby Krishna

When Lord Shiva came to know that Lord Shri Krishna has taken birth as a child in Gokul, he expressed his desire to meet Krishna and asked for permission from mother Parvati to go to Nandgaon, and he reached there to meet him in his Aghora disguise. And when Yashoda saw that an Aghori Baba has come to meet Krishna, thinking that Krishna might get scared of his appearance, Yashoda Maiya refused to meet him. Baba insisted on not going without meeting him and went some distance and sat there.

Lord Shiva as Nandeshwar: A Symbol of Devotion

Here Lord was also eager to give darshan to Shiva, so he also started crying and cried in such a way that he could not stop even after someone tried to pacify him. If not, then someone suggested that maybe it is a bad omen because of not allowing Baba to meet Kanha and Kanha is crying, then Lord Shiva was called and as soon as Lord Shiva touched Kanha, he became calm. Then Yashoda Maiya requested Shiv Ji that our Kanha does not cry because of your coming here, so you stay here. From then on, Lord Shiva became Nandeshwar.

Conclusion: Praying for Lord Shiva’s Blessings

This wonderful leela shows us that only the eagerness of the devotee of Lord to meet him can make him have his darshan. It is said that without the permission of Lord Shiva, no one is allowed to enter the abode. Therefore, we all should also pray to Lord Shiva to please remove the desire to enjoy the material world from our hearts and remove all the obstacles in doing devotion to Lord Shri Krishna with complete dedication, so that we can get out of this cycle of life and death and attain Bhagavat Dham at the end of life. Hare Krishna!

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The Glorious Life and Legacy of Srila Isvara Puri

The Glorious Life and Legacy of Srila Isvara Puri

Birth and Early Life in Kumarhatta

The Holy Birthplace of Srila Isvara Puri

Srila Isvara Puri was born in the town of Kumarhatta on the full moon day of the month of Jyestha to a family of brahmins. The town holds great significance for Gaudiya Vaishnavas because Shrivas Pandit and his brothers moved here after Mahaprabhu took sannyas, unable to tolerate the painful reminders of Him in Navadvipa.

Kumarhatta’s Significance for Gaudiya Vaishnavism

Isvara Puri’s birthplace is popularly known by the name of “Chaitanya Doba,” meaning “a pool of water.” When Chaitanya Mahaprabhu passed through Kumarhatta on His way to Puri, He picked up some earth from the place of His spiritual master’s birth, wrapped it in His cloth, and took it with Him. This act was followed by thousands of pilgrims, creating a pit that later filled with water.

Initiation and Spiritual Mastery

Taking Shelter under Madhavendra Puri

Isvara Puri’s sannyasa name is widely known, though his name prior to taking sannyasa is not recorded. His father’s name was Shyamasundar Acharya. Ishwara Puri took initiation from Madhavendra Puri, the embodiment of nectarean devotional love. Madhavendra Puri was also the spiritual master of Nityananda Prabhu.

The Power of Guru-Disciple Relationship

Madhavendra Puri was very pleased with Isvara Puri’s sincere, affectionate service, showering him with blessings that immersed him in the ocean of love for Krishna. The relationship between Guru and disciple is key in spiritual progress. By pleasing the spiritual master, a disciple attains auspiciousness, but the reverse leads to inauspiciousness. The guru is eternal, and our relationship with him is also eternal. So, we must always try to please the spiritual master.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Connection with Isvara Puri

This is the famous connection between Isvara Puri and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu—Mahaprabhu took initiation from him. While Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and doesn’t need initiation, He set an example for the world by teaching the necessity of sheltering under a bonafide spiritual master.

The Divine Meeting of Mahaprabhu and Isvara Puri

Mahaprabhu traveled to Gaya for a specific purpose—His father had left this world, and He went there to perform the final oblations. It was there that He met Isvara Puri and took initiation from him. Afterward, He began displaying signs of love for God and engaged in divine pastimes upon returning to His homeland.

