Apara Ekadashi

Apara Ekadashi

It is said that when God created the material world, He created all beings, and at the same time, many kinds of sins also took birth. Out of those sins, a paap purusha was created. God saw that the souls were very easily inclined towards sin, and they were repeatedly sent to hellish worlds for punishment. God took mercy upon the living entities and expanded Ekadashi from his body. Living entities started observing fast on Ekadashi and were getting rid of sins. This agitated paap purusha, he went to the Lord and said, “You created me, but by the influence of Ekadashi, I am unable to do my duty.” Lord replied, “If that is the case, I order you to enter in grains on every Ekadashi. This will save your existence.”

That’s why, if we observe fast on Ekadashi (Apara Ekadashi), then we would be saved from all the sins which we could get by consuming grains on Ekadashi. Ekadashi fast not only reduces our sins but also assists us in getting the devotion service and mercy of the lotus feet of the Lord, Shri Hari.

Once Yudhisthira asked Lord Krishna, “O Krishna! Please tell me, what is the name of Ekadashi, which occurs in the Krishna paksha of Jyestha month and its glories?”

Lord Krishna replied, “O King! This Ekadashi is popularly known by two names – Apara and Achala. As per Vedic injunctions, Ekadashi on the Krishna paksha of Jyestha month is termed as Apara Ekadashi because it bestows unlimited wealth. Those who observe fast on Apara Ekadashi, they will attain fame in the world, get rid of all sins committed due to brahma hatya, and blaspheme and also get freedom from ghostly species of life. By doing this fast, all the sins accumulated due to illicit sex life, giving false testimony, lying, reading or making false scriptures, becoming a false astrologer or becoming a false physician, etc., are all destroyed. The Kshatriya who runs away from the battlefield is certainly to hell, but by the influence of Apara Ekadashi, he will attain heaven.”

“Devotees who accept knowledge from the spiritual master but blaspheme him will certainly go to hell, but by observing fast on Apara Ekadashi, they can also get freedom from such heinous sin. The results of taking bath in Pushkar in the month of Karthik or the results of pind daan on the holy banks of Gang; same results one gets by observing fast on Apara Ekadashi.”

“This fast is like an axe which cuts the tree of sins, it is like fire which burns down all sins, it is like the Sun which destroys the darkness of sins, it is like a Lion who kills deer. That’s why living entities should be careful enough not to commit sins and observe fast on Apara Ekadashi.”

By fast observation on Apara Ekadashi and by the worship of Vishnu, one gets rid of all sins and attains the Vishnu Loka after leaving this material body. As per the popular story, there was a righteous king named Mahidwaja. His younger brother, Vajradwaja, was very cruel, unrighteous, and unfair. He was very envious of his elder brother. One-night Vajradwaja killed his elder brother while he was asleep and buried the body under a peepal tree in the woods. Because of unnatural death, Mahidwaja attained ghostly species of life. He used to live on the peepal tree and created several nuisances.

apara ekadashi rishi

One day a great sage, Dhaumya, passed by that forest and he saw the ghost. With his mystic power, he could know the ghost’s past life. He also understood the reason for such nuisances. He brought down the ghost from the peepal tree and instructed about parlok vidhya. Sages are always very kind by nature, and out of his kindness, he observed fast on Apara Ekadashi so that the ghost could be freed. He also donated all the piousness earned by him to the ghost. As a result of which, Mahidwaja got freedom from the ghostly species and attained a transcendental body. He went to the higher planetary system after boarding pushpak vimaan.

Let’s not waste this great occasion of Apara Ekadashi, we all should observe fast to get rid of sins and attain the pure love of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare |

Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare ||

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Anecdote of Boat Festival in ISKCON

Anecdote of Boat Festival in ISKCON

Lord Krishna’s pastimes are divine and pleasing, and we cannot understand these great pastimes with tiny material intelligence. Therefore, to understand these great pastimes and follow them in our lives, we need bonafide disciplic succession.

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad -Gita

जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यमेवं यो वेत्ति तत

janma karma cha me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ
tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti so ’rjuna (BG 4.9)

Hey Arjun, Those who understand the divine nature of my birth and activities upon leaving the body do not have to retake rebirth. Instead, they come to my eternal abode directly.

Chronicle of Boat Festival

In ISKCON (International Society For Krishna Consciousness), many festivals are organized. Thus, we can remember the Lord’s great sacred pastimes and purify our tainted hearts.

