125th Advent Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada

125th Advent Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada

The founder-acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, His Divine Grace  Abhaya Charanavinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, was born on 1st September 1896 on the day of Nandotsav at Toliganj, Kolkata. His mother Rajni Devi and father Gour Mohan De named him Abhay Charan. Shri Gour Mohan De was a middle-class cloth merchant belonging to Subarna Banik Samaj.

Fortune teller Prophecy of Spreading Devotion Across the World

After the birth of Abhay Charan, his father called the astrologer at home to get the horoscope made. Whatever that astrologer said was 100% correct. He foretold that Abhay would go across the sea at the age of 70, spread devotion, and build 108 temples.

The same type of prophecy was also made by Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the founder of Yugadharma Sankirtana Yagya. He said a devotee of his commander would spread this Sankirtana movement to every town and village around the globe.

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, another distinguished pure devotee of the Gaudiya Vaishnava guru-disciplic succession, also predicted that someone would soon come to propagate the voice of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to the whole world. Soon, Harinama Sankirtana will be sung in the streets of different cities of the world as a whole. And the day will also arrive when the good creatures of England, Germany, France, Russia, and several other countries will be seen dancing in Harinama Sankirtana with Gaudiya flags, Mridanga and Kartal in Sri Mayapur Dham.

Srila Prabhupada Journey to the path of devotion

Shri Gour Mohan De had taught Abhay to practice the aspects of pure bhakti since his childhood. He used to take Abhay to the nearby Sri Sri Radha Govind Temple, and on the insistence, he also organized a Rath Yatra of Lord Jagannath for the children in the courtyard of his house. When Abhay was eight years old, he started going to school, and gradually he started becoming proficient in the English language. 

At the age of 16, Abhay had countered the sad demise of his mother. His mother, Rajni Devi, passed away when Abhay was just 16. Due to this, there were some hardships and ups and downs in Abhay’s life, but his father consoled him by saying that whatever Supreme Lord does, he does it for good. Therefore, Supreme Lord would have a better plan for this. So, have faith in the Supreme Lord and depend on Him only.

At that time, it was a time of significant change for the whole world. The First World War was on the flare-up. Shri Gour Mohan De was not in favour of sending his son abroad for higher education. Then at the age of twenty, Abhay enrolled in the well-known Scottish Church College in Kolkata.  He wanted to make Abhay a pure devotee, but for this, a Guru was needed in the form of a pure devotee. In college, Abhay took education in English and Sanskrit along with many other subjects.  At that time, Abhay was interested in participating in the Indian freedom struggle. He was greatly influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violence and indigenous ideas and considered him as his ideal.

Meeting of Srila Prabhupada with his Guru

Seeing Abhay’s inclination towards nationalism, Shri Gour-Mohan De was very worried about making Abhay a pure devotee.  He wanted to know the prediction of that astrologer being turned into reality. With the passage of time in this process, Abhay got married to Radharani Devi.  Abhay didn’t have any unique attraction towards his wife, but his father told it to be a sign of the Lord’s grace because, in this way, he could stay away from worldly attachments.  At the same time, his friend introduced him to Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. Later, Abhay acknowledged him as his guru.

Amid the turmoil in the business and education, the death of Shri Gour Mohan De left a massive void in Abhay’s life. In 1932, he received formal Diksha (initiation) and was named Abhay Charanaravinda. Gradually, he devoted himself to obey the orders of his guru, and later the Abhay Charan became famous as Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami.

Established 108 Temples Across the World

At the age of seventy, he travelled abroad alone, even after two severe heart attacks, struggling with many personal and bodily difficulties, and proved the astrologer’s prediction to be correct, which was made in his childhood come true. He preached Krishna Bhakti while doing parikrama (circumambulating) the whole world fourteen times and established 108 temples.

Inspired by his pure and factual teachings, lakhs of young men and women gave up all kinds of distinctions and attachments and started adopting pure devotional service dedicated to Krishna.

Celebration of 125th advent anniversary of Srila Prabhupada

Today, Srila Prabhupada is the only credible and pure devotee in the entire world, whose commentaries on Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam are reaching the masses in more than eighty languages. As a result, enthusiasm and joy are sprinklings in the lives of millions of people by adopting pure Krishna Bhakti.

Devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is being promoted in every city and village through ISKCON, the organization established by him.

This year is extraordinary because this year will be the 125th advent anniversary of Srila Prabhupada. On 1st September, the 125th birth anniversary of Srila Prabhupada will be celebrated. And on this auspicious occasion, a coin of Rs.125 will be issued by the government. Various programs will be organized in the ISKCON temples established across the world to commemorate this.

All of you are also requested to go to the nearest ISKCON temple, take shelter from this great saint, and take inspiration from his life to make your life successful.

Hare Krishna!!

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Kartik Maas: Auspicious Rama Ekadashi

Kartik Maas: Auspicious Rama Ekadashi

The importance of Kartik month is broadly mentioned in Skanda Purana. In terms of fasting and austerity, this month is considered most auspicious, pre-eminent and rare. According to Padam Purana, on keeping fast on Ekadashi, which falls on this bright day, people get saintly, and all his desire come true.


Significance Of Rama Ekadashi

Rama Ekadashi has great importance. Even Brahma Vaivarta Purana’s description of Rama Ekadashi has been discussed between Supreme Lord Shri Krishna and Yudhisthira Maharaj.


Yudhisthira’s Query Regarding Rama Ekadashi

Once Yudhisthira asked Lord Krishna, Hey Janardhan, which Ekadashi falls on Krishna paksha of Kartik month and the importance of this Ekadashi? Kindly elaborate.


Krishna’s Reply On Yudhistira’s Query

Hey Rajan, Ekadashi, which falls on Krishna paksha of Kartik month, is known as Rama Ekadashi. It is considered as most sacred and fortunate Ekadashi. On keeping fast on this Ekadashi, a person can get rid of all the sins of this material world. So one can attain a spiritual world at the end of his life. Now I will describe to you one story. By saying this, Lord Krishna started telling Rama Ekadashi Katha.


Rama Ekadashi Katha

Many years ago, a great and mighty king named Muchakunda ruled in this world. He was a friend of Indra dev, Varun dev, Yamraj etc. Along with it, he was a great devotee of Supreme Lord Krishna. As he followed Vedic principles, his kingdom was spilling with happiness and prosperity. The people belonging to his empire were happy and satisfied. King Muchakunda had a beautiful daughter named Chandrabhaga. When she grew up, king Mukuchanda’s daughter got married to the son of Chandrasena named Shobhan. They were happily leading their married life. Suddenly a mishap happened.


Misfortune Took Place

Once Chandrabhaga came to her father’s house. Then, after some days, Shobhan came to his in-law’s house on the auspicious day of Ekadashi.

But the problem was on his arrival, Chandrabhaga was worried because she knew that her husband was physically very weak and unable to bear the austerity of a day-long fast. He will not be able to handle the complete fast of Ekadashi as he is physically unwell.


Chandrabhaga conversation with her husband, Shobhana 

Chandrabhaga said to her husband, my father is very stern regarding Ekadashi fast. A day before Ekadashi on Dashami tithi, my father informs people of the complete state that no one will have food on the day of Ekadashi. But by perceiving your condition, I am worried about how you will be able to keep this Ekadashi fast. At the same time, the same announcement was repeated by the king’s men.

Shobhana’s Reply: Hearing this, Shobhana said To His Wife. Hey Priye! Please tell me, how can I save my life and astonish your father?

Chandrabhaga’s reply: Hey, swami! In my father’s house, not only humans, even all the living beings in our place keep Ekadashi fast. On this day, no food is provided even to elephants, horses, or other animals of our kingdom. In this condition, how can you stay here without keeping fast? So if you want to save your life, you have to go from here immediately. Now with complete determination, you decide what you want to do.

Shobhan’s Resolution: Prince Shobhan heard Chandrabhaga with total concentration. In the end, he said I would surely keep fast on this auspicious Ekadashi. Whatever is in my fate, Thus will indeed happen. In this way, Sobhan kept Ekadashi fast the next day. But due to illness, he was unable to bear hunger and thirst. Anyhow he spent the whole day. Devotees of lord stayed awake full night and, with complete devotion and enthusiasm, chanted lord’s name and did kirtan. But that night was very tough for him to pass. His health condition was deteriorating every second.