The Importance of Guru and the Initiation of Mahaprabhu

When Mahaprabhu and Isvara Puri met, they were overcome with ecstasy, drenched in tears of prema. Mahaprabhu expressed, “My pilgrimage to Gaya is successful today because I have seen your lotus feet.” He offered His body to the service of the Guru and requested to drink the nectar of Krishna’s lotus feet. This highlights the supreme importance of the guru in spiritual progress.

Isvara Puri’s Impact on Mahaprabhu’s Life

A Guru’s Blessings and Divine Love

Mahaprabhu’s pilgrimage was marked by His personal service to Isvara Puri. After performing oblations for His father, He returned to His room to cook, personally preparing food for His spiritual master. Mahaprabhu’s act of cooking and serving demonstrates the ideal way to serve the Guru.

Mahaprabhu’s Service to His Guru

Isvara Puri had met Mahaprabhu earlier in Navadvipa, even before giving Him the ten-syllable mantra in Gaya. He also met Advaita Acharya, who had similarly been a disciple of Madhavendra Puri.

Devotional Service and Guru’s Mercy

Mahaprabhu’s Demonstration of Guru Seva

Isvara Puri came to Navadvipa and stayed at Gopinatha Acharya’s house. At that time, Nimai Pandit was absorbed in His studies. He met Isvara Puri in disguise, and no one initially recognized him. However, the divine lustre of a Vaishnava cannot remain hidden from another, and Advaita Acharya eventually recognized Ishwara Puri as Madhavendra Puri’s dear disciple.

The Blessings of Isvara Puri in Navadvipa

The First Meeting with Nimai Pandit

One day, when Mahaprabhu was returning from school, He met Isvara Puri on the way. Isvara Puri was struck by His demeanor and felt a deep affection for Him. Upon learning that Mahaprabhu was Nimai Pandit, Isvara Puri was delighted and humbly accepted an invitation to lunch.

Ishwara Puri’s divine presence was soon recognized by the devotees, and a loud chant of “Hari! Hari!” echoed throughout. This moment marked the recognition of Isvara Puri’s true identity as a spiritual master.

Srila Isvara Puri’s Disappearance

Srila Isvara Puri’s disappearance is a day of deep reflection for devotees. His life was a testament to pure devotion and surrender to Lord Krishna, and his teachings left an indelible mark on the Bhakti movement. As the spiritual master of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, his legacy continues to inspire countless souls on the path of devotion. On this day, we honor his transcendental contributions and pray to follow in his footsteps, seeking the mercy of the guru and the divine grace of Lord Krishna.

The Importance of Serving the Guru for Spiritual Progress

The life of Srila Ishwara Puri teaches us that Guru-seva is essential to attain love of Godhead. As Mahaprabhu Himself showed, serving the guru leads to the fulfillment of all spiritual desires.

“Srila Isvara Puripada Ki Jai!”

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Sri Ramanujacarya Appearance and Disappearance

Sri Ramanujacarya: The Beacon of Bhakti and Vedantic Wisdom

In the glorious lineage of Vaiṣṇava Acaryas, Sri Ramanujacarya stands as a divine beacon of knowledge, devotion, and service. His life and teachings continue to illuminate the path of bhakti for seekers across generations. His appearance and disappearance are sacred events observed with great reverence, as he was a direct manifestation of the Lord’s mercy to uplift conditioned souls.

The Divine Appearance of Sri Ramanujacarya

Sri Ramanujacarya appeared in the year 1017 CE in the town of Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, in a pious Brahmin family. His very birth was a divine arrangement by the Supreme Lord to re-establish the pure tenets of Vaishnavism. As per Vaishnava tradition, he is considered an incarnation of Sesa, the eternal servant of Lord Visnu, who takes various forms to serve the Lord in different capacities.