Among all these saintly Leela’s of Lord Krishna Nauka Vihar is one of them. This Leela is mentioned in a transcendental scripture named “Gopal Champu”, written by Srila Jiva Goswami. It is also mentioned in other scripture.

About Goloka

Goloka Vrindavan is Lord Krishna’s eternal abode, and there the pastimes go on continuously. So the root of this religious festival is also linked with the land of Krishna- ” Goloka Vrindavan”.

Anecdote of Boat Festival

Once all the gopis, their pots filled with yoghurt and butter, came to the shore of river Mansi. They had a desire to cross this Mansi Ganga. They met with a boatman and asked him to take them on the other side of Mansi Ganga. That boatman agreed. As soon as the boat reached afar, the boatman stopped.

The gopis asked the boatman what happened to you, why you suddenly stopped? The boatman replied I am hungry. I want to eat yoghurt and butter. The gopis gave him all the curd and butter they had with them so that boatman did not stop sailing. After eating, he sailed for a while. After covering some distance, he again stopped. He said I was exhausted, wanted to take a rest. Gopis told if he does not start sailing, they will throw him from the boat.

How Radha Rani spotted Sri Krishna

Suddenly the whole sky got filled with clouds. Winds started blowing, and the boat started shaking and moving. Gopis got scared. At the same time, Radha rani’s eyes fell on the boatman. She noticed a flute with him. She identified, it is no one else other than their beloved Krishna. All the gopis were extremely happy, knowing that this was their Krishna’s wish. It is an example of extreme reciprocating love between Lord Krishna and his devotees.

Bond Between Gopis With Krishna

Gopis are immense devotees of Lord Krishna. Their love for Krishna is of utmost and can not be mentioned in words. Those who reached an enormous level in spirituality can understand the love and bonding between Krishna and gopis and appreciate them. 

About Boat Festival Commemoration

The Boat festival is astonishing which will be celebrated this year at Sri Sri Radha Parthsarthi temple. This year it is also significant because due to covid we had not observed this festival last year. So this is the twelveth boat festival we are commemorating. Kaliya Krishna pond area inside the temple campus is decorated with attractive flowers, fruits, balloons and different colours. And the decoration of this place fills the heart with exhilaration. In this, many decorations and paintings are done inside water using beautiful flowers and colours.

How Boat Festival Will Be Celebrated At ISKCON

Sri Sri Radha Parthsarthi’s festive deity (Utsav Vigraha) is taken in a boat with Sri Lalita Ji and

Sri Visakha Ji. That scene is ineffable. Lord is taken to a boat ride along with kirtan, and many preparations are offered to Lord as Bhoga. Thousands of devotees assemble and do kirtan boomingly. Lord is seated in a decorated beautiful boat and takes a ride that scene is pure bliss for devotees.

We are inviting you all to come and take part in this auspicious occasion. When we participate in such a festival, our hearts thrive with darshan, kirtan, remembrance, and the company of advanced devotees makes us feel ecstatic.

So come, let’s celebrate this festival together and acquire the Lord’s blessings by chanting –

Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa

Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare

Hare Rāma Hare Rāma

Rāma Rāma Hare Hare

  • Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi Boat Festival ki Jai
  • Srila Prabhupada ki Jai

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Srila Vrindavandas Thakur’s Journey of Pure Bhakti

Srila Vrindavandas Thakur’s Journey of Pure Bhakti

Man often tries during his lifetime to attain the blessings of Supreme lord but do you know anyone who has received the blessings of Supreme lord even before birth? No,we are not talking about Parikshit Maharaj, he had received the blessings of supreme lord in his mother’s womb. We are talking about such an Acharya who was blessed with the grace of Supreme Lord even before coming into the mother’s womb. We will tell you about such a great Vaishnavacharya who, with the flood of his love for Krishna, organized such a river in which even today if a person drowns, he swims across this worldly ocean.

But who is this great teacher? And which stream did he create? To know this you will have to stay with us in this blog till the end. This is the story of the time when Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was manifesting His divine pastimes in Srivas aangan and at that time a supernatural incident happened as you all know that the most munificient incarnation of Lord Sri Krishna i.e. Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who was about 500 years ago Krishna had appeared on this earth to provide love to the conditioned souls.

So one day Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu suddenly came to Srivasangan and it was me! They started chanting ‘I am the one’. He called out all the people present in Srivasa’s house to bestow His special blessings and started manifesting Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. At that time there was also a small four year old girl there, her name was Narayani. She was the daughter of Shrivas Thakur’s brother. Seeing Narayani, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu called her Narayani! Take the name of Krishna and cry in divine joy.

