Sins liberating Papankusha Ekadashi

Sins liberating Papankusha Ekadashi

According to Vedic scriptures, fasting on the Ekadashi day makes Lord Hari happy and bless his devotees. The Ekadashi day occurs twice a month. One is a dark lunar fortnight, and the other one is a darker fortnight.

According to the Almanac, every 11th date is suitable for Ekadashi fasting. Therefore, fasting on an Ekadashi day holds great importance.

Especially the person who is willing to take a fast on an Ekadashi day must follow some essential rules and rituals from a day before the fasting day itself to continue the fast from the early morning before sunrise of the Ekadashi day. This is because this one day of fasting is believed to provide lifelong happiness and salvation.

The importance of Papankusha Ekadashi is mentioned in the dialogues of Lord Krishna and the great king ‘Yudhishtira’ in Brahma Vaivarta Purana.


The great king Yudhishtar asks- hey! Janardan, what is the name of the Ekadashi occurring in the Ashwin month of the darker fortnight?

Lord Krishna says, – hey! Yudhishthira, the Ekadashi day that destroys all the sins, is known as Papankusha Ekadashi. This day is called Papankusha because it eliminates the elephant-faced corruption by the control of virtue of this fast.

Hey! King this day, a Human must worship Lord lawfully. This Ekadashi provides desired fruits to humans and helps them achieve high planets. However, the fruit achieved by many austerities is achieved only by offering obeisances to the Lord Garuda flag.

Hari named hymns to provide you with all the pilgrimage virtue’s fruit. So the person who takes the shelter of Lord Hari does not have to go through all the pain that is equivalent to death.

 The fruit that a person achieves from shastra Vajpayee and horse sacrifice is not even equal to the 16th part of the Ekadashi fast. 

Unless the person takes a fast of Lord Padmanabha’s Ekadashi day, all the sins reside in his body.

Hey! King the Ekadashi day helps provide high planets, salvation, health, etc.

Hey! Yudhishthira, this fast rescue up to the 10th generation of mother’s side and 10th generation of father’s side. He wearing a divine body, having a four-armed form, wearing a pitamber and carrying a garland in his hand, climbs Garuda and goes to Vishnuloka. Whoever takes the fast of Ashwin month’s free side of this Papankusha Ekadashi day, he at the end of his life goes to the abode of Lord and gets liberation from all the sins.


In Ekadashi fast, you are not supposed to eat grains anything, and one should adopt and follow celibacy. This fast does not end with the Ekadashi day ritual, but on the next day (12th day), one must finish and complete the fast by donating food and honorarium to Brahmans early in the morning.


Once there was a fowler named Mahakrura Krodhan who used to live in the Vindhya Mountains.

He spent all his life committing sins, and at the last moments of his life, Yamraj approved to bring him to his court. However, all the messengers informed him of this thing before the decided time, and he got scared to death and went to Angira sage’s hermitage and started pleading so that he would not have to go to Yamaraj’s court.

Then Angira Sage suggested he worship Lord Vishnu on the lunar day of Ashwin month’s darker fortnight. The worship of Ekadashi day and fasting on this day liberated him from all the sins, and he went to Vishnu Lok.

So, we should all have fast on this sins destroyer Ekadashi day. So that along with the quenching of sins, we can chant more Hare Krishna maha-mantra, read, hear the glories of the Lord, and concentrate on the lotus feet of Krishna from the very bottom of our hearts. The ultimate goal of life is to get the devotional service of Lord Sri Krishna.  

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Fast Breaking Time at ISKCON  Delhi Temple is – 06:28 AM – 09:46 AM on 26th October 2023. (New Delhi)

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The Greatness of Indira Ekadashi

The Greatness of Indira Ekadashi

The Ekadashi of Ashwin, Krishna Paksha (waning phase of the moon), is called Indira Ekadashi. On this auspicious day, Lord Sri Vishnu is worshipped. This Indira Ekadashi fast helps the devotees to get free from there all the sufferings and problems.

Why is this Ekadashi fasting special

Being Ekadashi of Pitra Paksha, Ekadashi is best for the salvation of ancestors is considered paternalistic. So the ancestors get liberation from this Ekadashi, and their souls in another world find peace. 

