The disappearance of Srila Prabhupada

The disappearance of Srila Prabhupada

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine

namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine

nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is very dear to Lord Krishna, having taken shelter at His lotus feet. Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami. You are kindly preaching the message of Lord Caitanya deva and delivering the Western countries, which are filled with impersonalism and voidism.”

The disappearance day of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (the founder-acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness) allows us to meditate on his pastimes and his teachings. Srila Prabhupada had this to say about the disappearance of vaisnavas:

“As Lord Krishna’s appearance and disappearance are all spiritual, transcendental, they are not ordinary things, similarly Lord Krishna’s devotee, His representative, who is sent to this material world for preaching the glories of Lord Krishna’s. Therefore, according to Vaisnava principles, the appearance and disappearance of a Vaisnava are considered all auspicious.” 

Srila Prabhupada was a pure devotee of the Lord who appeared to realise Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s prediction. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is described as the most merciful of all incarnations. He had predicted that Holy Name would be chanted in every town and village of the world.

prthivite ache yata nagaradi –grama

sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur had sent some of his sannyasi disciples to realise this Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s prediction. Still, they returned without much success, and vaisnavas thought that Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had predicted, but it would not come true because of Kaliyuga. But Srila Prabhupada had complete faith in the instruction of his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Srila Prabhupada was the empowered personality who appeared to fulfil Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s prediction.

In Srila Prabhupada’s life, we see how he was determined to carry out the instruction of his spiritual master. On one occasion, Srila Prabhupada went to Bombay to collect funds for printing the first canto part three of Srimad Bhagavatam. Someone Bombay told him that a very pious lady called Srimati Sumati Morarji, who likes helping sadhus. Srila Prabhupada proceeded to her secretary’s office but did not let Srila Prabhupada get an audience with her. But, Srila Prabhupada was determined to see her.

So he sat down on the staircase from where she was going to exit, and he stayed there for five hours chanting the Holy Name and then in the evening when she was going home. She saw Prabhupada was sitting there. She asked her secretary who is this, Swamiji, and he replied that Swamiji was from Vrindavan. Then she gave an appointment to Srila Prabhupada for the next day. She agrees to pay for the printing of the whole Srimad Bhagavatam first canto, part three. So this example shows that how determined Srila Prabhupada was.

Finally, when Srimati Morarji agrees to facilitate Srila Prabhupada trip to America. He would walk from the residence of the Sindhiya company to Andheri station 3-4 km every day just because he did not have money for bus fare. So we see how Srila Prabhupada made so many sacrifices to establish this Krishna Consciousness movement, and Srila Prabhupada opened Vaikuntha temples worldwide. 

After Srila Prabhupada had come to India with his western disciples for the first time, the city of Vrindavana hosted a big reception. In the reception, it is said Srila Prabhupada took Vrindavana to the whole world. So Srila Prabhupada took Vrindavana to the world as a whole and established Vaikunthas all over the world. Srila Prabhupada said that ISKCON centres and temples are part of Vaikuntha. So he made all sorts of arrangements, and he trained his disciples and sent them throughout the world and instructed, “Go out and preach Krishna Consciousness.”

He has to go through the great austerities, for example. When he was living at Radha Damodara temple, he would take a Tonga (a light horse-drawn two-wheeled vehicle used in India) and go to Mathura, travelling in the third class compartment and then reaching Delhi. He proceeded to mission getting books printed and also distributed. He visited different libraries to distribute Srimad Bhagavatam sets and started to publish Back to Godhead magazine. And He visited coffee houses, clubs, restaurants to distribute these Back to Godhead magazines and one day while distributing these books magazines in the heart of Delhi, Connaught Place. He fainted due to sunstroke, but he again resumed book distribution when he came back to consciousness. So Srila Prabhupada taught by his example the importance of book distribution. 

Srila Prabhupada went to Russia for five days which was known as the Soviet Union in those days. Thus, Srila Prabhupada planted the seed of Krishna Consciousness that is continuing to grow. 

He was determined to serve Krishna. Once in New York, he was not well, and the devotees were advising him to go and take rest in Gita-Nagri. Srila Prabhupada looked at the moment and said, “Please don’t take away my privilege to struggle for Krishna. So Srila Prabhupada struggled to establish this Krishna Consciousness movement. 