As soon as he heard the words of the Lord, Narayani started losing consciousness and said, O Krishna! Hey Krishna! Saying this, tears started flowing from her eyes and she fell on the ground showing all the signs of pure love and thus Narayani received the special mercy of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at the age of only four years. Gaur Hari Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu whenever Narayani,

He was seen showing special affection towards her and giving him his Mahaprasad. After some time, Mahaprabhu took Sannyasa and left Navadweep. Here Narayani was also growing up and got married and moved to another village. But the river of love for Krishna given by Mahaprabhu always kept flowing in his heart and in the womb of this Narayani, a divine child and a great Acharya was born who had received the special mercy of Lord Shri Krishna even before the time of his pregnancy.

It was around 1507, This great Vaishnav Acharya was born in Mamgachhi village situated in Navdvip on the Krishna Dwadashi day of Vaishakh month. Whom the world knows today as Srila Vrindavandas Thakur.

Srila Vrindavandas Thakur had devotion to Supreme lord Krishna since childhood. His father died when he was in the womb. He lived in Mamgachhi village till the age of ten. There he was brought up with great care in the house of Shrivas Thakur’s wife Malini Devi. He also completed his practice there. At the age of 16, he took initiation from Shri Nityananda Prabhu, the incarnation of Balram Ji.

Sri Nityananda Prabhu wanted Srila Vrindavandas Thakur to help him in the propagation of Krishna Bhakti. Thus, it was the special grace of Nityananda Prabhu and by his grace, Sri Vrindavan Thakur, while staying in Denur, composed Chaitanya Mangal which was later known as Sri Chaitanya Bhagvat. Chaitanya Bhagavat describing the pastimes of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the stream in which a person who once drowns swims to this ocean of existence. Sri Krishnadas Kaviraj ji, who composed the great book Sri Chaitanya-Charitamrit, says that by listening to Chaitanya Bhagvat Katha, all the inauspicious things are destroyed and its reading.

By doing this the person will be able to understand the divine pastimes of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu and ultimately he will attain pure love of Krishna. When Srila Vrindavan das Thakur reached his youth, there was a desolation in the Gaudiya Vaishnava sect because Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his associates had left this earth and at that time the empire of Smartha Brahmins was spread.

Smart Brahmins are those who are only interested in material benefits through rituals, for them the path of devotional service has no importance. Such Brahmins had spread very bad rumors all around at that time about Vaishnav sect and Sri Nityananda Prabhu. And at many places, they kept the idol of Maa Kali along with Lord and worshiped her. But even at such a time, due to the blessings of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Srila Vrindavandas Thakur continued to preach pure devotion with the same enthusiasm and he offered the summary of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s teachings and devotion to the world in the form of Chaitanya Bhagvat Granth.

The thing to think about is whether an ordinary human being can have this much capability. No! Only those who do the preaching work of lord and receive His special blessings can be His councilors and that is why in the eighth Chaitanya-Charitamrit 1.8.34, Krishnadas Kaviraj says Krishna Leela Bhagwat Kahe Vedavyas Chaitanya Leelar Vyas Vrindavandas That is, just as Vyasdev has described the divine pastimes of Lord Shri Krishna in Srimad Bhagvat, in the same way Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur has described the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in this book.

Further in the chapter, in the 82nd Pyaar of the twentieth chapter of Antya Leela, it is again said that Vrindavan Das Thakur is a dear devotee of Lord Nityananda and hence he is basically Vyasadeva who described the divine pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Not only this, poet Karnapur also tells in the 109th verse of his Gauranganodesh Deepika that Srila Vedvyas is now Vrindavandas Thakur and is the son of Vraja, Kusuma Peer Sakha also entered them for some reason.

Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura has also praised Srila Vrindavandasa Thakura highly in the purport of Chaitanya Bhagavata. He said that Srila Vrindavandas Thakur’s devotion towards his Guru Sri Nityananda Prabhu was incomparable and he followed the principles of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

ISKCON’s founder Acharya Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada also glorified Srila Vrindavandas Thakur at many places in his books. So today, on the day of disappearance of Srila Vrindavandas Thakura, let us pray to him to lead us towards the pure devotion of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the only shelter of pure Krishna love.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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The Divine Raas Yatra: Lord Balram’s Enchanting Journey on the Banks of Yamuna

The Divine Raas Yatra: Lord Balram’s Enchanting Journey on the Banks of Yamuna

Lord Balaram’s Raas Yatra is described in Shrimad Bhagvatam and is also described in Garga Samhita.