What is the significance of this fast

According to the Puranas, Indira Ekadashi benefits the devotee even after his death. Due to its effect, all the sins of the person perishes, and by this fast, he goes to higher planets, and their ancestors get relief from all past misdeeds.

From Brahmavaivarta Purana

In the Brahmavaivarta Purana, the description of Indira Ekadashi is found, Once Pandava King Yudhishthira asked Sri Krishna to explain the significance of Indira Ekadashi. To answer all the questions regarding the fast, He wondered what its method and result are? 

Lord Krishna replied, “This auspicious day is called Indira Ekadashi. This Ekadashi destroys the sins and gives salvation to the ancestors. Sri Krishna also said, Oh! King, listen to the story carefully because the one who hears about the sacred Ekadashi achieves the great merits.

Here’s How the story unfolded

In the Satya-Yuga, there was a city named Mahismati. There was the majestic King named Indrasen, who was so powerful and followed his kingdom righteously. He took good care of his citizens. He was a tremendous devotee of Lord Sri Vishnu.

One day, when the King was happily sitting in his meeting, Maharishi Narada came down from the sky and came to his meeting. On seeing him, the King stood with folded hands and lawfully gave his seat, washing his feet, and welcomed him. 

Then Narada Muni said to the Maharaj Indrasen, Oh! King, your seven limbs are in good working order. Your intellect is in religion, and your mind resides in devotion to Sri Vishnu. Hearing such words of Devarshi Narada, the King replied, “Oh! Maharishi, by your kind grace, everything is well in my kingdom and please explain the reason for your kind visit here.

Then Narada Muni said that oh! King, listen to my words of wonder. Once I descended from Brahmaloka to Yamaloka, I glorified Yamaraj as he worshipped me with great reverence. Then I saw your great and wise father in the same assembly because of breaking the Ekadashi fast. Your father had given me a message for you.

So, your father said that I am in Yamaloka because of the sins done unknowingly in my previous birth. Suppose my son observes the fast of Indira Ekadashi of Ashwin Krishna Paksha and gives wealth in charity. In that case, I will be promoted to higher planets.

Hearing this, King Indrasen asked, Oh! Maharishi, please tell me the method of observing this fast.

Narada Muni said,

  1. The day before Ekadashi, One should rise early in the morning, take a bath and then do some service of Lord Vishnu.


  2. In the afternoon, take a bath in running water or river, then do shradh of the ancestor with reverence, and be sure not to eat more than once on this day and sleep on the floor at night. 
  3. Then follow the rule of the fast with devotion and take a vow that I will fast on Ekadashi with giving up all sorts of bodily pleasure. Oh, Infallible Supreme Lord! Oh, Pundarikaksha, I am in your shelter, and I beg for protection. 
  4. After performing shradh in front of the Lord’s deities, offer him the fruit. Serve qualified Brahmins and Cows by giving them Prasadam.

Narada Muni started saying that Oh! Rajan, by this method, if you fast on this Ekadashi without being lazy and with controlled senses, your father will go to higher planets. Saying this, Narada Muni has gone into deep meditation and disappeared from there.

As Narada Muni’s instructed, King Indrasen followed this Ekadashi with all rules and regulations along with his all family members. Because of this, Ekadashi, His father, was promoted to a higher planet.

Indrasen himself was able to rule his kingdom without any hindrances. In the end, he handed over the kingdom to his son, and he also went to the spiritual planet.

This is the greatness of Indira Ekadashi. By reading and hearing the glory of Indira Ekadashi, a person gets freed from all sins and finally attains Vaikuntha.

So let’s keep this very auspicious Indira Ekadashi to get freed from all sinful reactions of our past lives. On this day, by hearing & reading more and more of the Lord’s pastime and chanting his Holy names, we get the blessing of Supreme Lord Krishna and go back to godhead, where we live eternally.



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This Dussehra Kill Your Ravana

This Dussehra Kill Your Ravana

Ashwin Shukla Dashami is known as Dusshera. It is one of the biggest festivals, also known as Dasahara, Dussehra, or Dashain. It is observed on the day of Vijaya Dashami, the tenth day of Navaratri. It is the occasion to glorify and rejoice in the victory of good over evil. On Dussehra, we burn effigies of Ravana outside in surroundings but nurture Ravana inside our hearts. That was Treta Yuga, where only one Ravana existed. Lord Rama assassinated him and acquired victory.

