Pavitra Ekadashi

Pavitra Ekadashi

We do fasting several times on different occasions throughout the year. Among all fasts, Pavitra Ekadashi Fast is considered as the superior and most dear to God. This is because keeping fast on Ekadashi leads devotees one step ahead towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead. People of all age groups keep this fast, including women. This auspicious tithi of Ekadashi is also known as Madhav tithi.

“madhava-tithi, bhakti-janani, jatane palana kori, krsna-basoti, basoti boli’, parama adare bori”

That means this auspicious Ekadashi tithi is Janani to rejuvenate bhakti in the life of devotees. Therefore, this Madhav tithi should be followed with Yatna (endeavour). So today, we will acquire knowledge about one of the most sacred Ekadashi.


Story of Pavitra Ekadashi by Lord Krishna

In Bhavishya Uttara Purana Significance of auspicious Ekadashi is found in conversation of Lord Sri Krishna and king Yudhisthira.

Once Yudhisthira Maharaj asked Lord Sri Krishna:
Hey, Madhusudan!
What is the name and significance of Ekadashi of Sawan month Shukla paksha tithi? Kindly describe it in detail.”

Reply of Lord Sri Krishna: Hearing Yudhisthira’s query Sri Krishna replied that this auspicious Ekadashi is “Pavitra Ekadashi”.Anyone who will listen to the significance of this fast will acquire the sequel of Bajpayee Yagya. Now listen to the story.

The Story Beyond the Significance of Ekadasi

Long ago, at the beginning of Dwapara-Yuga, there was a king named Mahijit. He was the king of a place called “Mahishmati”. He cares for the people of his kingdom as his kids. Once, he invited all the Brahmins and his people to Rajya Sabha. He said he had never committed any sin on anyone. He had never acquired wealth through immoral acts.

King said, he had never committed any injustice on his people. He had never snatched the wealth of Brahmins and deities. In my kingdom, there is an equal rule for everyone. Even on finding any of my relatives guilty, I punished them. I even honoured and paid deserved respect to my spiritual enemies.

Hey Brahmins!
Even after following this spiritual pathway, I do not have a son. So kindly think about this outlook and advise me on the way out. 

Steps Taken By Brahmins

After hearing this, all the brahmins assembled at a place and thought about it. Then, they decided to donate offerings in various ashrams and ask rishis who know its reason past, present, and future. So, they went to the forest and gave offerings to multiple ashrams. In the end, they reached Lomasa rishi.

Lomasa Rishi was doing long and rigid Tapasya (austerity). His appearance was divine. He was utterly delightful and under strict fasting. He was self-restrained and erudite of shastras. He was glorious and had inestimable hairs in his body. When a Kalpa of Brahma dev occurs, one hair of his body gets detached, so he is known as Lomasa. He has a mystic power and tri-kāla-jñas.

Response on Kings Advisers

On getting darshan of Lomasa Rishi, the king’s advisers were feeling blessed. They said politely that they are blessed to get darshan of this divine Rishi. They are assured that now their king’s agony will soon end.

Lomasa Rishi’s query: Lomasa Rishi asked, who are you all? Why did you all come here? What is the reason behind praising me?

Brahmin’s reply: Brahmin’s replied that they came here to solve this severe problem.

“Hey, Rishiwar!
Our king Mahijita does not have any son. He nurtured us like his children. His pain is getting unendurable for us. So we came here to do Tapasya. But, we are incredibly fortunate to get your darshan. We are sure that after getting darshan of divine Rishi, we will surely get an outcome”.

Reason for king’s Suffering

“Hey divine rishi! Please tell us away so that our king will be blessed with a son”, said Brahmins. On hearing, this Lomasa rishi starts meditating.

After knowing about King Mahijit’s previous birth, Rishi said, this king was a merchant earlier. For business purposes, he used to wander from one village to another. Once he was very thirsty, and that day was Dwadashi. While searching for water, being thirsty, he found a pond. So he reached at the bank of a pond to satisfy his thirst. He noticed a cow after parturition came with a newly born calf and started drinking water. He immediately stopped her and sent her away.

Later on, he started drinking water. This is the greatest sin done by him. This is the reason he does not possess a son.

Way to rectify his sin: On hearing this, brahmins, the king’s advisers, asked Rishi a path to the outcome. They asked by doing which atonement or fasting king can get rid of this sin. 

King’s Atonement

Lomasa Rishi responded and told them a way out. In the coming Shravan month’s auspicious Ekadashi, king and all of you keep fast.

