Papmochani Ekadashi

Papmochani Ekadashi

One day, King Yudhisthira told to Krishna,  Hey Madhav please tell us about the Ekadashi of Chaitra mass of Krishna paksha. Lord Krishna stated the story of the Papamocani Ekadashi. After that Lord Krishna revealed the whole Pastime, that Once upon a time there was a king, named Mandhata, who asked about Papamocani  Ekadashi to sage Lomas. Then Lomas sage told the story to Mandhata king. He said.

A long time ago, Kubera, the treasurer of the gods, had a beautiful garden named “chaityaratha”. Spring season used to prevail throughout the year in that garden, due to which the apsaras,  Gandharva and demigods keep roaming.

Sage Medhavi, a great devotee of Shiva, was also doing penances there. Many times Apsaras want to disturb his penances but they failed. An Apsara named Manjughosha decided to break the penance of the sage.

papamochani ekadashi sage

So she started living thereby making a hut near the sage’s ashram. For many times she tried to disturb the sage with her beautiful dance and singing. Then one day, Kaamdev appeared and started attacking sage with his cupid arrows. This happened Because Lord Shiva after sacrificing his wife Sati, slit the throat of his father-in-law, Prajapati Daksha.  After that Shiva gave him the head of a goat. Then lord Shiva went on the austerity of sixty thousand years. At that time,  Lord Brahma sent Kaamdev to bring him out of Samadhi.

Then lord Shiva got angry and opened his third eye and destroyed Kaamdev. So at that time, kaamdev’s physical body was demise but his spiritual body was saved. Therefore, when Kaamdev came to know that the medhavi Sage was a devotee of Shiva, he want to disturb his penance by entering into his body. At the same time, Manjughosha arrived. By entering Kaamdev, Sage Medhavi looked more attractive and sage dropped all his weapons and surrounded Manjughosha. And the fall down was started for sage because of the woman’s Company. After a long period Manjughosha just realized that the sage had fully fallen, she asked for permission to return back to heaven. But Sage asked Manjunghosha to stay more and So she agreed to stay for 56 years, 9 months and 3 days. After that, she asked again to go back.

The sage again denied. At that time Manjughosha felt some fear, that if the sage got to know the reality of her cheating,  then sage will become angry and gave a curse to her. But in due course of time, Medhavi realised about all these cheatings. After that, he got angry and cursed Manjughosha to become a demon. Manjughosha fell at Sage’s feet for forgiveness and started crying. After that sage told the remedy that when she fasts on Papamocani Ekadashi of Krishna paksha of Chaitra mass, then she will be able to get rid of his curse.

After saying all this, he went to his father sage Chyawan. After reaching, he told the whole story to him, and his father also subjected him that, you just do perform, Papamocani Ekadashi, then all your Sins will get eradicated.

In this way, a person, who observes this fast all his sins will be eradicated and he will get the Pure devotion of Lord Krishna.

Why is this Ekadashi fasting is special?

The speciality of Papamocani Ekadashi is that by observing this fast all the sins get eradicated. The Sin in a living being is like a mirror  Covered with dust and one cannot see his real face in it. Similarly, when the living being has the sins of many lives with him, then he too cannot know the reality of this world and his life remains trapped in a cycle of birth and death. That’s why this Papamocani Ekadashi is so special.

By observing this fast, all the sins get destroyed and the person attains pure devotion unto the lotus feet of Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna.

What is the significance of Papamocani Ekadashi?

The importance of Papamocani Ekadashi is described in the Bhavishyotra Purana. It was first narrated to king Mendhata by sage Lomasa and after that Lord Krishna to king Yudhishthira. This Ekadashi destroys all the sins and also frees one from all sorts of anxiety and miserable conditions of life. This Ekadashi’s observation is equal to donating one thousand cows. The main purpose of observing this Ekadashi fast is to control one’s bodily demands and Spend more time chanting Krishna’s names & Listening to Bhagavad Gita & Srimad Bhagavatam, which is full of Krishna’s transcendental pastimes.

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Srila Locana Dasa Thakura: A Devotee’s Journey

Early Life and Spiritual Awakening

Born in a Brahmana family near Katwa, West Bengal, in 1520, Srila Locana Dasa Thakura’s journey towards spiritual life started when he was a young boy. Raised by his parents, Sri Kamalakara Dasa and Sri Sadanandi, Locana Dasa Thakur spent much of his early life with his grandparents, learning about life and spirituality. As he grew older, Locana Dasa Thakur met devotees of Lord Caitanya, which deeply influenced him. He naturally felt a strong connection to Lord Caitanya and showed a lack of interest in ordinary pleasures.