Types of People in Kalyuga

In Kalyuga, every human being has the mentality of Ravana inside. But, as we all know, two types of people exist in this universe- Sur and Asura. Those who worship the Lord are counted as Sur, and those who are not devotees or do not follow the Lord’s orders are considered Asura.

In different Yugas, Sura and Asura stayed in unalike places. In one Yuga, Sura lives on one planet, and Asura lives on another planet. Later on, Asura lived in one country and Sura in the other. But now the time has changed, Sura and Asura are present in every person concomitantly in this era. We all have Sura and Asura simultaneously in ourselves.

The nature and personality of a person totally depend on how strong and determined he is. The day we can kill the malicious, vicious behaviour, we can kill the Asura or Ravan from our selves and that day will be the real Dussehra for us. Do you know? It becomes very painless to do if you are a devotee and listen to Lord’s pastimes.

How You Can Kill Ravana Residing Inside You

One oil lamp is enough to end darkness, similarly to cease Ravana inside, one thought is enough, and we get that thought from our Shastra. In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna tells us three ways to hell-lust, anger and greed. These three are clearly visible in Ravana, and by learning the lesson from his life, you can save yourself from its fury. In the 2nd chapter of Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna says about how declination of a person takes place, how a person starts to flunk.

A person’s declination starts by thinking about sexual desire. In creating, it is similar to a small seed. Still, if this seed slowly gets irrigated by contemplation, it becomes Asura. Ravana was also such type of giant Asura. Even many great deities palpitate by his name. He had done many austerity and Tapasya to acquire strength, but Ravana aimed to satisfy all sexual desires for an unlimited period. So his senses became the reason for his end.

Ravana had all the desirable things of this world. But on hearing about the beauty of Mata Sita from his sister Surpanakha, his mind filled up with sexual desire, and that is the beginning of his declination. He always considered himself as strongest, but he never had control over his senses.

Your Senses Could be the Reason for Your End

So it’s true that even if a person achieves victory in this whole world but if his mind is not in control of his will, he will indeed get defeated. Mata Sita is Lord Rama’s wife. If Ravana did not had any wrong intention and served her as he was a great scholar and he knew who is Sita mata, he might have become a devotee.

Still, due to lust he had chosen a wrong way and started thinking that he can get anything. Even after knowing who is Lord Ram, he had started thinking lord as his rival. He had decided to get Sita Mata and for that he was ready to stoush with lord Rama.

So in that condition, his lust  for her got transformed into anger and became the reason of his end. This only happens with us; when we get hyper, whatever we desire to get when we do not get that, we loose our temperament. Due to that anger, a person loses his ethics and morality that is the sense of thinking about what to do and what to not.

How Ravana Cheats

Ravana also forgot his ethics and made a plan and went to Marich. Marich acquired the form of golden deer. Ravana himself attained the form of a saint. He was the son of a brahmin and also was a great scholar. But lust, anger and greed deformed his personality.

Similarly, when someone’s heart gets filled with lust, his heart becomes filled with fraud. Then he starts to cheat everyone as Ravana cheats Mata Sita attaining the form of the saint. Ravana forcefully takes Sita Mata to Lanka with him. Sri Ram sends all soldiers of Hanuman Ji and Sugriva in all directions to search Sita Mata. Hanuman Ji crossed the sea and searched Mata Sita.

After reaching there, he gave Lord Rama’s message to Sita Mata. He destroyed Ashok Vatika. Later on, he burnt various places in Lanka. He gave a warning to Ravana that I am the slave of Sri Rama. So it will be better for you if you return Mata Sita. Otherwise, wait and see what Lord Rama will do with you.

Lust Leads to Declination

But Ravana was so indulged in it that he did not take that warning seriously. When Vibhisan tried to make it, he understood Ravana ordered him to get deported. His wife Mandodri kept on trying to make him understand that stay satisfied with me we have a happy family I will fulfil all your desire. Please let Sita go. Can’t you see the hanging rope on you? But Ravana was not ready to understand anyone’s advice, such as his wife, Hanuman Ji, Marich, and his own loving brother.