Even when He was physically not too well, he did not stop his preaching. In the last days on the planet, when he was in Vrindavana, he was so weak that he could not even sit down. He could barely speak, but he had a devotee who read out the Sanskrit had another devotee reading of the commentary of the acharyas. Srila Prabhupada was whispering the translation and purport. This shows us how compassionate Srila Prabhupada was and how determined he was to save humanity.

Srila Prabhupada said in his last days, “As long as Book distribution goes on, I will never die”.

So on this auspicious day, we should glorify him. We should remember him. We should beg mercy at his lotus feet, cry for his mercy. We should dedicate ourselves to following Srila Prabhupada’s instructions than “vaisnavera krpa paya sarva siddhi.”

If we can get the mercy of such a Vaisnava sadhu, we will achieve the perfection of our life and make spiritual advancement. 

Srila Prabhupada ki jai.

Your Smallest act of Charity can make a difference and bring smiles to Needy Faces.

Bahulashtami – The Appearance Day of Radha Kunda

Bahulashtami – The Appearance Day of Radha Kunda

Kartika month’s dark lunar fortnight’s eighth is known by the name BAHULASHTAMI. This day is quite special because this is also celebrated as Radhakund’s appearance day by people who live in Braj.

Srila Rupa Goswami is one of the main out of all the six Gaudiya Vaishnava Goswamis in Vrindavan. He writes about the glory of Radhakund in his famous treatise called Upadesha Mrita.

How and When RadhaKunda Appeared.?

Mathura’s holy land is said to be the best from divine Vaikuntha Dham because at this place supreme Lord was incarnated. The divine forest of Sri Vrindavan is superior to Mathura because lord Krishna composed his Rasalila there. Govardhan Mountain is more superior to Vrindavan because lord Krishna lifted it from his divine hands and this place is one of his various romantic pastimes and amongst all these places the supreme place is Sri Radhakund because it is filled with the nectar of the love of Lord Krishna. Now, who will be that acumen to not be interested in serving this divine RadhaKund situated at the foothills of Govardhan Mountain?

Radhakund appeared at midnight. Almost 5000 years ago from today, Kamsa used to send different demons to Vrindavan land to kill Lord Krishna.

Lord Krishna is a “Gwal Bal”. He is the son of the great king and Yashoda. He is loved by all the people of Braj. He is a supreme god.


It is said that Lord Krishna before having his breakfast used to kill one demon every day which was sent by Kamsa.

One time Kamsa sent a demon named Arishta to kill Lord Krishna to Braj. Arishta’s demon was in the form of a bull and he was appearing huge and frightening. He started creating a mess just after his arrival and as soon as he saw Lord Krishna, he attacked him. The Supreme Lord Krishna is the king of all the powers. Lord Krishna grabbed him by his horns and slammed him hard. The demon got tired and was dripping from all the sweat but still, he got up with courage and attacked lord Krishna and then again lord Krishna held him by his horns and slammed him hard on the surface and killed the demon this time. After killing the Arishta demon, Lord Krishna went to Govardhan Mountain to meet gopis.

Sri Radha and all the Gopis jokingly said to lord Krishna that they cannot accompany him anymore because he has killed a bull and Bull is a symbol of religion. That is why he has sinned.

And if they will accompany him they will also get infected by that sin. If he wants to cleanse himself from sin then he will have to take bath in the holy rivers of all the pilgrimages of this entire universe. To make his devotees happy. Lord Krishna said that he doesn’t have to go anywhere, and he will call all the pilgrimages here and by the will of Krishna, all the holy rivers appeared before the Lord and were ready to serve him.

Then lord excavated a hole on the land with his heel and all the rivers in their liquid forms like Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Narmada, Kaveri etc entered in that pool.

Then Lord Krishna took a bath in that pool and after taking bath he said to all the Gopis that he is now clean by taking a bath in this pool but, you all took sides of that demon that is why you are all contaminated from the sin. You must take a bath in this pool to get cleaned from the sin. Gopis said that your pool has now been infected by the killing of that bull and that’s why we will not enter your pool but since we all accompanied you that is why we too have become corrupted by the conspiracy of killing the bull. We should also clean ourselves by taking a bath.