Afterwards, all the blessings you all will gain on doing this fast give it to the king. King will indeed have a son by doing so. On hearing Lomasa Rishi’s word, everyone was pleased. They respectfully greeted Rishi. They returned and described everything to the king. King, along with all his Praja, followed Ekadashi.

On Dwadashi, the next day, everyone gave the blessings they earned by fasting and gave them to the king. After a few days, the queen got pregnant and delivered a beautiful boy. 

Next day, 17th August (Saturday) between ( 5:51 AM to 08:07 AM)Lord Sri Krishna to Yudhisthira

Lord Sri Krishna said, Hey Yudhisthira! Whoever abides this Pavitra Ekadashi fast, all his sins will be absolved, and he can achieve the supreme goal.

So let’s nurture this branch of spirituality by keeping this sacred Pavitra Ekadashi fast with complete devotion. Let’s spend our time chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra, doing kirtans and engage ourselves in devotional activities as much as we can on do this auspicious day.

On this day, we all devotees assemble and provide service to Vaishnavas. In this way, we can please Lord Sri Krishna and make advancements to gain Krishna’s blessings.

Pavitra Ekadasi is on – 16th, Aug 2024

Fast Breaking time – Next day, 17th August (Saturday) between ( 5:51 AM to 08:07 AM) (ISKCON Delhi)

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Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra

Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra

The path to Supreme Lord Krishna’s devotion is filled with joy. And when we lose our way to this delightful and blissful path, then Lord Krishna reappears on the earth from his eternal abode. He always wins our hearts with his Divine Play, like his name ‘Krishna’, which means ‘all attractive’.

He always rules our hearts with his divine qualities. With his causeless mercy, Lord wants us to meditate on his lotus feets rather than this materialistic world. This causeless mercy of Lord Krishna is signified in the form of the marvellous event ‘Lord Jagannath Rathyatra’.

About Jagannath Rath Yatra festival

Jagannath Rath Yatra festival is centuries old and celebrated every year. Jagannath Rath Yatra is devoted to Lord Jagannath, his elder brother Lord Baldev and his sister Devi Subhadra. Rath Yatra is a beautiful pastime of the Lord. A few years back, Jagannath Rathyatra was primarily observed in Odisha, West Bengal, and nearby states with great zeal and devotion.

However, it is celebrated worldwide due to the devotional flame of Srila Prabhupada, the founder-acharya of ISKCON. Going beyond the geographical and cultural boundaries, the Rath Yatra festival signifies the meaning of spiritual love and devotion.

The anecdote behind the appearance of great Lord Jagannath is as pleasant as the context of Rath Yatra. In many temples, during Shobha Yatra, all the Deities are brought out of the temple. But downright, the purpose of Lord Jagannath is always different whenever he comes out of his temple.

Lord Jagannath is so merciful that he comes out of the temple to bless the people, especially those beings who are engrossed in material gratification and cannot pay a visit to the temple for Lord darshan. Lord Jagannath’s compassion for devotees is unmatched.

Story Behind Jagannath Rath Yatra festival

Many years after the departure of Supreme Lord Krishna from Vrindavan, the gopis meet Shri Krishna in Kurukshetra.

Many people from far-flung had gathered in Kurukshetra on the occasion of the solar eclipse. Gopis had an intense yearning for Shri Krishna the moment they met him. But gopis wanted Shri Krishna to spend time with them in the Kunj of Vrindavan rather than Kurukshetra. So gopis built a chariot in their minds, and began pulling it by their love and hands rather than by horses.

Thus, there is fervent love of the gopis in the Rath Yatra. The Rath Yatra signifies Kurukshetra as the starting point and the Vrindavan as the destination.

Significance of Rath Yatra 

It is believed that during Rath Yatra, we help the gopis in their love and labor while pulling the chariot of the Lord. The intensity of devotion in our hearts can also be felt while helping the gopis who are full of devotion. Pulling Shri Jagannath’s chariot affectionately signifies taking him to Vrindavan and inviting him again to our hearts.

On the Dwitiya of the month of Ashadh, Lord Jagannath comes out of his main temple in Puri and travels to the house of his mausi (aunt) Gundicha. Thousands of people assemble on the way for his darshan and pull the chariot.

In Puri, Lord Jagannath is worshipped along with his elder brother Baldev and sister Subhadra. All the three brothers and sisters go there to their respective places with great pomp. The Yatra starts with conch, trumpet, dhol, and drums.