Such lust, anger and greed in our hearts are similar to Ravana, who steals bhaktirupi Mata Sita from our hearts. And we start to consider Lord as our enemy. And in such conditions, we don’t accept the words of saint and Shastra. There was no other way other than war. Ravan was seated on a wheeled carriage, and Ram was standing on land. In that condition, Indra dev sent the carriage for Lord along with the charioteer. It was a great war, and to witness that all the demigods even convene. It was the biggest war in history.

Lord said in Bhagavad Gita, chapter 4, verses 34

tad viddhi pranipatena pariprashnena sevaya
updeshyanti tegyan gyanistatva darshinen

If we desire to learn the truth, we have to take shelter under Guru and serve him courteously.

Lord Rama himself teaches us by showing his life as an example that if we want to defeat Ravana inside us, we have to serve a true devotee of the Lord as a guru. So, on being happy with Lord Rama, Muni awarded him Aditya Hriday Mantra.

Lord’s one name is Aditya, which means sun. As the sun vanishes all the darkness, a true devotee can acquire control over all such thoughts.

How Devotees Serve to Lord

During this war, Vibhisan reached there; he said to Rama that there is Amrita or nectar in Ravana’s heart. And on drying it, only Ravana can be killed from the heart. Here Vibhishan depicts the role of a true companion devotee.

It teaches us that while fighting with the Ravana inside us, we need devotee companions to remember what learning we obtained from Guru, Sadhu and Sastra.

Further, lord Rama used the arrow on Ravana given by Agasthya muni after reciting the mantras. As a result, Ravana falls from his chariot. The scene depicts as on beating Indra’s thunderbolt any mountain got diminished.

Ravana’s army was wailing, and Vanara Sena was Honouring Sri Rama.

In this way, Lord is teaching us how to win from internal Ravana along with external Ravana present in ourselves. We have to chant mantras because they will provide strength to us.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

This mantra smash lust, anger and greed as in Aditya Hridaya Mantra  Lord Vishnu’s strength is present. Similarly, in Hare Krishna, the maha-mantra concludes all the power of the Lord.

Three Things Needed To Kill Ravana Inside Us

  1. Divine the grace of devotees such as Agasthya muni.
  2. Vaishnav’s company, for example, Vibhisan
  3. Chanting of the Holy Name of the Lord

By following these three points in our life, we can defeat the Ravana inside us. And bring transformation from darkness towards light and celebrate Dusshera every day.

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Celebration of Deepawali

Celebration of Deepawali

Diwali or Deepawali is the festival of lights. This festival is celebrated in the entire world with an extreme splurge. On this day people exchange best wishes and sweets with each other. Deepawali is the association of five festivals. It includes Dhanteras, Narak Chaturdashi, Deepawali, Govardhan and Bhai dooj.

Jollification Of Dhanteras


In our country, this festival is celebrated with extreme joy and happiness. The celebration of Deepawali starts from Dhanteras. And before this festival people do various preparation such as whitewashing their houses, cleaning etc.

On Dhanteras, people purchase multiple items required for Deepawali. On this day, no one lends their things to anyone. On this auspicious day, people buy new utensils, things, deities of Laxmi Ganesha to worship, sweets and gold and silver jewellery. The founder of ayurvedic medicine, Dhanwantari Vaidya, appeared with Amrit Kalash at sea. So Dhanteras is also considered as Dhanwantri Jayanti.

Importance Of Chhoti Deepawali

On the following day of Dhanteras comes Chhoti Diwali or Narak Chaturdashi. On this day, Lord Krishna killed Narakasur. Narakasur was a demon. On this day, Lord Krishna released the world from his terror. To commemorate the victory of good over evil, we celebrate this festival by lighting lamps.

Significance Of Deepawali

On the following day of Chhoti Deepawali, we celebrate Badi Deepawali. On this day, we forget our all grief and celebrate this festival with full enthusiasm. We celebrate this festival by returning Ayodhya of Lord Sri Ram with Sita Devi and brother Laxman after 14 years of exile. In another era, this was also the day when Lord Krishna performed His Damodar Lila of breaking the pots of butter and yoghurt and letting Himself be bound by Mother Yashoda. 

Preparation Of Deepawali

People make beautiful colourful rangolis at the entrance and light lamps at the centre of rangoli. Many people even make feet of Laxmi Devi at the door and decorate their house with a series of lamps. The light of lamps brighten the outside of the house and signifies the enlightenment of the inside. Everyone needs to be knowledgeable and happy. The gold and silver purchased in Deepawali signify prosperity. It is just an external wealth. The original required wealth in life is present inside us.