Spiritual Initiation and Devotion

In his youth, Srila Locana Dasa Thakur accepted Sri Narahari Sarakar Thakur, a close associate of Lord Caitanya, as his spiritual guide. He wrote about his deep commitment to serve his spiritual master, expressing, “My hope of hopes is to be near the lotus feet of Sri Narahari Thakura, to serve and worship with my very life.” Under the guidance of Sri Narahari Thakura, who was skilled in composing devotional songs, Locana Dasa Thakur learned to express his devotion through poetry. This marked the beginning of Locana Dasa’s contributions to Gaudiya Vaishnavism.

Marriage and Renunciation

Locana Dasa Thakur got married at a very young age, following the customs of that time. However, as he grew older, he became detached from material life. This caused concern among his in-laws, who approached his guru, Sri Narahari Sarkar, seeking advice. In response, Sri Narahari Sarkar Thakur instructed Locana Dasa Thakur to go to his in-laws’ home. When Locana Das Thakur arrived, he couldn’t remember where his in-laws lived. Asking for directions from a young girl on the street, he respectfully called her “ma,” or “mother.” Later, he discovered that the girl was his wife. From that day on, he regarded her as a mother, showing his deep commitment to a life of renunciation.

Literary Contributions and Legacy

One of Locana Dasa Thakura’s significant literary works is “Caitanya Mangala,” a book about the life and pastimes of Lord Caitanya. This masterpiece draws inspiration from a Sanskrit book by Sri Murari Gupta, titled “Sri Krsna-Caitanya-Carita.”Srila Locana Dasa Thakura’s devotion and literary contributions continue to inspire generations of devotees. His devotional songs, some of which are included in ISKCON songbooks, resonate with the essence of Gaudiya Vaishnavism

In 1618, Srila Locana Dasa Thakura concluded his earthly pastimes to enter the eternal realm of the Lord. His departure marked the culmination of a life dedicated to the glorification of Lord Caitanya and the dissemination of devotional wisdom.


Srila Locana Dasa Thakura’s life exemplifies devotion, surrender, and the power of spiritual association. As devotees continue to chant the holy names and cherish his writings, the legacy of this great saint remains a source of inspiration for people seeking a deeper connection with spirituality.

Appearance day of Lord Ram (Ram Navami)

Appearance day of Lord Ram (Ram Navami)


Wishing you all a pleased Ram Navami.

Ram Navami is a very famous festival celebrated throughout India and worldwide by all the devotees of Lord Shri Ramchandra.   

It is celebrated on the Navami tithi of Shukla paksha of Chaitra month every year. Lord Shri Ram is the 7th incarnation in the dashavtaras of Lord Vishnu. 

He appeared with His three brothers, Bharata, Laxmana and Shatrughna, in tretayuga. They appeared as the sons of King Dasharatha in the Surya dynasty of king Ikshavaku.


This curiosity, everyone wants to know, why does God take incarnation? Lord Krishna has answered Srimad Bhagavad Gita. As per BG 4.7

Lord Krishna says to Arjuna-

yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati bhārata
abhyutthānam adharmasya tadātmānaṁ sṛijāmyaham

“Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that time I descend Myself.”

In the very next verse of BG, Lord says –

paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṁ vināśhāya cha duṣhkṛitām
dharma-sansthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yuge yuge

“To deliver the pious and annihilate the miscreants and re-establish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.”


The significance of the Ram Navami festival is that no matter how big the evil is, it has to be defeated by the good. Ravana, who had ten heads, Lord Ram defeated him with one arrow. Lord Ramchandra proved that He is the complete Lord of the six luxuries by killing him.

In Brahma vaivarta Purana, Lord Brahma vividly explained the definition of being the Lord. He said, “One who possesses all Aishwarya or riches, all virya or strength, all Yasha or fame, all shree or beauty, all gyana or knowledge, all vairagya or renunciation is called Bhagwan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

This proves that only God Ram is the greatest and the most influential personality in the universe. Therefore the defeat of Ravana was inevitable.


According to Bhagwatam Purana, Lord Vishnu had two gatekeepers, Jai and Vijay. Both of them were cursed by the four kumaras – Sanaka kumara, Sanatana kumara, Sanandana kumara and Sanat kumara. As per the curse, both of them had to take birth on earth three times as demons, and they would be the enemy of Lord Vishnu.

Both of them took birth as the sons of Pulasthya brahman. From birth, they were ruthless; they captivated many demigods and demi goddesses.