From a young age, Sri Ramanujacarya exhibited extraordinary intelligence, devotion, and a deep yearning for transcendental knowledge. His early education was under Yadava Prakasa, a well-known Advaiti scholar. However, Ramanuja’s natural inclination towards bhakti led to ideological differences with his teacher. The Lord arranged for him to receive shelter under the great Vaishnava saint, Sri Yamunacarya, whose influence played a crucial role in shaping Sri Ramanujacarya’s spiritual mission.

Restoring the Path of Bhakti

At a time when impersonalism had gained widespread influence, Sri Ramanujacarya re-established the personalistic philosophy of Vedanta, known as Visistadvaita. His teachings harmonised scriptural authority, philosophical reasoning, and intense devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sriman Narayana.

His magnum opus, the Sri Bhasya, is a masterful commentary on the Vedanta-sutras, refuting monistic interpretations and establishing the Supreme Lord as the transcendental reality, full of attributes and eternally distinct from the jivas and prakṛti. He also composed works like Gita Bhaṣya, Vedartha Sangraha, and Saranagati Gadyam, emphasising complete surrender (prapatti) to Lord Narayana as the ultimate path of liberation.

Unparalleled Devotional Service

Unlike many scholars of his time, Sri Ramanujacarya did not confine his teachings to the learnt elite. He tirelessly worked to make bhakti accessible to all, regardless of caste or background. His deep compassion led him to break rigid societal barriers, embracing sincere devotees from all walks of life.

One of the most inspiring incidents from his life was when he received the sacred mantra from his guru and, instead of keeping it secret, climbed atop the temple tower of Sri Rangam and loudly proclaimed it to all. His guru chastised him, warning that he would be doomed for revealing this confidential knowledge. However, Sri Ramanujacarya humbly responded, “If by sharing the Lord’s name, I can uplift countless souls, then I gladly accept any consequence upon myself.” Such was his unmatched spirit of surrender and compassion.

The Glorious Disappearance of Sri Ramanujacarya

After a lifetime of unparalleled service, Sri Ramanujacarya entered his divine pastimes of departure at the sacred temple of Sri Rangam in 1137 CE. Before his departure, he instructed his disciples to continue spreading Vaiṣṇava Siddhanta, emphasizing humility, service, and unwavering devotion to Sriman Narayana.

Even today, his divine presence is felt through the sacred murti of Sri Ramanujacarya at Sri Rangam, which, as per Vaiṣṇava tradition, is said to contain his original transcendental body. Pilgrims from around the world visit this sacred site, seeking his blessings to progress in devotional service.

Sri Ramanujacarya’s Eternal Legacy 

Sri Ramanujacarya’s teachings remain eternally relevant for devotees seeking to deepen their relationship with the Supreme Lord. His emphasis on:

  • Unalloyed bhakti over dry intellectualism
  • Saranagati (complete surrender) as the means of attaining the Lord
  • Devotional service beyond caste and societal divisions
  • Scriptural wisdom applied with compassion and humility

These principles serve as guiding lights for sincere practitioners in the path of Krishna consciousness. His influence extends even beyond his sampradaya, as many Vaiṣṇava traditions, including Gauḍiya Vaishnavism, acknowledge his invaluable contributions.

As we commemorate both the divine appearance and disappearance of Sri Ramanujacarya, let us take inspiration from his life of dedication, humility, and boundless mercy. By sincerely following his teachings, we too can awaken pure love for the Supreme Lord and serve as instruments in spreading the mission of bhakti across the world.

” Sri Ramanujacarya Mahabhagavata Ki Jaya!”

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Kumbh Mela

Introduction to Kumbh Mela

Kumbh Mela is one of the largest and most important spiritual events in the world, with its roots tracing back to ancient Vedic stories. According to Vedic scriptures, during the Samudra Manthan (churning of the ocean of milk), both demigods and demons worked together to extract amrita (the elixir of immortality). In the process, a pot containing the amrita was formed. A battle ensued between the demigods and demons to claim the pot. To trick the demons, Lord Vishnu appeared as the enchanting Mohini and distributed the nectar only to the demigods.