Consequence Of Fasting on Shobhan’s Life:

At the end of Dwadashi early morning, Shobhan’s soul left his body. The whole kingdom got immersed in grief. King Muchakunda made all arrangements for the last rites of prince Shobhan. He gave mukhagni to his son in law. The king denied his daughter to go along with her husband at the funeral. After her husband’s demise, Chandrabhaga started to live in her father’s house. Even though Shobhana died due to Ekadashi fasting, but after his death, he went abode and became ruler of a kingdom high on the peak of Mandrachal mountain. His kingdom was dazzling like demigods. The walls of his building were made of diamonds and jewels. The king sat upon a throne wearing a gold crown. Gandharva and Apsaras were serving him. By observing his generosity, it was resembling as second Indra.

One day a strange thing happened, a brahmin who lives in Muchakunda’s kingdom named Soma Sharma. While travelling to various places of the yatra, they reached Shobhan’s kingdom. When brahmin saw Shobhan and his prosperity, he was highly shocked. He knew that it was not other than Shobhana, the Chandrabhaga’s husband.

Shobhana’s Response: When Shobhana saw the brahmin there, he immediately rose and greeted him. Later on, he enquired about king Mukuchand and Chandrabhaga’s well-being to Som Sharma.

Som Sharma’s reply: Hey Rajan, everything is well in your father-in-law’s kingdom. Chandrabhabha and your other family members are also quite well. Throughout the kingdom, there is happiness and prosperity. But by finding you here, I am pretty astonished. Kindly tell me how you reached here?


Brahmins Query 

On hearing this, Shobhana started to tell the whole story in detail to him. Shobhana said because I followed the Ramaa Ekadasi fasting, I was given this splendid city to rule over. But this entire kingdom is temporary. So I request you to tell me how I can make this permanent.


Som Sharma’s Inquiry

On hearing, this Som Sharma asked why this place is temporary? If you can explain it in detail, then I will surely help you.


Shobhan replied: Hey Brahmin Dev, I followed Rama Ekadashi but without faith. As a result of this, the kingdom which I got is temporary. You see, this is only a transient city, a place of this material world. How may I make its beauties and glories permanent? Kindly reveal this to me by your instructions.

On hearing Sobhanas word Som Sharma’s immediately reached king Muchakunda’s palace. But, on hearing the Brahmins word, Chandrabhaga was unable to believe her fate. So she said, “hey, brahmin dev, Is it true, or is this a dream?”


Bahrain’s reply :O Princess, I have seen your late husband face to face whose opulence is similar to Indra’s heaven. He only asked me to give you this message. Though that kingdom is full of pleasure and wealth, his kingdom is unstable. It can be destroyed anytime. Therefore you find a way to make it permanent.


Chandrabhaga’s Request

Chandrabhaagaa said, O brahmin, please take me to that place. I am highly eager to see him again. All the blessings that I have acquired by fasting on every Ekadasi throughout my life, I will give to him. And as a result, I shall make his kingdom permanent. So please reunite us at once again.


Som Sharma’s Reaction: Later on, the brahmin, Som Sharma, then led Chandrabhaga to Shobhan’s kingdom.

Before reaching there, they stayed at the Mount Mandaracala, at the sacred ashrama of Vamadeva.


Vamadeva’s Response

On hearing Chandrabhaga’s story, Vamadeva chanted mantras from the Vedas and sprinkled holy water on her. Thus, due to the saint’s power, Chandrabhagha’s beauty and body became extremely beautiful.


Meeting Of Chandrabhaga And Shobhana: When Chandrabhagaa reached the kingdom of Shobhan, she was delighted. On seeing his wife Changrabhabhaga, Shobhana was overwhelmed and made his wife sit next to him.

Chandrabhaga Reply To Her Husband “Hey loving husband, now I am going to tell you one secret. Listen carefully. I kept Ekadashi fast with full devotion from the age of 8 yrs. So if I give you all the blessings of my Ekadashi fasting, your kingdom will surely become permanent. It will always be filled with happiness and prosperity until the coming of the great havoc!’.