Seeing all this, Lord Vishnu appeared as the son of King Dashratha.

According to Valmiki Ramayana, King Dashratha had 353 queens. Only three queens were prominent, mother Kaushalya, mother Keikai and mother Sumitra. King Dashratha, who could move his chariot in ten directions, was a great, powerful and majestic king. 

However, he was disappointed in his life. He had no son who could become the future king of Raghukula dynasty, which was the reason for his constant despair. Due to this concern, Sage Vashishtha suggested that he perform the Putra kameshthi sacrifice. As a result of that sacrifice, he got a bowl full of kheer prasadam. He distributed that kheer equally among his three queens. Mother Kaushalya was the eldest of his three queens, so she got half portion of the kheer first. While honouring kheer prasadam, she thought that her child should be able to rule all over the earth. As a result, she received Lord Shri Ram in the form of her son.

Mother Keikai also honoured kheer prasadam, and she thought that her child should always follow the path of dharma. Thus, she received Bharata in the form of her son.

Mother Sumitra received two portions of kheer prasadam. She thought that her son should always serve the elder brothers with love and respect. As a result, she received two sons, Laxmana and Shatrughan. They were constantly engaged in the service of their elder brothers.

Lord Rama accepted queen Sita as His wife. Their entire life story is presented in the Ramayana book, composed by Sage Valmiki.

Ramayana is divided into seven parts:  

ramayana into 7 parts
  1. Bal kand
  2. Ayodhya kand
  3. Aaranya kand
  4. Kishkindha kand
  5. Sundar kand
  6. Yudh kand
  7. Uttar kand

Shri Ramchandra was known as Maryada Purushottam. He taught the whole society how to be an ideal son, an ideal brother, an ideal husband, an ideal friend, an ideal king and an ideal father.

When Ravana kidnapped, mother Sita in her husband’s absence and took Her to Lanka, Lord Ramchandra attacked Lanka with the help of monkeys and brought Sita back. Ravana represented lust, which is just the opposite of pure love.

Lord Ramchandra destroyed unrighteousness and restored dharma by killing Ravana.

lord rama came to ayodhya

We all should take shelter of Ramnaam on this auspicious occasion of Ram Navami so that all the lustful desires in our minds can be destroyed.

Hare Krishna

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Gaura Purnima

Gaura Purnima

Around 500 years ago Lord Shree Krishna appeared in the form of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in this world. Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born in 1486 in Mayapur, Bengal province, in phagun Purnima. His father was Shree Jagannath Mishra and mother was Shreemati Sachi Devi. He was the youngest son of his parents who later became famous by the name of “Nimai Pandit” and after accepting Sannyasa Ashram He was known as Lord Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. After presenting His divine pastimes for 48 years He left for His divine Abode from Jagannath Puri.

Who is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a very important and special incarnation of God. God has taken this form for the people in the age of quarrel and sorrow i.e. “Kali-Yuga” for their welfare. Most of the people even don’t know Him and also don’t even recognize Him. If anyone knows Him, they know Him as a saint or a devotee. Those who know Him they praise Him as a devotee which is not wrong because He has taken this incarnation just to teach us how to do “Bhakti” or become a pure devotee. However, it is not fully correct; He is undoubtedly a devotee of God but also God Himself.

Lord Shree Krishna advents just to show the people of Kali-Yuga how to do bhakti, but this is also a fact that people do not believe that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is God himself. They say, “We know that He was a great Saint, a great Devotee, has done a great work in devotional life but how can we believe that he was Personality of Godhead Krishna Himself?”

How to check authenticity of God

So, to answer this query, the first question arises, “How can we identify any incarnation of God?” especially in today’s era where we get to know about many self-declared Gods here and there. People are confused and don’t understand who is God actually?

So, the truth is that, no one can become God; God is not a position which can be acquired. God is always God and will remain to be God always either in past, present or future. God cannot become anything except God and the one who is not God cannot become God in any condition.

Now the main question arises, “How can we identify the incarnation of God, what is the proof?” In reply to this query we should seek answers from an authenticated source. There should be information about the incarnation in the scriptures. Information like His place of appearance, time of appearance, His looks, purpose of appearance, His father and mother name. All these information should be present in the scriptures in order to identify the incarnation of God. These entire details one can find in depth in scriptures for Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. However, He is identified as secret incarnation of God.

Proof from Srimad Bhagavatam

God has hidden His real identity because He wanted to play the role of a devotee. The information can be found in Srimad Bhagavatam that God would come and spent His time doing the mass kirtan with His followers. This would do the welfare of human society. 