-Efforts made by all the Gopis and Radha

Then Princess Radha and all the Gopis saw a big hole made by one huge body part of arishtasur and then they all started digging the hole from their bangles, when it took a shape of a pool then all the Gopis from Mansi Ganga started pouring water from the pitchers into this pool by making a big line. When Krishna saw his other devotee’s gopis performing such a hard task he could not tolerate it. He called all the rivers and asked them to request Radharani, then all the holy rivers prayed personally to Radharani and begged for grace to let them provide help to all of them and let them fill water in the pool. Radharani then accepted the help and then the water from Shyam Kund went to Radha Kund. Thus, Radha Kund appeared.

Srila Prabhupada, Who is the founder Acharya of  ISKCON. He writes in the context of verse no. 10 of updeshamrita that Srimati Radharani is the supreme devotee of Lord Krishna and her kund Sri Radhakund is the holiest place. This is confirmed by an example from the Laghu Bhagavatamrta.

Yatha radha priya visnos
Yasyah kundan priyamantha
Sarva gopian saivaika
Visor atyanta Vallabha

The Never-Ending Love of Lord Krishna and Radha

The way Radharani is loved by Lord Krishna. The place of her bath is also equally (Radhakund) loved by him. Out of all the Gopis, she is the one who is loved by the lord the most.

After sometime when the lord went back to Vrindavan then Radhakund and Shyam Kund according to the wish of the Supreme Lord, became unacquainted.

Discovery of RadhaKunda by Lord Chaitanya

After this, almost 500 years before, Lord Chaitanya appeared as the most merciful incarnation.

Sri Chaitanya is Lord Krishna himself and in the spirit of Radharani.

Lord Chaitanya & Radha-Krishna, are not different. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has appeared to establish Yuga dharma Harinama Sankirtana and to invoke the love of Radharani. When Chaitanya came to travel to Vrindavan then he discovered Radha Kund and Shyam Kund and at that time they were all known as the Gauri river and black river and were unacquainted with regular people. Later Raghunath Das Goswami excavated them and worshipped Radhakund. Goswamis have mentioned Radhakund’s mercy in many of their books.

On the auspicious occasion of BAHULASHTAMI, the Radha Kund which is the liquid form of Radharani and is filled by the love of Lord Krishna, pray that our contaminated heart gets cleaned up, we all achieve the supreme love of Lord Krishna and we all join in divine loving service of Radha-Krishna. 

Sri Radha kunda ki Jai!

Srila Prabhupada ki jai!

Your Smallest act of Charity can make a difference and bring smiles to Needy Faces.

How Hare Krishna Movement Spread to the World

How Hare Krishna Movement Spread to the World

According to Vedic tithi, Srila Prabhupada landed in America after a 37 days long, tiring journey. He went there by a cargo ship named “Jaladuta”. According to the English calendar, 17th September 1965 is an unforgettable historic day, when Krishna bhakti or Krishna consciousness revolution (Hare Krishna Movement) erupted in the entire world. On this day, Srila Prabhupada resolute the devotional service of Krishna in the heart of American People on his spiritual master’s order.

Srila Prabhupada’s Journey To America

Srila Prabhupada vocalized that everyone wishes to go to London in general, but I planned to go to America instead. I used to think about how to go to New York. I always make new strategies thinking about how can I reach there and what should I do about it. So many questions arise in my mind, such as is going through the Tokyo route fine? Going through which way will cost less? I always used to think about all this. I always had an aim to go to New York.

How He Planned His Journey

Nearly at the age of 70s, a septuagenarian started printing books, prepared passports and kept many other documents ready, which are compulsory for the set foot in America. For doing all this, he struggled a lot but never stopped preferment of Krishna Bhakti. Even because of his increasing age, he faced many health issues, but these hurdles could not distract him from his aim.

How Sumati Morarjee Agreed:

The mistress of Scindia shipping company Sumati Morarji has not accepted Srila Prabhupada’s obsecration. She even tried to dishearten him for going to America. But Srila Prabhupada was highly undeterred. So, in the end, Sumati Morarji was constrained to send Srila Prabhupada to one of her cargo ships.