Chandrabhagas’s Deed For Her Husband

On hearing Chandrabhaga’s statement, king Shobhana became highly cheerful. In this way, Chandrabhaga transferred all her merits of Ekadashi fasting to her husband. As a result, they stayed together, ruled over that kingdom and spent their life with joy and satisfaction for a long time.

Lord Krishna’s Statement Regarding Potency of Rama Ekadashi

After revealing the potency of Rama Ekadashi, Lord Krishna addressed Yudhistira, “hey Rajan, every person should keep fast on Ekadashi, which falls on every month on Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha. The person should keep fast with complete devotion and sincerity. A person should not differentiate both the Ekadashi. Just as black and white cows give equally good quality milk, similarly, the Ekadasis of the Krishna paksha and Shukla paksha award the same merit and lift one in spiritual life. It liberates one from the repeated cycle of birth and death.

Anyone who hears or reads Rama Ekadashi’s narration gets freed from all kinds of sinful reactions and attains the supreme abode of Lord Vishnu at the end of life.

So every person should follow Ekadashi, which is most auspicious and awards fast progress in spiritual life.

On the day of Ekadashi, along with fasting, one should chant this maha-mantra as much as possible.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Ram Hare Ram

Ram Ram Hare Hare

So every person should follow this auspicious Rama Ekadashi of Kartik month and move ahead on the righteous path.

Fast Opening Time: 22 October 2022 6:26 am – 10:12 am (New Delhi)

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Sri Radha Ashtami (Srimati Radha Rani Appearance Day)

Sri Radha Ashtami (Srimati Radha Rani Appearance Day)

Sri Krishna is the fountainhead of all incarnations. Similarly, Radharani is the source of all goddesses such as Laxmi Ji, Rukmini Ji and Satyabhama. She is the ultimate source who serve with endearment to the Supreme Lord in both the material and spiritual world. When in someone’s heart there is a flow of Krishna’s love, devotion and rasa then it becomes a shrine. When Triveni of love, devotion and rasa flows in someone’s heart, that gesture is known as Radha Bhava. This surpassing devotion and love for Krishna are known as Radha bhava in the heart.

Story Of Radharani’s Appearance-

The story is of when Nanda Baba and mother Yashoda lived in Nandgaon, and Vrishbhanu and mother kirtida Lived in Barsana. Both families were very close and intimate friends of each other. Both the couples were not blessed with a child at that time. So, Nandbaba and Maharaj vrishbhanu decided to settle at the bank of the holy river Yamuna. Yamuna Ji is very loving and kind. So, on staying close to her at the bank of river Yamuna, we will unquestionably be blessed with the child. So, in this way, Nandbaba got settled at the sacred land of Gokul and Maharaj Vrishabhanu at Rawal.

Later, Krishna appeared on Ashtami tithi of Bhadrapada month of Shukla Paksha. We celebrate that momentous day as Janmashtami. On Ashtami tithi of Bhadrapada month Vrishabhanu Maharaj went to take a dip at the pond during dawn which is known as Arunodaya Bela he noticed a dazzling light. That gratifying light was pleasing his eyes. When Sri Vrishabhanu went near that light, he saw those golden light rays coming from a glaring lotus. When he went close by, he noticed that the sparkling light was not coming from that bright golden lotus. It was coming from the utmost beautiful girl present inside it.

On watching that girl, Vrishabhanu Maharaj’s love strings were overflowing. Brahma Ji appeared at that time, and one prophecy occurred.

Prophecy You did severe penance in previous births to get the internal potency of Supreme Lord Krishna in the form of a daughter.

Lord Brahma’s Utterance

Srimati Radharani is appearing as your daughter. So, you take Her to your house and do Her upbringing. On hearing this, Vrishabhanu Maharaj, being pleased, took her to his house. But after reaching home, he noticed that the girl neither opened her eyes nor spoke or listened to anything. He got upset.

Narad Muni’s word

Then Narad Muni comes there disguised and asks him to celebrate the appearance of Shri Ji herself on the attainment of Kanyaratna.

So, Vrishabhanu Maharaj arranged a grand ceremony to celebrate the appearance of his daughter. In that function, Lord Sri Krishna, Balrama, Mother Yashoda and Nanda Baba appeared. In this way, Nanda Maharaj has got Sri Krishna, and Vrishabhanu Maharaj has got Shri Ji.