While trying to escape with the pot, a few drops of amrita fell on four places on Earth: Prayagraj, Haridwar, Ujjain, and Nashik. These places are now considered sacred, and every 12 years, the Kumbh Mela is celebrated at these locations.

What is Kumbh Mela?

The word “Kumbh” means pot, and “Mela” means fair. The Kumbh Mela represents the churning of the ocean of milk and the sacred nectar that emerged from it. The Mela is a spiritual gathering held at four major locations — Prayagraj, Haridwar, Ujjain, and Nashik — each of which hosts the event in rotation every three years.

The most significant Kumbh Mela takes place in Prayagraj, where millions of pilgrims gather at the Sangam, the meeting of the Ganga, Yamuna, and the Saraswati rivers. The event holds deep spiritual importance, and millions believe that taking a dip in the holy waters during the Kumbh Mela cleanses the soul and helps attain moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).

Mahakumbh Mela 2025: A Spiritual Milestone

The Mahakumbh Mela 2025 will take place in Prayagraj and is set to be one of the largest religious gatherings ever. It occurs every 12 years according to the Hindu lunar calendar and is believed to be the most auspicious time for spiritual advancement. Pilgrims gather to bathe in the sacred waters of the Sangam, believing that this act will wash away their sins and bring them closer to moksha.


Key Highlights of Mahakumbh Mela 2025

Celestial Alignment: The timing of the Mahakumbh Mela is based on the alignment of Jupiter, the Sun, and the Moon, making it the most spiritually powerful event of its kind.

Opportunity for Spiritual Growth: Thousands and thousands of saints and spiritual leaders gather during the Kumbh Mela, offering blessings and teachings to the pilgrims. This is a great opportunity to seek spiritual guidance.

Massive Gathering: The Kumbh Mela is the largest peaceful gathering in the world, attracting millions of pilgrims from across the globe.

Sacred Bathing: The most important ritual is taking a holy dip in the river at Sangam, which is believed to purify the soul and cleanse sins.

Location and Key Dates for Kumbh Mela 2025

The Mahakumbh Mela 2025 will take place in Prayagraj (formerly known as Allahabad), which is located at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers. According to vedic texts, this confluence is considered the holiest place on Earth, where sins are forgiven, and enlightenment is attained.

January 13, 2025: Paus Purnima (Opening Ceremony)
January 14, 2025: Makar Sankranti (First Shahi Snan or Royal Bathing)
January 29, 2025: Mauni Amavasya (Major Bathing Day)
February 12, 2025: Maghi Purnima (Closing Ceremony)

These dates are significant for different bathing rituals, where millions of pilgrims gather to cleanse themselves in the holy waters of Sangam.

The Festival of Faith and Spirituality

The Kumbh Mela is not just a religious event, but also a vibrant festival that includes cultural performances, food stalls, handicraft markets, and lively celebrations of faith. Devotees perform spiritual practices like chanting, fasting, and meditation, alongside taking part in sacred rituals.

The Mahakumbh Mela is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to witness the world’s largest peaceful gathering, where millions of devotees come together to seek spiritual advancement.

ISKCON’s Role in Kumbh Mela

Since 1971, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) has been an important part of the Kumbh Mela. ISKCON’s presence focuses on spreading the teachings of Lord Krishna, and its camps offer spiritual activities such as kirtans (devotional chants), book distributions, and the serving of prasadam (sanctified food).

ISKCON devotees also actively engage with pilgrims, offering spiritual guidance and support, and emphasizing the importance of Krishna consciousness. Their participation highlights the global significance of the Kumbh Mela and provides visitors with the opportunity for spiritual growth.

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on the Kumbh Mela

In his commentary on the Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada elaborates on the deep historical and spiritual significance of the Kumbh Mela:

“Bathing during the month of Māgha at Māgha-melā still takes place. This has been a very old melā (assembly) from time immemorial. It is said that the Lord in the form of Mohinī took a bucket of nectar and kept it at Prayāga. Consequently, Māgha-melā has been observed, and there is an assembly of holy men there every year. Every twelfth year there is a Kumbha-melā, a great festival, and all the holy men from all over India assemble there. The brāhmaṇa wanted to take advantage of the Māgha-melā and bathe there.”

— Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā, Chapter 18, Text 145, Purport

Prabhupada’s words highlight the historical continuity of these spiritual gatherings, which began with the divine event of Lord Vishnu, as Mohini, placing the pot of nectar at Prayāga. This divine act gave rise to the Māgha-melā, which later evolved into the Kumbh Mela, held once every 12 years, gathering holy men and pilgrims from across India and beyond.

Why Attend Mahakumbh Mela 2025?

Spiritual Cleansing: Pilgrims believe that a dip in the holy Sangam waters will purify the soul, wash away sins, and bring salvation.

Inspiration from Saints and Sages: The event is an opportunity to meet and receive blessings from revered spiritual leaders and saints.

Cultural Experience: Beyond the spiritual aspects, the Kumbh Mela is also a vibrant cultural celebration, offering visitors a chance to experience India’s rich traditions.

The Mahakumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj promises to be a transformative experience for anyone seeking spiritual enlightenment. Whether you are a pilgrim or a curious traveler, witnessing this grand festival of faith will be a moment to remember for a lifetime. Make sure to plan your visit and be part of this extraordinary gathering that celebrates the spiritual essence of India.

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Srila Jayadev Goswami

Srila Jayadev Goswami appeared in Kendubilva gram in West Bengal’s Birbhum district in the 11th or 12th century. At that time King Laxman Sen’s kingdom was in Navadwip. The village Kendubilva is situated near the Ajay River. He received his deities of Shri Shri Radha Madhav from the river. Srila Jaydev Goswami used to worship it. These deities of Shri Shri Radha Madhav are now present in Kanak Vrindavan near Jaipur. Srila Jayadev Goswami’s father’s name was Bhoj Dev and His mother’s name was Vama Devi.

How did Srila Jayadev Goswami’s marriage take place?

There used to be a Brahmin in Jagannath Puri and that Brahmin was not having any child, so for a long time, many years, he was praying to Lord Jagannath for a child. Lord Jagannath blessed him a lot and then They had a daughter named was Padmavati, and as the daughter grew up, after some time when she became eligible for marriage, then the Brahmin brought his daughter to Lord Jagannath and the Brahmin said that Jagannathji, I have dedicated this daughter to your feet, I want to get her married. So Jagannath ji again came to him in his dream and told him to go to Navadwip, My devotee Jayadev Goswami is there and he always chants the names of Hari, he is a very detached Vaishnav.

And you get them married to him. Then that Brahmin came to Sri Jayadev Goswami with his daughter and Sri Jayadev Goswami understood why he had come. Jayadev Goswami clearly refused saying that he had no interest in marriage.Hearing this, the Brahmin became very sad. Then the Brahmin said, okay if I cannot marry her to you then I will not take my daughter back with me. So the Brahmin left his daughter there and after that his daughter said, Oh Vaishnav Thakur, if you do not accept me, then I will give up my life right here. You are my Lord, my master. I have accepted you from my heart. I cannot accept any other man.

So Jayadev Goswami got very worried. And Sri Jayadev Goswami was forced to marry Padmavati. This is how Sri Jayadev Goswami married Padmavati.

Sri Jayadeva Goswami started writing a book in Champahati at that time, whose name is Gita Govinda. He has written Dashavatara stotram in mangalacharan, in the beginning. We sing one of those hymns every day when we praise Lord Narasimha in the morning.

tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-śṛńgaḿ
keśava dhṛta-narahari-rūpa jaya jagadīśa hare

Govardhan Acharya was a minister in the kingdom of King Laxman Sen. When Govardhan Acharya read this Dashavatara stotra, he was very impressed. He said that I should show this Dashavatara stotra to the king. The king will be very happy after reading it. So Govardhan Acharya took this stotram to him and showed it to him. The king was very happy. He was impressed and asked who had written this.
I want to meet that Vaishnav. Then Govardhan Acharya said that this is Jayadev Goswami who has written this Dashavatara stotra. He does not meet any one, any king, any person with special status. Then the king said, okay, I will go in disguise but I will definitely meet him. He came once in disguise and was very impressed after seeing Sri Jayadeva Goswami. He prostrated himself before him like a humble Vaishnav and bowed his head before him. Jayadev Goswami welcomed him with great respect and honoured him.