According to scriptures every age has his own religion and by following that we can attain love of Godhead. “Naam Sankirtan” is the only religion of this age and so it was preached by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. This authenticate that Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is none other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Proof from Mahabharata 

Second proof we can get from Mahabharata. When Bheeshma Dev was giving knowledge to Yudhisthira Maharaj there he pronounced Vishnu Sahasranama. He also described about Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and told that Mahaprabhu body complexion would be like molten Gold, He would be very beautiful. He would accept Sannayas Ashram and would spread peace everywhere while doing the devotional service of God.

Proof from Chaitanya Upnishad 

There is one more proof that can be referred. We have 108 Upanishads out of which one is Chaitanya Upanishad, and can be found in Atharva Veda. From this upnishad we can know that Brahmaji has one great ascetic son Pipalad. He questioned to Brahmaji, “What is the easiest route of welfare for the people of most fallen age, Kaliyuga? Which mantra should they chant? Which Demigod should they worship?”

Brahmaji became very happy and replied, “Govind who resides in Goloka Vrindavan Dham, is the beautiful deity form of Spiritual World. He is beyond material senses and is the Controller and Originator of Infinite Universes. He is the Absolute Truth whose lotus feet are meditated upon even by great saints and demigods. That Lord Sri Krishna will appear in Kali-Yuga as Gaura on the bank of Ganga in Navdeep Nagar. He will be known as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu” Saying that, Brahmaji paid his obeisance unto the Lotus Feet of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Brahmaji very clearly told that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is God himself and He even foretold that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu would spread happiness everywhere by chanting His own name:

Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna!

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Ram! Hare Ram!

Ram Ram Hare Hare

Brahmaji also added, “This is an absolute mantra and it can be known only through Devotional service.”

“He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who resides in everyone’s heart as Supersoul, parmatama. Whose feet are even worshipped by Anata Sheeshji and Lakshmiji. In Kali-Yuga, if someone wants to attain Lord Sri Krishna, it would be possible only by the path demonstrated by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu”.

In this way, many scriptures clearly define that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is Lord Krishna Himself and He has taken this form to give love of Krishna to the people of Kali-Yuga using Hare Krishna Mahamantra.

Divine forms of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

gaura purnima

Apart from this if someone is God he should show his Universal form like Lord Sri Krishna has shown to Arjuna. Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had shown His universal form to Advaita Achraya. He presented his Varah form to Marari Gupt. Nityananda Prabhu who is Balrama Himself, Mahaprabhu presented Shatbhuj form in which he was playing flute from two hands as Krishna in Vrindavan, in the other two hands He was holding bow and arrow as Sri Ramchandra and in the other two hands He was holding Sannayas stick and kamandal as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He also presented His RadhaKrishna form to Ramananda Rai.

Transcendental pastimes of Mahaprabhu 

Now let’s talk about the third prospective to identify and authenticate the incarnation of God. One’s capability to do something divine and extraordinary; which cannot be done by any Human Being. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu performed so many divine activities which we can’t even imagine. Let us discuss one of such pastime.

When Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu after accepting Sannyaas Ashram was performing Naam Sankirtana along with a servant, Balabhadra Bhattacharya, He reached in today’s Jharkhand. At that time it was a big and dense forest there. As Chaitanya Mahaprabhu passed, doing Hari Naam Sankirtana, even wild animals gave them route to pass and danced on Krishna’s name. Tiger and Deer started treating each other with love and affection. This was the effect of God and devotion. Even Trees are attracted towards Him. In that way Deer, Peacock, Monkey and Cow rendered service to Lord Krishna. Learning for all of us, when deer and tiger can live together then why not we humans belonging to different caste, country can live together?

Peace formula for the world

Today, war happens between nations belonging to different castes. Even they fight within themselves. But from the above example we can see that if Krishna’s name and devotion will be spread everywhere, there would be love, brotherhood, compassion and friendship. Thus, vanishing all the bad qualities, lack of knowledge and violence at once.

Thus, we can see and understand that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is Lord Sri Krishna Himself, and there is practically no difference between the Teachings of Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita and teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. As per the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and the Hari naam Sankirtana movement will develop peace and love in the entire world. That’s why we should celebrate Gaur Purnima as the Appearance Day of God Himself.

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Most Pious Shat-tila Ekadashi

Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur Ji, a great Vaishnav Acharya, wrote in one of his devotional songs – “Madhav Tithi Bhakti Janani”. That means Ekadashi is the most important and lovable tithi to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna. It pleases the Lord and bestows devotion unto the lotus feet of the Lord. That’s why one should always observe fast and abstain from taking grains on Ekadashi.