The True Wealth Of Life

In this material world, people are so obsessed with wealth, gold etc. But they do not understand the original wealth is love, peace, and harmony. There is no other wealth needed in life other than this to lead a happy life. So natural and actual luxury and the best knowledge make you realize what true life is and why it is so? And what should you do in life?

How A Person Can Attain True Happiness

A person’s character, peace and self-confidence is our actual property. When we proceed in life with the blessings of the Supreme Lord being a devotee, there cannot be any other wealth superior to this. You can realise it by serving Supreme Lord with complete love and devotion. One best example to understand the strength of the Supreme Lord is sea waves. When sea waves are attached to the sea, and a part of it also gets supreme power. We get the same strength from Supreme Lord when we stay connected with Him. So this festival of light illuminates our inside and outside both. It makes our life meaningful and shows the path to attain our goals.

Govardhan Puja

Jollification Of Dhanteras

With these illuminated lights on the next day of Deepawali comes Govardhan Puja. This festival is the real example of love and devotion towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna. People know this with the name of Annakut also. On Govardhan pooja Godhan, i.e. people worship cows. In Shastra cow is said to be as sacred as the holy Ganga. The cow is noted as the Swaroop of mother Laxmi. As Laxmi Devi provides happiness and prosperity, a cow gives us milk that enriches our health, true wealth. 

Supreme Lord Sri Krishna performed the Govardhan Leela to establish glory Giriraj Govardhan. A pure devotee of Lord Krishna doesn’t have to perform any of the ceremonial functions enjoined in the Vedas, nor is he required to worship any demigods.

Observance Of Govardhan Puja

On the day of Govardhan Puja, people make Govardhan mountain using cow dung. On this day, people worship and do parikrama and offer various types of delicious bhoga offerings. The bhoga offerings are stacked like a small hill and presented to the Lord. Then it is distributed to everyone as prasadam. Hence, this festival is also called Annakuta Festival. 

Bhai Dooj

 In this series of festivals, the last but the important festival is Bhai dooj or bhaiya dooj. This festival is the symbol of the unbreakable bond of brother and sister. On this day, married women invite their brothers to their home, do tilak and ask their brothers to have a feast. On this auspicious day, brothers and sisters who live in one house have a feast together. If a brother and sister take a bath at Yamuna river and take meals at the bank of the river, then it is considered most auspicious and fortunate. This festival is also known as ‘Yama Dwitiya.

In this way, this series of festivals of lamps is an association of five auspicious festivals. These festivals are related and linked to our lives’ phases and enhance our consciousness and strength. It helps us understand reality, and it shows the way to achieve our goal of life that is transcendental loving devotional service towards the Supreme Lord wholeheartedly. So come, let’s celebrate this festival of light with jubilance and try to lighten our inside that is surrendering soul unto the lotus feet of Supreme Lord Krishna and chant the glories of Sri Krishna by His Holy Names.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Ram Hare Ram

Ram Ram Hare Hare.

I wish you a very Happy Krishna Conscious Deepawali.

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Holiness of Parsva Ekadashi (Vamana Ekadashi)

Holiness of Parsva Ekadashi (Vamana Ekadashi)

Parsva Ekadashi is on  14 September 2024, India. Parsva Ekadashi (Vamana Ekadashi) is one of the most auspicious Ekadashi fastings. On this Ekadashi 10th incarnation of Lord Keshava, named as Vamana Dev, is worshipped. Hence, this sacred Ekadashi is also called Parivartan Ekadashi or Vamana Ekadashi. It is believed that the devotees who observe Parsva Ekadashi fast and worship Vamana Dev acquire the blessings of the Lord. Thus, their all wishes are accomplished.

Brahma Vaivarta Puranic Description About Parsva Ekadashi

In a conversation between Lord Krishna and Yudhishthira Maharaj in Brahma Vaivarta Purana, this sacred fast is portrayed. Once Yudhishthira Maharaj asked Lord Krishna –

Hey Janardhan, what is the name of Ekadashi, which falls on the eleventh day of Bhadrapada month in the Shukla Paksha?