Hurdles Faced In Ship

In that unprecedented journey, envoy Srila Prabhupada in a ship named Jaladuta was travelling to promote Krishna bhakti among the people of America. Despite having suffered two heart attacks during his journey of panic and dizziness, Srila Prabhupada still depended on Lord Krishna to follow the Guru’s instructions. After 15 days of an agonizing journey, the seafarers were startled to see the Atlantic ocean that much calm.

Seafarers Statement About Miracle

They said that they were feeling as the rein of the ship was in Lord Krishna’s hand. In a conversation, Srila Prabhupada said that he was all alone. No one in my family was with me. But I felt that Lord Krishna was with me. On the day he stepped into the land of America, he wrote about Markine Bhagavata Dharma, a poem on the preaching of Bhagavad Dharma. In this poem, he wrote about the conversation to Lord Krishna about everything in the heart of Srila Prabhupada and pleaded for his blessings.

Summary Of The Poem 

He wrote: Hey Lord,

You are so kind to this tiny person. I don’t know why you brought me to this materialistic world. So you can do whatever you wish with me. Here most of the people are indulged in rajasik and tamsik work. But I know you are a great magician or if you want you can do anything.

Srila Prabhupada’s Entreaty

Hey Lord!  

I can just repeat your words, and if you want, you can manipulate my words and make them understanding. With your grace, my words will get sacred and will be perforating. I am just a puppet of your hand. However, you want me to dance, just make me dance too. I don’t have little Bhakti and Gyan. But I will entirely rely on your holy names. I got the title of Bhaktivedanta, and if you want, you can make this name accurate.

Srila Prabhupada Ji’s Appearance

As a miserable beggar as a native of Vrindavan covering by gone shawl in body, wearing ordinary sleepers, tilak at the forehead, kanthi mala in the neck and taking Japa mala in hand. Vaishnava Sanyasi came to New York for the first time.

Reaction of People

People of New York unnoticed this ordinary-looking sanyasi. They were unaware that this person came to relieve them from an essential part of our life: the life and death cycle. He has the priceless treasure of Krishna Bhakti which is the ultimate treasure of life.

How Srila Prabhupada Cope in America

Srila Prabhupada said that when he reached America, he had 4 Dollars only. When he insisted captain of the ship Shriman Pandya to purchase one set of Srimad Bhagavatam, he asked how much it cost, Srila Prabhupada answered 16 dollars. Sriman Pandya gave him 20 dollars instead of 16, which is the only thing other than books he was having along with him.

Result of Prabhupada’s Journey

Srila Prabhupada’s journey to America is exhilarating. After reaching there, the intensity of the publicity of Krishna Bhakti increased.

What Should We Comprehend

Each moment of the founder of the ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada’s life is dedicated to his spiritual master and Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. And this is the ultimate reason that he was successful in bringing the revolution of bhakti. So we all should admire him and learn the lesson of extreme dedication, devotion and sacrifice.

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Significance of Bhadra Purnima

Significance of Bhadra Purnima

Purnima is considered the most auspicious day in the Hindu calendar. It is regarded as the most sacred and fruitful day. Generally, every Purnima has some importance, but the Purnima falls on Bhadrapada month is most significant. Its great reason is from this Purnima Shraddha Paksha, also known as Pitra Paksha starts. It lasts till the new moon of Ashwin. On this day, in few parts of India, Ganesh Utsav comes to an end, and on the other end, shraddha paksha begins.

Importance of Bhadrapada Purnima:

On this Purnima, it is a provision to worship Lord Satyanarayan. It is believed that any devotee who worships Lord Satyanarayan on this Purnima will get rid of all struggles. Their house will be brim with wealth. A person will achieve position and fame in their life. Among all the handouts, the most superior is the sharing of knowledge. It will never take a person to nescience and befit for leading a successful life.

About Bhadrapada Purnima In Srimad Bhagavatam

In Srimad Bhagavatam, 12th canto 13th chapters 13th sloka, if a person gift Srimad Bhagavatam on the day of Bhadra Pada Purnima will achieve success in the spiritual pathway and attain enlightenment. Thus, in this line of Bhagavatam, knowledge of spirituality and its significance is attained.