Celebration of Radharani’s Appearance

People were playing instruments; All the guests were welcomed with scents, butter and mishri. People were singing a song, and boon companions were dancing, wearing new dresses. Everyone appeared to get a glimpse of Vrishabhanu’s daughter. All the guests were served various delectable dishes.

How Lord Krishna Met Srimati Radharani in the house of Vrishbhanu Maharaj

Everyone was indulged in their work. That time baby Krishna crawled and came near Radha rani. With the support of the cot, he stood near Radharani and touched her. As soon as he touched Radharani with his sacred hands, Radharani opened her eyes and started crying. On hearing Radharani’s screech, everyone spurted. Vrishabhanu Maharaj and Kirtida were delighted that their daughter could speak, see, and listen.

Conversation Between Lord Sri Krishna and Srimati Radharani at Goloka

At Goloka Vrindavan Dham, Lord Sri Krishna said to Srimati Radharani :
Hey Sakhi, it’s time to appear on the earth. Radharani answered that if Sri Vrindavan Dham, Govardhan and Sri Yamuna Ji were not present, I don’t want to go there. On hearing this, Lord Krishna replied I knew it, so I already sent some part of Vrindavan Dham, Govardhan and Yamuna Ji together to the material world. So, you can stay there forever. Then Radharani replied I have one more issue to discuss. Until the time I get sight of your face, I will neither watch anything nor hear or say anything. So, she was waiting for Shri Krishna.

Real Purpose of Human Life

The main aim of our life is to surrender unto the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna’s lotus feet. Therefore, we should have dedication, concentration, determination to serve Lord Krishna and the best example is Radharani. Lord Sri Krishna himself came to this world 500 years ago to show the love and devotion of Radharani to people. To spread it, Sri Krishna appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and propagate Harinam sankirtan.

According to Srimad Bhagavatam, in Kaliyuga, the best and easiest way to uplift humankind is Harinam sankirtan.

So, In this Radha Ashtami, let’s get a unique darshan of Sri Krishna and Srimati Radharani. Along with it, adopt the maha-mantra which is itself given by the lord as an essential part of our life.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

There is nothing more important and influential than this maha-mantra given by Supreme Lord Sri Krishna itself. And to spread it for the benefit of people, He came to this world.

So, let’s chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra on this Radha Ashtami to get the blessings of the most loving, tender-hearted Radharani.


  • Fasting till noon

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Glorious Utpanna Ekadashi

Glorious Utpanna Ekadashi

Lord Krishna told the importance of the Utpanna Ekadashi fasting to his childhood friend Arjuna in the Bhavishya Purana.

Arjuna told Lord Krishna that why you have declared this Ekadashi as the most sacred among all pilgrimages, please explain to me in detail. 

Then Shri Krishna told Arjuna that O Partha, there used to be a powerful, fierce demon named the Mur in the golden age. The demon named Mur had won his victory over all the demigods. Then all the demigods fled and went to the shelter of Lord Shiva and requested Lord Shiva that, all the people are living their lives in the world of death after getting defeated by the demon named the Mur. Due to the fear of all those demons, we are unfortunate and are also suffering terribly. Devraj Indra, the king of the demigods, said that Lord, you tell us some way to escape from this demon named the Mur. After listening to the demigods like this, Lord Shiva who is very innocent asked Devraj Indra, please go to Lord Vishnu. He will tell you the solution to this problem.

Then all the demigods like Indra went to Lord Shri Hari & started praising Lord Vishnu, O Shri Hari, and you are the Lord of all the three worlds, you are the savior of the whole world, that’s why we have a lot of respect for you. We all are in Your shelter; you protect us from that terrible demon, and because of the atrocities of that demon, we all have come under your protection; please save us from that monster in any way. All of us have been expelled from Devloka by that demon. That’s why we live our lives in the world of death, facing a lot of suffering due to the fear of that demon. That is why, Jagannath, you protect us.

In this way,after  praised by demigods, Lord Vishnu asked, please tell me which is such a terrible Demon, due to which this situation has happened to you. 