When does Shattila Ekadashi occur?

Ekadashi that occurs on Krishna paksha in the month of Magh is popularly known as Shat-Tila Ekadashi. Great Sage Pulastya once informed sage Dalabhya of the importance and story related to Shat-Tila Ekadashi, the slayer of all sinful reactions.

Sage Dalabhya asked, “O Great Sage, Pulastya, every living entity in this material world is involved in sinful fruitive works, and they would have to suffer in hells after death. How can they be saved from the hellish condition of life? Kindly please inform me. “

Sage Pulastya replied, “You are a saintly person and inquired about a very important question. Now, please listen carefully – In the month of Magh, people should try to control the unbridled senses and conquer over anarthas, namely: lust, anger, greed, illusion, pride (madness), and envy. One should also observe fast on the Ekadashi, which occurs on Ardhamula Nakshatra in Krishna Paksha of Magh month. One should purify by taking an early morning bath on Ekadashi and praying to the Lord, Shri Hari. One should chant Hare Krishna maha-mantra as much as possible.”

Story behind Sat-Tila Ekadashi 

shattila ekadashi

Once, Sage Narada also asked Lord Shri Krishna the same question. Lord Krishna replied, “O Narada, I would tell you a truthful story. Please do listen carefully. In ancient times, there was a Brahmani on the earth planet. She used to observe fast quite consistently. Once, she kept fast for the entire month, due to which her body became frail. Although she was knowledgeable, she never donated foodstuff or money to any Brahman or demigod. She had purified her existence already by observing rigorous fasting, but as she didn’t contribute any foodstuff ever, she wasn’t qualified for liberation. “

Lord Krishna said further, “I disguised myself as a Brahman and went on earth to ask for charity from the Brahmani. Seeing an extraordinary Brahman, she inquired and asked the Lord, ‘Please tell me truthfully, who you are?’ I didn’t answer and behaved nonchalantly. At which she angrily poured soil in my begging bowl. After that, I went back to my abode.

Due to her austerity, she also came to my abode after some time. She got a lovely palace to live in, but her castle didn’t have any foodstuff. Hurriedly, she came running to me and said she had always worshipped me by observing various fasts. She wanted to know why her palace didn’t have any foodstuff. I told her to go back to her castle first. Some demigoddess would come to meet you.

She should not open her palace’s gate till they tell her the importance and rituals of Shattila Ekadashi. So she ran back towards her castle. When the demigoddess came to meet her and asked her to open the palace’s gate, she refused and asked the demigoddess to tell her the importance of Sat-Tila Ekadashi fast. One of the demi goddesses agreed and said the Brahmani about Sat-Tila Ekadashi fast.

When Brahmani heard the significance and glorification of Sat-Tila Ekadashi, she opened her palace’s gate. Demigoddess saw that she was neither a Gandharva nor an Asura, but a human. Brahmani observed fast on Sat-tila Ekadashi as per the instruction received by the demigoddess. She became beautiful, and her palace became full of foodstuff.” 

sattila ekadashi pulastya rishi

That was the importance and glorification of Shattila Ekadashi, which Lord Shri Krishna informed Narada, and Sage Pulastya told Sage Dalabhya.

Why should one observe Ekadashi fast?

We all should also observe fast on Sat-Tila Ekadashi. Following fast on this, Ekadashi removes misfortunes, poverty, and troubles from life, thus awarding liberation from earthly life. In reality, Ekadashi is a boon for all materially engrossed living entities. It removes sinful reactions of all previous births and transcends from the material world to the spiritual world.

How to observe fast in present times?

In various Purans, it is mentioned that one should not eat anything after sunset from the tenth day onwards. One should think of God while taking a rest at night. On the day of Ekadashi, one should rise early in the morning and worship Lord Shri Krishna after taking a bath. One should offer Tulsi leaves, sandals, Ganga water, and fruits to Lord. One should refrain from ill talks, lies, fraud and devote his time to chanting Krishna’s name, remembering Krishna’s various pastimes, and thinking of the Lord’s eternal abode. 

For Kaliyuga, the present age of Kali, chanting of Hare Krishna Mahamantra is prescribed. Therefore, one should chant maha-mantra as much as possible. This will remove the dirt from the heart and consciousness accumulated over millions of birth in the material world and engage in the loving devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Fast opening time on 07th Feb 2024 – 7:06 AM to 10:45 AM (New Delhi)

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