From his words it became clear that this is King Lakshman Sen. The King invited him and said that you come and become the poet of our kingdom, become the court poet.Then Jayadeva Goswami said that it is okay if you are forcing me to become your court poet, if I become a poet then I will not stay here in Navadwip. I will go from here to Jagannath Puri, but I cannot come to you. The king thought that he is a very detached Vaishnav. Then he said that there is a very beautiful place in Champahati, there are Champak trees all around, you will like it a lot. You will be able to do your bhajan very well there. So in this way, the king is praying again and again.Then Jayadeva Goswami accepts this proposal and starts living in ChampaHati in Navadwip.

He had started writing Gita Govinda further. So when he was writing Geeta Govinda, he reached the tenth canto. There he was remembering the leela
that Radha Rani is waiting for Krishna, Krishna has delayed. She became very angry and started expressing her pride and Radharani refused to meet him or talk to him. So when Radharani expresses her pride, it becomes very difficult for Krishna to break that pride. Although Krishna is the supreme Lord.

But even though he has to bow before Shrimati Radharani and what did Krishna do to break the maan, he took Radha’s feet and wore it on his head, such a leela was energized. Sri Jayadeva Goswami stopped after writing the first line In which he wrote smara garala khandanam. He wrote only this much, after that he stopped, his hands started shaking and he could not write further.

Sri Jayadeva Goswami said, what am I writing, That is all the powers are manifested in the Almighty Lord Shri Krishna and Radharani is his antaranga shakti, she is his eternal servant. How is it possible that the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna will wear the feet of Radha Rani on his head? Is this possible? He put down the pen and went to take a bath.Then the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna himself arrived at his house assuming the guise of Sri Jayadeva Goswami and went inside the room and completed that line smara garala khandanam mama sirasi mandanam dehi pada pallavam udaram

Padmavati got the opportunity to serve Prasad to Lord Krishna who was in the guise of Sri Jayadev Goswami. He took the prasad and left. After sometime original Sri Jayadev Goswami came back after taking a bath. He
saw Padmavati accepting the prasad. What are you doing? Today I am seeing such a scene Padmavati that you are taking the prasad before me, what is the reason? Is your health fine?

Padmavati said that you have come back so soon, you had just gone. I am not able to understand what is happening. So Jayadev Goswami went inside and he saw Gita govinda. He could see the complete line in it. Jayadev Goswami understood it directly, Madhav, Krishna himself had come here and he has completed this line, this is a miracle. He called Padmavati, see what a miracle has happened, do you know Madhav himself came and completed the line? He certified that what I have written is correct and you are very fortunate. You fed Prasad with your own hands to Madhav.

I did not get this good fortune. So in this way Jayadev Goswami wrote the book Gita Govinda, which is very popular, even today in Jagannath Puri. Jagganathji likes Gita Govind very much and there are many incidents related to it.

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also appreciates the Gita Govinda written by Sri Jayadeva Goswami.
Day and night, the Lord would speak as though He were Radha meeting Uddhava. He would also relish the poems of Chandi Das, Jayadeva Goswami and Vidyapati.

(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.13.41-2)

Sri Jayadeva Gosvami also composed a book named Chandraloka. His disappearance is on Pausha Sankranti.

We pray at the lotus feet of Sri Jayadeva Goswami that we may develop strong faith in the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna and become intensely engaged in the pure devotional service of the Lord.

“Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”


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