Hearing such words of ShriVishnu, Devraj Indra said, that O Lord, this is an Asura named Nadijangham, who was born in the Brahmavansh in ancient times. This demon has a son named the Mur who resides in the city named Chandra Vati. It is so fierce and powerful that it has conquered death in the entire Devloka by its strength. By removing all the demigods from Devloka, he has made the demons of his Daitya clan as Indra Niyam Varun Moon, etc. And by becoming the Sun himself, the earth gets austerity in the strong sunlight and the form of a cloud. He rains vital water on the people of the planet. That is why God save us from this terrible monster.

After listening carefully to all the words of the demigods, Lord Shri Hari urged all the demigods to accompany me to the city of Chandravati. That demon named the Mur had already known the words of the demigods and Lord Shri Vishnu before his brilliance. Lord Vishnu was coming to the battlefield with all the Creators to fight the war with that demon. Then there was a fierce battle between the demigods and that demon, due to which all the demigods became more and more afraid. After that, Lord Shri Krishna himself had to fight the war on the battlefield, and He fought with that demon for 100 years. But Lord Vishnu had to conquer him because of the Leela of that demon. In the end, he entered a cave named Hemavati, 38 km long, located in the Badrika ashram for rest. 

utthana ekadashi

As soon as the Lord went to rest in that cave, a demon named Mur also followed him. Seeing Lord Vishnu sleeping, the devil planned to kill the Lord. 

But he could not succeed in it.

At the same time, a beautiful women appeared from the body of Lord Shri Hari in the form of Mohini. 

She started fighting by challenging the demon named the Mur. The demon was stunned, and he thought that after all, where did this women come from, but still he kept fighting with that women. The women got very angry, and she cut the weapon of that demon into pieces and destroyed his chariot. Due to all this, the demon got very angry and started fighting with that Lady.

That stunning women pushed that demon unconscious and severed his head from the body. Just as soon as he fell on the earth, the demon attained the world of death. Seeing the end of their king like this, all the remaining Asuras fled away.

After that, Lord Shri Hari Vishnu got up from his sleep, seeing that demon dead. He was shocked at who killed this terrible monster. Then that women pleaded with folded hands in front of Lord Shri Hari and said that Lord, this demon was ready to kill you. Then I, born from your body, killed this demon. Lord Shri Hari was pleased with him and said that you had killed this terrible monster. That is why I am pleased with you. You have got the demigods of the three peoples relieved from their sufferings; that’s why I will fulfill your every wish, whatever the boon you want to ask.

The supreme personality of Godhead said,You were born from my body on the day of Ekadashi; that’s why your name will be known as Utpanna Ekadashi in the future. Whoever observes a fast on this Ekadashi will be freed from all the sins of this world; saying this, Lord Shri Hari disappeared from there.

Then Lord Krishna told Arjuna that he was the son of Pandu. In this way, the fasting of Ekadashi is the best and most fruitful fast of the festival. By observing this Ekadashi fast, a person also attains salvation. All the creatures who observe Ekadashi, the best of all the fasts, will attain salvation in the end after enjoying worldly pleasures. That is why everyone should do this Ekadashi fast without worry. And on the day of Ekadashi, one should remember Krishna.

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Best Fruiting Mokshada Ekadashi

Best Fruiting Mokshada Ekadashi

Ekadashi of Margashirsha month is also called Mokshada Ekadashi. On the day of Mokshada Ekadashi, our ancient religious text Shrimad Bhagavad Gita was also born from the mouth of Lord Shri Krishna. In our Indian culture, the Gita of Shrimad Bhagavad is revered and exemplary. This is the only such book in our entire world, whose birth anniversary is also celebrated as Gita Jayanti in the whole country. The essence of Vedic texts is hidden in the Gita, which Lord Sri Lord Krishna told Arjuna with his Sri Mukha during the war of Mahabharata.

In the Gita, Lord Krishna told Arjuna that one who surrenders to Shrimad Bhagavad with complete devotion and respect. There is no effect of any foul misdeeds on that person. Mokshada Ekadashi was when Shrimad Bhagwat was descended on this holy land. Anyone who follows the principles laid down in the Bhagavad Gita, this religious book, never gets hurt in his life, and they get the solution of all the problems of their life in it.

In the Brahmanda Purana, Lord Krishna told Yudhishthira about the Ekadashi coming on the Shukla Paksha of Margashirsha month.