Glories  of Srimad Bhagavatam

Srimad Bhagavatam is the crown head of all the shastra. It is described as ripen fruits of kalpavriksha of shastra. When Srila Vyasdev was not satisfied after writing all the Vedanta and Puranas, he inscribed Srimad Bhagavatam. It is the concluded form of all Shastras, and It is an Amal Puran means free from all contamination.

At the beginning of the Bhagavatam, Srila Vyasdev announced that whoever will read this book with devotion and dedication, Lord will be situated in the heart. Therefore, that person will get transcendental devotional service of the Lord. Apart from this, no other scriptures are needed.

In Padam Purana, it is mentioned that Srimad Bhagavatam is not different from Supreme Lord. Various cantos of Bhagavatam are compared with Lord’s various body parts. Srimad Bhagavatam is the ultimate source to reach  Krishna. It is originated just after the departure of the Lord from the material world to the supreme abode.

How Srimad Bhagavatam Enlighten Our Life:

Currently, there are innumerous evidential Shastras, but Srimad Bhagavatam has great significance. It shows light or pathway to people who lost their way and indulged in the darkness of unawareness. Srimad Bhagavatam is collated with the sun. It shows that without its assistance, other Shastras are ineligible to establish this ultimate truth.

The upshot of Reading Bhagavatam:

On reading Srimad Bhagavatam, anyone can get the gist of all the Vedas. Anyone can attain the ultimate goal of life by reading this to awaken divine love for Supreme Lord and all the living beings. Another goal is to go back home back to Godhead. Many people ask that these things are a matter of the future and what they will achieve while surviving in this materialistic world. Few examples will help them to understand what they will get.

First Example:

When Kansa, after the forecast, held Devaki’s hair and was going to kill her. In such a situation, if instead of Vasudeva, anyone else might have been there, either he might have brawl or abscond. But Vasudev Ji contended the situation. In this way, we also go through many such cases in our family life, social life, married life.

Second Example: As Dhruv Maharaj, after attaining his devotional goal, his brother was killed by Yaksha. To take revenge by showing anger, he fought with Yakshas to kill them. But later on, anyhow, he tranquil his rage. But no one knows what happened to him suddenly. How he pardoned everyone and how he let off their mistakes.

Lessons Procured Through Examples:

From this example, we should learn to change ourself and to keep our mind calm. Leaving jealousy how to reveal love, how we should behave with people. Suppose you have anyone like Dhritrashtra, how you should treat him, how to treat with our loving ones, with people of similar age groups, atheists, believers, and Supreme Lord. In that case, if he is a male, then with a female, with kids, with people, we learn all these things from Bhagavatam.

So it’s a humble request that on this auspicious festival of Bhadrapad Purnima take and distribute divine scripture of Srimad Bhagavatam. On reading this, we also get material wealth and peace. It relieves us from all sufferings. Above all this, every day for a fixed duration, we should go to Lord’s Pilgrimage, serve him, get the opportunity to worship. Therefore we all should take the privilege of this sacred festival and read Srimad Bhagavatam. If anyone does not have it, they can visit any nearby Iskcon temple and buy it from there or order it from

From this, Purnima Tithi shraddha Paksha is beginning. So everyone should try to read Bhagavatam, a gift to others, as much as they can and unfurl the knowledge gain through it. Through this, our ancestors will also acquire peace and salvation.

In this way, on this Bhadrapad Purnima, we should spread Bhagavatam and Share its knowledge with society and make our own life worthy.

    Your Smallest act of Charity can make a difference and bring smiles to Needy Faces.

    How to overcome from Anger

    How to overcome from Anger


    Six impurities in our consciousness keep us away from Krishna, and anger is one of the most prominent ones. Now, who in this world is entirely free from irritation. Yet, most of us face this emotion, and we fail to understand where to use it and how to use it.

    There is a very famous philosopher who said that anger is one letter short of danger. So if you want to avoid trouble in your life. We have to ensure that we don’t get angry, and even if we do, there is a way we control or overcome it.
    We find even according to the world’s survey. There are so many broken relationships because of words that are said or pronounced when somebody is angry. So we have to be very calm and composed if we aspire to be on the spiritual path.