How Pilgrims Recognize Chariots of Lords?

Pilgrims recognize each chariot by seeing the various symbols and signs of the three chariots. Lord Jagannath’s chariot is of red and yellow colour consisting of 16 wheels whose deity is Shri Narsingh. This chariot is known as Nandighosh or Garudadhwaja or Kapiladhwaja.

The chariot of Lord Baldev is of red and green colour in which there are 14 wheels whose deity is Sheshnaag. This chariot is known as Taladhwaja or Langaladhwaja. The Subhadra’s chariot is imprinted with red and black lotus marks whose Goddess is Jayadurga. This chariot is known as Darpadalana or Padmadhwaja or Devadalana.

Spending Time in Gundicha Temple 

According to tradition, the king or the high-grade officer of the kingdom starts the chariot after cleaning the road ahead with humility and honour. All three siblings delight in Gundicha temple just like they do in Kunj of Vrindavan. Far away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the countless servants of the temple.

Goddess Lakshmi Gets Angry  

On the Panchami of Ashadh Shukla Paksha (known as Hera Panchami), Goddess Lakshmi visits Gundicha temple to meet Lord Jagannath. But due to not getting darshan, she breaks a part of the chariot out of anger and comes back to the main temple. The Lord returns on the ninth day of the Rath Yatra, and Goddess Lakshmi meets the Lord with her servants. To appease the goddess, Lord Jagannath presents his garland to her.  

Eventually, Lord Jagannath returns on the day of Dwadashi. Showing her anger, Goddess Lakshmi shuts the door. But she opens the door after Lord accepts his defeat.

First Rath Yatra Held Outside India in 1967

In this way, Puri’s custom Rath Yatra is executed which is meant for bringing people close to Supreme Lord. This Rath Yatra takes out the divine love of the Supreme Lord from the temple and sprinkles it not only in the whole town but in the entire world. It gives us an opportunity to take our devotional love from separation to union.

It’s all because of the deep devotion His Divine Grace Abhay Charanarvinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, founder-acharya of ISKCON, that this festival has become worldwide. ISKCON held the first Ratha-yatra festival abroad in 1967 along the streets of San Francisco and sanctified its soil.

Celebration of Rath Yatra Worldwide

Today, other than India, the Rath Yatra of Lord Jagannath is taken out in every corner of the world, including London, France, Germany, Boston, and Australia. Due to which many people are moving on the path of devotion to the Supreme Lord. Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra is organized in all the temples of ISKCON with great enthusiasm.

After the Rath Yatra, the mahaprasad of Lord Jagannath is also distributed to the devotees. If they receive it with reverence, the devotees will indeed receive his blessings. Therefore, all of us should be a part of this event and invite the very kind and pious Lord Jagannath into our hearts.

Rath Yatra Procession at Delhi

A special Rath Yatra Festival is organized at ISKCON Delhi every year. A huge procession is carried out on the streets of Delhi amid the roaring kirtan. 

Devotees perform the sacred maha-mantra and dance. Then, thousands of devotees pull the rath of the Lords to get mercy. It is an intriguing sight and a joyful experience.

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Annada Ekadashi – This fasting can immediately ruin all the sins

Annada Ekadashi – This fasting can immediately ruin all the sins

Ekadashi Fasting is considered the most fruitful and holy fast. Ekadashi fasting is considered most beloved to Supreme Lord. On observing fast on this day, people can get rid of any sin, among all the donation such as Gold, Anna, Land, Cow, Kanyadaan, Sacrifices, Pilgrimage etc., blessings gained in this day by observing fast greater than all sorts of charity mentioned in scriptures. It is the easiest way to please the Supreme lord.

Description In Brahma Vaivarta Purana

In Brahma Vaivarta Purana, in a conversation between Yudhishthira Maharaj and Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, the importance of Annada Ekadashi has been described.

Yudhisthira Maharaj asked to Lord Krishna- Hey Janardana, what is the name of the Ekadashi which falls in Krishna paksha of Bhadra month?

Kindly describe the importance of this Ekadashi in detail.

Lord Krishna’s Reply – Hey Rajan, the name of this auspicious Ekadashi is Annada Ekadashi. It has the power to ruin all the sins. This Ekadashi is also known as Aja Ekadashi. So whoever follows this Ekadashi by keeping fast and praying Hrishikesh can get rid of an immoral act.

About Harishchandra

Long ago, in the dynasty of Lord Ram Chandra, an emperor born named Harishchandra. He was very truthful. Because of any sin done in the past and to fulfil his words, he lost his kingdom. Not even this, he even sold his wife and son.