Once the Pandava’s son Shri Yudhishthira Maharaj asked Lord Shri Krishna that Oh Lord, you are the Lord of all the three worlds, you are the one who gives happiness to all, and you are the savior of the world, all the people are your well-wishers, I salute you, Lord, you clear one of my doubts. Would you please tell me the name of the Ekadashi of the month of Margashirsha? Which deity is worshiped on this day, what is its method, please tell me about the most important.

Lord Shri Krishna told Yudhishthira that, Yudhisthira, you have asked an excellent question. With this question, your fame will spread all over the world.

Margashirsha Ekadashi is the destroyer of many sins, and its name is Mokshada Ekadashi. On this day, Lord Damodar is worshiped with incense lamps, Naivedya, Tulsi Manjari, etc. The story of Ekadashi is as follows.

In ancient times, the Vaikhanas kings used to rule in Champak city. Brahmins, who knew all the four Vedas, also lived in his kingdom, and they used to take care of their subjects like a son. One night, the king saw his father suffering the tortures of hell in his dream. In this way, seeing the night dreams, the king became very worried, and he became very disturbed and called the pundits in the morning and told them about this dream.

kings father in hell mokshada ekadashi-1

The king told the brahmins that I saw my father suffering the torment of hell at night. In a dream, the king’s father said to him, ” Son, I am suffering a lot in this hell. Get me free from this hell. I am not relieved to hear these words of my father. I do not feel that the whole kingdom is pleasing to me. I am not feeling anything good. What should I do, where should I go, O Brahmin gods, please tell me the solution of this problem so that I can free my father from that hell? If I do not free my father from that hell, then my life on this earth is meaningless. That is why, please tell me a solution to this problem as soon as possible.

Hearing this pain of the king, all the Brahmins had some discussions with each other and told the king that O king, the knower of the past, the present, the present, the mountain Mahamuni, lives nearby here. If you go to him and tell his real suffering, he will free you from this problem. Then the king went to the sage’s hermitage. In that ashram, many other sages were engaged in penance with a calm mind. Mount Muni, the knower of the four Vedas, looked like Brahma.

The king bowed to him and gave his complete introduction. The king told the sage that everything was well in my kingdom, but suddenly a problem came in front of me, due to which my heart had become wholly disturbed. The king, weeping in the night’s dream, told his father what was bothering him in front of the mountain sage. And requested Munishwar that you please tell me such a way by which I can get my father free from that hell.

The mountain sage listened carefully to the king’s whole thing, closed his eyes, and started contemplating the past and future. After that, the sage told the king that I have acquired the knowledge of all your father’s misdeeds. Your father had discriminated against his wives so much that he has to suffer this hell. Then King Vaikhanas prayed to Munishwar in pleading words that you should show some way of his salvation.

Then the mountain sage told the king that the Ekadashi, which comes in the Shukla Paksha of the month of Margashirsha, is called Mokshada Ekadashi. This Ekadashi is going to give salvation. By taking the resolution of fasting on this Ekadashi, you can free your father from this hell. Your father will get saving due to fasting on this Ekadashi. Hearing such words of king Parvat Muni, he returned to his kingdom and, together with his family, fasted on Mokshada Ekadashi. Due to the effect of fasting on Mokshada Ekadashi, the king offered his virtue to his father. Then the king’s father got freedom from that hell.

Shri Krishna told Yudhishthira that those who observe a fast on Mokshada Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of this Margashirsha month, all their sins are destroyed, and they get a place in the higher lokas. There is no other fast that bestows salvation than the fasting of this fast. This fast is like a Chintamani, which gives salvation. By observing this quickly, all the wishes of a person are fulfilled.

That is why the fast of Mokshada Ekadashi is said to be the best for all human beings who desire salvation. This fast should be done with complete devotion and devotion in front of Lord Shri Hari.

On the auspicious occasion of Mokshada Ekadashi, various significant books like Bhagavad Gita in the form of scriptures will be distributed in all the temples of ISKCON. This divine message of God can be passed on to all the people. All of you have become a participant in this holy work. Make your life bright and successful by buying all these books, studying them, distributing them elsewhere.

Moreover, you can also get your copy of Bhagavad Gita from- www.BuyGita.in

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