Duryodhan is hearing the glory of Balram ji from his guru. Duryodhana asked his guru, O most intelligent Lord Balram, when he had wandered on the banks of Yamuna with the Nagakanya Gopis.

It is very important to clarify here that Balram ji’s gopis are different, and he is Nagkanya gopis, and Lord Shri Krishna’s gopis are different.

Then, in answer to Duryodhana’s question, the sage said that once in the heart of Balram ji, there was a strong desire to see his brothers and relatives of Braj. He left Dwarka riding on his Taladhwaja chariot and reached Vrindavan, full of cows and cowherds.

Nand Baba and Yashoda Maiya were also eager to see him. And as soon as she saw Balram Ji, she hugged him. Balram Ji met everyone and stayed there for the entire 2 months of spring. These are the two months of Chaitra and Vaishakh, and Chaitra Purnima is exactly in the middle of spring.

Earlier, the Nagkanya girls, who were mentioned to be Gopis, obtained Balram’s almanack from Gargacharya ji and proved it to get him as their husband, and due to its influence, Balram ji became happy and settled in Raas Mandal on the banks of the river Kalindi.

Balaram Ji played Raas with those Gopis. That day was the full moon of Chaitra. That day, the full moon of Arun colour was rising and colouring the entire forest with its colourful rays. The cool wind was blowing slowly everywhere, carrying the nectar and pollen of the lotus.

The blissful Yamuna was enveloping the clean shore with its playful waves. The courtyard land of Kunjo was adorned with various Nikunjos and was moistened with the pollen of shining, beautiful leaves and flowers.

Peacocks and cuckoos were cooing melodiously and this land adorned with the sweet sound of honeybees was looking very beautiful. The sweet sound of the anklets was being heard at the feet of Balram ji. They were adorned with bracelets, girdles, hands, crowns, and earrings made of shining gems. His face was covered with lotus flowers, he was wearing Nilambar, i.e., blue clothes, and his eyes were like lotus flowers.

In this way, Balram ji was seated in the Rasamandal, surrounded by Gopis, and the entire forest was becoming fragrant with the fragrant Varuni sent by Varun.

Madhukar started humming beautifully among the people of Madhu, and then Balramji, who had a gait like Airavat and arms as huge as the trunk of an elephant, started playing with the Gopis. He had a plough on his lion-like shoulders and a pestle in his hands. Then, while playing sports on the banks of Yamuna Ji, particles of sweat started shining on his head, so he called Yamuna ji from a distance to take bath and do water sports. But she did not come. Then Balram ji got angry and pulled Yamuna ji with the tip of the plough and said that today I called you, but you did not come by insulting me, you are going to behave arbitrarily. Right now, I will break you into a hundred pieces with this pestle.

Then, on being scolded by Balram ji in this way, Yamuna ji got extremely scared and fell at the feet of Balram ji and said, O Lokabhiram Balram, O Sankarshana, O Balbhadra, O great-armed one, I did not know of your immense strength and bravery, the entire earth is on your head. Mustard stuff is lying around. I am unaware of your ultimate influence. I have come to you for refuge. Leave me alone.

On praying like this, Balram ji left Yamuna ji and then started playing in the Yamuna water with the Gopis. After playing in the water, when he came out of Yamuna ji, Yamuna ji gave him many blue clothes and jewellery made of gold gems.

O Duryodhana, Balram ji distributed all those ornaments among different Gopis, and wearing a necklace made of blue sapphire and new gold gems, he sat like Airavata.

This is how Balram, the best of the Yadavas, spent the spring nights. Even today, Yamuna ji flows through a crooked path and indicates her power. That place is Ramghat, from where the path of Yamuna ji becomes crooked, and the person who listens to or narrates this incident of Lord Balram ji’s Raslila is free from all sins. After this, he attains a state of supreme bliss.

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The Renowned Life and Teachings of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada

The Renowned Life and Teachings of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada, born into the renowned Gaudiya Vaishnavism lineage, played a pivotal role in revitalizing Lord Caitanya’s teachings during a critical period of spiritual decline. His birth, upbringing, education, and eventual ascension to the revered position of a sannyasi, marked by divine interventions and dedication, form a remarkable narrative that continues to inspire millions.