Hey Rajan, that purely hearted, the blessed King was forced to stay as Chandal’s servant. Still, he never left the path of truth. On Chandal’s order, the King collected the clothes of dead bodies. In this way, by doing shoddy work of lower caste people, he never left his path of truth.

There was no downfall in his behaviour. In this way, he spent many years. One day the King was thinking about his bad luck. 

King’s thought- The King was cursing his fate and was thinking – What he should do now? Where should he go? And now what he has to do? How can he get rid of all the sin he had done?

The King, in this way, was highly indulged in deep thought. By watching him in the worst condition, one day, Gautam rishi came to him.

On watching rishi, one thought came to King’s mind that Supreme Lord created Brahmanas only for people’s welfare. So after greeting rishi, the King said about his cursed fate and worst condition.

Gautam Rishi’s Suggested Solution

On observing King’s circumstances, Gautam Muni replies – Hey King, because of your good deed Annada Ekadashi is coming very soon. So on this day, keep fast and stay awake at night. By following this, you will get rid of all the sins you had committed. Hey King, I came here only for you. So the King kept this fast with complete devotion and got free from all the sins he committed.

Lord Krishna’s Explanation on Importance of Annada Ekadashi

Lord Krishna said, hey King, this fasting can immediately ruin all the sins of previous birth. Due to the effect of this fast, King Harish Chandra got his wife and dead son alive. He also brought back his kingdom. After few years, King, along with his family and people of his kingdom, went to eternal abode.

Lord said, hey King – whoever will keep this fast will get into the spiritual world. The person who will listen or read the importance of this fast with complete devotion will get resultant equal to Ashwamedh Yagya.

Keeping fast on Ekadashi indeed pleases Lord Sri Krishna a lot. He ruins all misfortune, scarcity of wealth and all kaleshas. If the lord Sri Krishna gets pleased by the devotional service of his devotee, He can completely change the fate as He made Vibhishana king of Lanka, gave the vast kingdom to his bhakta Dhruva, and also give the place to devotees unto His lotus feet.

So in case if Krishna is listening to our prayers. The real question is what a devotee should ask for?

We should ask our lord for unmotivated devotional service. On getting this, not only me, even my whole descendent will be blessed. So let’s keep fast on this auspicious day of Annada Ekadashi this year, chant the lord’s name, engage in the devotional activities the whole day and try to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna.

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Narsinghdeva Appearance – Let’s burn all Sins

Narsinghdeva Appearance – Let’s burn all Sins

Narsingha means one who is half lion and half man incarnation of Shri Hari. Lord Narsinghdeva is also known as Vighna- Vinashak, as he protects his devotees from all sorts of obstacles. So, this is the special incarnation of the Lord to protect his devotees and their devotion.

Lord Ganesha, also known as Vighna- Harta, that blessing of being Vighna-Harta was given by Lord Narsinghdeva himself. Well, His form appears to be very fearful. But this form is the most loving, merciful & beautiful for his devotees.

Mother Sarasvati resides in the lotus mouth of Lord Narsinghdeva, and Mother Lakshami rests on his chest. This unique incarnation was to protect his beloved devotee, Prahlad, from his cruel father, Hiranyakashipu. Hiranyakashipu was a demon who won all three worlds and was always jealous of Lord Vishnu. But as his son, Prahlad was the devotee of Lord Vishnu. So because of False Ego & Jealousy, Hiranykashipu always tries to put Prahlad in miserable and dangerous situations to kill him. But in Inspite of all tortures, Prahlad always remains engaged in singing the names and glories of Lord Hari. This constant chanting of the Lord’s name always saved Prahlad from disasters.

By getting frustrated with so many plans to kill Prahlad, One-day Hiranyakashipu asked him, Who is Protecting you all the time? Is Your Lord present everywhere & in everything? Prahlad replied, Yes, He is omnipresent. Hiranyakashipu becomes angry and asks, is he also present in this Pillar? Again Prahlad replied, yes, He is.

Hiranyakashipu, ghastly, hammered that Pillar with his weapon. As a result, Pillar falls in breaks into pieces. Out of this Pillar, The most ferocious form of Lord Narsinghdeva appeared in front of Hiranyakashipu.

Narsinghdeva appearance

By considering this opponent as same as others. 