    When we sit on the banks or the side of a pond, we should see ripples immediately on the surface; as soon as there are ripples on the surface, you don’t see the fishes anymore. You see the waves now. What is the way to see the fishes well, sit on the banks for some time? Let the water settle. As it determines, you will find that the ripples go away, and now you see the fish as it is.

    This example is very relevant in this context. Pebbles are like circumstances in our life; they are thrown by people into the water, the pond of our consciousness and immediately. There are ripples of agitation. As soon as there are ripples of fever, you don’t see the fishes, which means you don’t see the things as they are. When there are ripples, and you try to catch the fish, you don’t see them. However, they exist, so you don’t see them as similar when somebody throws provocative pebbles into the surface of our consciousness. They are ripples of agitation, frustration, irritation and anger.

    Way to overcoming negative emotions:

    The best way to do is stay calm. Hold your breath, try to count 1 to 30 or something like that as the yoga teacher explains and chant God’s holy names. The names of Sri Krishna are so powerful that they help us overcome all the negative emotions we have on our own. We can not overcome them, but when we surrender to names, forms, qualities and pastimes of Sri Krishna, we can overcome them, so when we are calm and composed, we take shelter of Krishna. The ripples of agitation settle, and then you can see the fishes as they are.

    One practical suggestion that we could share is that whenever we find agitation in our life. The best is to stay calm and not react at that moment. Take your time. Stay aloof if that isolate yourself if that helps you. Think about it in a very balanced, unbiased way. Not the fact that I am always right but being humble enough to see the other person’s perspective also so when we try doing that, we often see that the fault is ours. So then there is no need of being angry.

    We are angry when we are defensive when we want to smash somebody. Still, a devotee is so humble that he wants to see the good in others and improve the drawbacks in the self, so on that note, we have to be very careful before we blast anyone through thought word.

    Example of a Firefall:

    What is the first that happens? As soon as you pick a ball of fire intending to throw at somebody. The first thing that happens is we end up burning our hands before burning the other. So, therefore, anger is such a negative wipe or a negative feeling that it causes more destruction to the self than to the person with whom its intended tools.

    Even in medical science, we understand that there are so many burnt and destroyed cells when angry. So we must be cautious that this emotion, if it’s there in us that would probably hinder our path on pure bhakti, so let us chant the names of Krishna and serve the vaisnavas who are elevated to us because if we do that, then all the negative emotions are very nicely converted into positive emotions. So hence, another question in connection to this is that.

    Is it good for devotees to get angry?

    A devotee who cited this example of Hanuman said that burnt Lanka, being a pure devotee, can burn things and destroy everything by shooting bullets. So everywhere, we must understand that Hanuman is an empowered personality if Hanuman could burn Lanka. He could also lift the mountain, so we must be humble and know that we don’t have to get into all this.

    If we find somebody blaspheming Sri Krishna or our revered spiritual master, we deal diplomatically with those envious. We avoid them altogether. Suppose there is cursing, and you know that even if you reply based on sastra, they are not ready to listen. In that case, they will listen to what they want to hear. Then to such people, you serve by staying away because you know that even if you reply or answer their so-called allegations, they will still hold the same negative emotion, so why waste our time.

    Those who curse, but you find a tinge of sincerity in them in the sense that they blaspheme based on whatever they hear. Still, they are not sure what is suitable for such people. So we have not to be very humble and say yes, you blaspheme Krishna That’s okay at that point. Like a soldier, we stand on that point, and then we tell that person based on gurus, sadhu and sastra. We explained to them nicely all the weak points in the argument and how they could be counted using the sastra.

    However, a devotee never acts of his own will. He will never go and slap people. Never become a terrorist. Those who are based on religion or based on spiritual faith. They try killing people. They try to cause harm. I’m afraid that’s not right. This is not at all prescribed, or this is not advised in the Vedic scriptures, so the way a devotee retaliates to blaspheme to Guru and Krishna is based on time, place and circumstances.

    Suppose somebody is faithful or a little sincere and cursed. In that case, you tolerate for the moment and then shoot back through the form of scriptural arguments and if there is somebody who’s envious and very much determined to their narrow-minded fault-finding mentality and we just bowed. So we say Hare Krishna and save our time.

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