Hey Lord, please elaborate on the rituals and significance of this auspicious Parsva Ekadashi fast.

Lord Krishna’s Depiction About Significance of Parsva Ekadashi

Krishna replied to Yudhishthira

Hey Rajan!

This propitious Ekadashi is known as Parsva Ekadasi. On hearing the significance of this fast, an individual can get relief from their past sins. On keeping fast on this auspicious day, the individuals get more benefits than Vajpayee Yagya. This Ekadashi is also known as Jayanti Ekadashi. An individual who worships my incarnation as Vamana Dev gets benefited with high spiritual gains. Whoever worship the lotus feet of the Lord offering lotus is considered as closest to the Lord. Any devotee who keeps fast on Shukla Paksha Ekadasi of Bhadrapad is believed to have worshipped Trilok, including Brahma and Vishnu. Therefore, it is advised to observe fast on Ekadashi.

Reason Behind Name of Parsva Ekadashi

According to the scriptures, Lord Madhusudan changes his position. Therefore, Lord changes his position and turns sideways from left to right on this day. This is the reason that this Ekadashi is known as Parsva Ekadashi or Parivartan Ekadasi.

Yudhishthira’s Query – Hey Janardhan, kindly help me in getting answers of my few questions. Hey, Devdeveshwar, how do you slumber, how you turn sideways, how we should follow these chaturmas and what to do when you sleep? Why do you keep Bali Maharaj in captivity? Kindly answer all my questions and clear my dubiety.

Lord Sri Krishna’s Reply

Hey Rajan, now you listen to this encouraging story that can terminate all the past sins from one’s life. There was a devotee named Bali born in treta yuga in a clan of daityas. He was very truthful. He used to do charity and serves brahmins. Along with his family, he always serves and worships me. He even cherished brahmins and performed many Yagya. As an outcome of it, he became highly potent.

Outcome Of His Servings to Lord

Due to his power by worshipping the Lord with dedication and devotion, he defeated Indra Dev and became crowned head of heaven. That time all the sages came to Lord. To resolve their problems lord appeared as Vamana Avtar and reached the place where king Bali was performing yagya’s ritual.

How Lord Resolved Problems of Sages

When Lord entered that place, Lord just stipulated three step land from king Bali. At the same time, Bali pleads to take more than that land. But Lord acquired only three feet of land as a donation from him. So, King Bali, without any second thought, gave Me three step of land. Immediately Lord assumed the form of Mahakal, in which in one step took the seven lokas, in the second step took the seven lokas along with the sky. When Lord asked for space to keep the third foot to king Bali, he civilly kept his head forward to provide space to Lord for the third step.

Lord’s reaction:

Being impressed with his devotion and dedication lord blessed him that he will always be with him. On that same day, the auspicious Ekadasi deity of Vaman Dev is entrenched at Maharaj Bali’s residence. The second deity is at Anant Shesh of Ksheer Sagar.

Significance Of Chaturmas

From Shayan Ekadashi to Utthana Ekadasi lord stay asleep. In this four-month, everyone should perform a special ritual to worship. Everyone should follow intently and wholeheartedly all the Ekadashi that falls in between these four months. By following this Ekadasi fasting, anyone can get a similar outcome as Ashwamedh Yagya. Ekadashi is the most favourite of Lord. Along with fasting on this auspicious day of Ekadashi, if a devotee does harinam sankirtan lord gets immensely impressed and bless them with the divine blessings of the Lord. According to scriptures, on hearing kirtan, remembering Lord and spending life on Lord’s lotus feet etc are the nine divisions of Bhakti. But Naam Sankirtana the is best among all. So, on Ekadashi, we should chant more Lord’s holy name.

So come let’s convene and fast on Parsva Ekadashi. On this day, chant, remember and do Naam Sankirtan of Lord’s name as much as we can, and it liberates the devotees from the cycle of birth and death. So, let’s effectuate the path of Bhakti to bestows happiness, wealth and good health and get relieves from all the sins.

All over the world, all the devotees keep fast on this auspicious day of Purvana Ekadasi. In all the temples of ISKCON, devotees chant Naam Sankirtan on this day to get the blessings of the Lord on this bright day and make their birth relevant and worthy.


  • Breakfast time -6:11 AM – 10:12 AM (New Delhi)

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