Hiranyakashipu just started fighting with him. But this time, He was proven wrong. So Lord Narsinghdeva killed him by tearing his stomach with his three highly sharp nails. He killed him so that every word of Lord Brahma’s boon was also fulfilled that either man or Animal would not kill Hiranyakashipu, Neither in the daytime nor at night, Neither inside nor outside the house, Neither on land nor in the sky, e.t.c.

Even after killing Hiranyakashipu, Lord Narsinghdeva was roaring, and everyone was fearful. No one was willing to go near him. But then Prahlad just went near him, withholding a garland for him.

narsinghdeva appearance and love to prahlad maharaj

After seeing him, Narsinghdeva becomes quiet and loves Prahlad by allowing him to sit on his lap. So, this incarnation is simply the most merciful incarnation of the Lord, which occurred merely to protect his devotee, Prahlad, as He killed Hiranyakashipu. May he similarly kills all demons like Hiranyakashipu, which resides within us, in the form of Lust, anger, greed etc.

Sripad Madhavacharya sings in the glory of Lord Narsinghdeva that our Human Heart is full of Anarthas, which are natural obstacles on the path of Bhakti. Even Vajra of Lord Indra is not capable of removing these anarthas. The only one capable of doing so is Lord Narsinghdeva and his shape nails. Only He can save us from these obstacles of devotional life.

So, Let’s celebrate this auspicious occasion of Narsingha Chaturdashi and Pray unto his Lotus feet always to protect us & our devotion.

Hare Krishna

Fasting Till Dusk

(Only Ekadashi Prasadam tobe taken)

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Sita Navami – The Auspicious Day

Sita Navami – The Auspicious Day

The literal meaning of Sita is a plough. Mithila state was drought-ridden. When King Janaka was ploughing the field, he found one baby girl. He took care of her and raised her as his daughter. Because the mother of the entire world, Janaki, appeared from the earth when Janaka was ploughing the field, he named her ‘Sita’.

Mother Sita has 12 transcendental names –

मैथिली जानकीः सीता वैदेही जनकात्मजा | कृपापियूषजलधिः प्रियार्हा रामवल्लभा ||
सूनायाना सुता विर्यशुल्काअयोनी रसोद्भवा | द्वादशैतानि नमामि वाञ्छितार्थप्रदानि हि ||
(श्री जानकी – चरितामृतम)

1. मैथिली
2. जानकी
3. सीता
4. वैदेही
5. जनकात्मजा
6. कृपापियूषजलधि
7. प्रियार्हा
8. रामवल्लभा
9. सूनयनासुता
10. वीर्यशुल्का
11. अयोनि
12. रसोद्भवा

Mother Sita could effortlessly pick up Shiv Ji’s bow in her childhood, placed on an eight-wheeled cart that could only be picked up by 500 people together. The condition of her marriage was to put a string on the same bow. No one among big-big demigods, Gandharvas, demons, etc., could even move the bow an inch. 

sita navami

Lord Ramchandra not only put the string on the bow in a moment but also very sportingly broke the bow from the middle. Thus mother Sita was married to Lord Ramchandra.

After marriage, when Lord Ramchandra was exiled to live in the forest for 14 years, mother Sita considered it auspicious to go with the Lord. Sitaji, who had lived in comforts since childhood, accepted the harsh and challenging life of the forest graciously and, without a second thought, accompanied Lord Ramchandra Ji.


sita navami ravana abucting sita mata

Ravana abducted Her from the forest, and several female demons tortured Her in Lanka. Even after that, She forgave them. She also had to undergo agnipariksha. She constantly faced challenges one after another. Mother Sita is the embodiment of sacrifice and dedication. The character of mother Sita portrays us as an ideal wife, a pious, dutiful woman with a forgiving, compassionate, and humble heart.  

Mother Sita has presented an example of a character that is exemplary for all of us. There was no reason for Her to grieve, but She certainly did it to educate us.

And the biggest lesson that Mother Sita Ji teaches us is this, just as the deer of gold attracted Her, She had to turn away from God. In the same way, we are also attracted to the golden deer of material desires. Thus, we leave God’s company and come into this world and struggle. We then have to pay the price for it throughout our lives, just as mother Sita had to pay in Lanka. So, as long as the living entities obey God’s will and His instructions, the living entities would remain happy, but when we separate from God and go against His will, then there would be the same problems as mother Sita had to face Lanka. 

We all have this human form of life, and if we don’t take advantage of this life, If we don’t serve God, then what to say? And for such people, scripture says that they are committing suicide. So that’s why we all should take shelter from the Lord’s internal potency on Sita Navami and make this human form of life victorious. 

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