Maha Shivratri
The Significance of Maha shivratri
Hare Krishna! Heartiest wishes to all of you on the occasion of Mahashivratri festival. The Chaturdashi of the Krishna Paksha of every month is called Shivratri. But the Shivratri falling on the Krishna Chaturdashi of the month of Phalgun is called Mahashivratri, which is celebrated with great joy and devotion. At the time of doomsday, on this day at the time of Pradosh, Lord Shiva performs Tandava and burns the universe with the flame of his third eye. That is why it is also called Mahashivratri or Jalratri. Lord Shankar was also married on this day. That is why Bhole Bhandari’s wedding procession is taken out at night, and fruits are eaten after worshipping.
Lord Shiva as the Controller of the Universe
Shiva means auspicious or benevolent. Adidev, who is also called by the names Shankar, Shambhu, Mahadev, Mahesh, Rudra, etc., is also the controller of this material world. According to Brahma Samhita,
kṣīraṁ yathā dadhi vikāra-viśeṣa-yogā
sañjāyate na hi tataḥ pṛthag asti hetoḥ
yaḥ śambhutām api tathā samupaiti kāryād
govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmii
Lord Brahma tells that just as curd is produced from milk but it is a distorted form of milk, in the same way Lord Shiva also helps in the operation of the universe along with Brahma and Vishnu as the controller of this material world.
The Role of Lord Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma in the Universe
Elsewhere it is described that Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh run the system of this material universe through Rajo, Sattva, and Tamo Gunas. Vishnu and Mahesh are beyond Gunas, and the creation and destruction of this world take place under their authority. In this context, they have also been called Gunavatar. Many times the wrong notion is spread that Shivji is affected by Tamo Guna, but this is not so at all. Lord Shiv is beyond Gunas and he is the presiding deity of Tamo Guna in this world. Ghosts, spirits, vampires, demons, etc. are his followers under Tamo Guna.
Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu: No Difference
In the Mahabharata’s Anushasana Parva, one meaning of the names Shiv, Rudrasthanu, and Rudra in the Sahastranaam of Vishnu is that there is no difference between the two. Thus, in many scriptures, we find that there is no difference between Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, but in a more in-depth study, we will find that there is a difference. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had called it Achintyabhedabheda Tattva.
Lord Shiva’s Role as the Best Among Vaishnavas
Now, how is there a difference? Srimad Bhagwatam describes in the twelfth chapter that this Shrimad Bhagwatam is the essence of all the Vedas, and in the essence of the same Vedas, Bhagwatam, it is described that the best among Vaishnavas is Shambhu. Vaishnavnam Yatha Shambhu. In the fourth chapter of Shrimad Bhagwatam, Lord Shiva describes Rudrageet and says that whoever recites this hymn, it becomes easy for him to get the devotion of Lord Shri Krishna. Devotees of Rudra sect, one of the Vaishnav traditions, follow the path of Krishna bhakti given by Lord Shiva, and the Acharya of this tradition is Shri Vishnu Swami ji.
Lord Shiva’s Devotion to Lord Ram and His Preaching
In Padma Purana, Lord Shiva preaches to his wife Parvati,
śrī rāma rāma rāmeti rame rāme manorame
sahasranāma tat tulyaṃ rāmanāma varānane
That is, O Rama, O Sumukhi, the name of Ram is like Vishnu Sahastra Naam. I always praise Ram and enjoy the name of Ram. Thus, by deep study of scriptures, we find that there is no difference between Lord Shiva and Vishnu, and Shiva considers Lord Vishnu as his worshipable deity.
Lord Shiva’s Exchange with Lord Vishnu: The Mohini Leela
In the eighth chapter, when Lord Shiva requested to see the Mohini avatar of Lord Vishnu, Vishnu Ji gave him the darshan of Mohini form, but what happened was that Vishnu Ji confused Shiva Ji by creating attraction towards Mohini through his Maya. This leela is an exchange between two great personalities, but some immature people feel that this is a competition of superiority between Shiva and Vishnu Ji.
Lord Shiva in the Raas Leela of Lord Krishna
Lord Shiva, eager to participate in the Raas Leela of Lord Shri Krishna, took the form of a Gopi and even today we can see that in Shridham Vrindavan, he is worshipped as Gopeshwar Mahadev, where he is adorned as a Gopi. Lord Shiva protects every Dham as the Kshetrapalak. In Mathura, he is in the form of Bhuteshwar Mahadev. In Manasi Ganga Govardhan, he resides in the form of Chakleshvar Mahadev. In Nandgaon, he is in the form of Nandeshwar Mahadev, in Kamyavan, in the form of Kameshwar Mahadev and Gopeshwar Mahadev Ji is the Digpal of Shri Dham Vrindavan.
The Importance of Gopeshwar Mahadev
Shridham Vrindavan is a major place for Gaudiya Vaishnavas, and in many Gaudiya Vaishnava texts, Gopeshwar Mahadev situated in Vrindavan has been praised by our previous acharyas. Shrila Narhari Chakravarti writes in Bhakti Ratnakar Granth that, “I bow down to Gopeshwar Mahadev who removes all the troubles that come in devotion and makes the love of God accessible in Vrindavan.”
Lord Shiva’s Meeting with Baby Krishna
When Lord Shiva came to know that Lord Shri Krishna has taken birth as a child in Gokul, he expressed his desire to meet Krishna and asked for permission from mother Parvati to go to Nandgaon, and he reached there to meet him in his Aghora disguise. And when Yashoda saw that an Aghori Baba has come to meet Krishna, thinking that Krishna might get scared of his appearance, Yashoda Maiya refused to meet him. Baba insisted on not going without meeting him and went some distance and sat there.
Lord Shiva as Nandeshwar: A Symbol of Devotion
Here Lord was also eager to give darshan to Shiva, so he also started crying and cried in such a way that he could not stop even after someone tried to pacify him. If not, then someone suggested that maybe it is a bad omen because of not allowing Baba to meet Kanha and Kanha is crying, then Lord Shiva was called and as soon as Lord Shiva touched Kanha, he became calm. Then Yashoda Maiya requested Shiv Ji that our Kanha does not cry because of your coming here, so you stay here. From then on, Lord Shiva became Nandeshwar.
Conclusion: Praying for Lord Shiva’s Blessings
This wonderful leela shows us that only the eagerness of the devotee of Lord to meet him can make him have his darshan. It is said that without the permission of Lord Shiva, no one is allowed to enter the abode. Therefore, we all should also pray to Lord Shiva to please remove the desire to enjoy the material world from our hearts and remove all the obstacles in doing devotion to Lord Shri Krishna with complete dedication, so that we can get out of this cycle of life and death and attain Bhagavat Dham at the end of life. Hare Krishna!