Early Life and Spiritual Upbringing

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur was the blessed son of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, a prominent Vaisnava acharya. Initially named Bimala Prasad, Born on February 6, 1874, in Puri, his arrival was perceived as a response to his father’s fervent prayers for a son to assist in reviving Lord Caitanya’s teachings.
The auspicious circumstances surrounding his birth, including the umbilical cord resembling a sacred thread, hinted at the divine mission he was destined to fulfill.
During the Rath Yatra festival, the auspicious falling of Lord Jagannath’s garland on the child confirmed the divine nature of his existence.

His remarkable feat of memorizing the entire Bhagavad-gita at the age of seven showcased his exceptional intellect and devotion. Acquiring the title “The Living Encyclopedia,” he became renowned for his extensive knowledge.

Austerity and strict adherence to Krishna consciousness principles characterized his early years. His vow to refrain from eating mangoes after partaking in an unoffered one showcased his unwavering commitment.

Initiation and Spiritual Pursuits

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur’s initiation journey reflected his deep commitment. Despite his erudition, his desire for initiation from Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja faced initial hesitation due to Babaji’s simplicity. However, his father insisted on this spiritual connection. The turning point came when, in desperation, Saraswati Thakur declared his intention to end his life if not accepted. Recognizing the sincerity, Babaji accepted him as a disciple.

This initiation marked the beginning of a life dedicated to spreading Krishna consciousness. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur took up the formidable task of chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra one billion times, demonstrating his commitment to spiritual discipline. Residing in the Yoga Pith in Navadvipa, he followed the footsteps of Srila Haridas Thakur.

Establishing Gaudiya Math Temples

His unwavering commitment led to the establishment of 64 Gaudiya Math temples in India and centers in Burma, England, and Germany. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura, often referred to as “lion guru,” faced Mayavadis with conviction and earned the respect of many for his powerful delivery of the Vaisnava siddhanta.

The Brhat-mrdangas of SrilaBhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura:

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura utilized three “Brhat-mrdangas” or printing presses in Madras, Calcutta, and Krishna-nagara, producing an extensive array of books, magazines, and newspapers. His vision was to spread the eternal, ever-fresh transcendental activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. Notably, he even published a daily spiritual newspaper named Nadia Prakash, emphasizing the importance of constant engagement with the divine message.

Spiritual Vision and Revolutionary Ideas

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura’s revolutionary preaching ideas were rooted in the sastric principle of yukta-vairagya, as established by Srila Rupa Gosvami. As an eternally liberated soul, he mastered the art of engaging Maya, the illusory energy, in the service of Lord Krishna. Following the footsteps of Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda, he advocated for daivi varnashrama, aiming to harmonize society and provide spiritual fulfillment for all.

Challenges and Victories

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s life was not without challenges, particularly the opposition from sahajiya sects deviating from pure devotion. Engaging in debates defending the universality of spiritual qualifications over birth-based distinctions showcased his intellectual prowess. His teachings emphasized genuine devotion to Lord Caitanya and the eradication of practices contrary to the true spirit of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.

Innovations in Preaching

In an era of societal norms, Srila Saraswati Thakura introduced innovative methods to expand preaching. He organized theistic exhibits and dioramas, employing the latest technology, including animated dolls, to depict the pastimes of Sri Krishna and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Breaking traditional norms, he allowed his sannyasis to adopt modern practices, such as wearing tailored clothing and utilizing vehicles, to carry Mahaprabhu’s message beyond the Indian shores.

Legacy and Departure

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada’s greatest legacy lies in his disciple Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, whom he initiated and inspired to disseminate Krishna consciousness globally. Srila Prabhupada, when asked about his spiritual master, expressed, “What can I say? He was a Vaikuntha man.” In the eternal pastimes of Radha-Govinda in Goloka Vrndavana, Srila Saraswati Thakura serves as Nayana-mani manjari, and his pushpa samadhis are at Radha-kunda and Radha Damodara.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura’s life was a testament to the transformative power of devotion and fearlessness in preaching. His influence reached far beyond the borders of India, inspiring countless individuals to embrace the teachings of Lord Caitanya. Despite facing opposition and challenges, he fearlessly excavated holy sites, established temples, and employed innovative methods to spread the divine message. His departure left an indelible mark on the spiritual landscape, paving the way for future generations to continue the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. As we reflect on his life and teachings, we find a timeless source of inspiration and guidance on the path of devotional service.

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